
  • 网络environmental capital
  1. 社会资本和环境资本在可持续发展中的作用

    The role of social capital and environmental capital in sustainable development

  2. 现代经济增长的多元性决定了物质资本地位的下降,人力资本、环境资本和社会资本地位的上升。

    The multiplicity of modern economic growth determines the decline in the position of physical capital and the rise in the position of human capital , environmental capital and social capital .

  3. 湿地是界于陆地与海洋之间的独特的生态系统,是人类最重要的环境资本之一。

    Wetland is a particular ecosystem between land and sea . It is one of the most important environment capitals .

  4. 因此,生态资本理论是个系统的理论,经济要实现可持续发展,生态环境资本化是其动力。

    So the theory of ecological capital is a system theory . If the economy of China will achieve the sustainable development , ecological capital will is the power .

  5. 一个国家如果只有物质资本增加而环境资本在减少,总体资本就可能是零甚至是负值,发展就是不可持续的。

    If only the material capital in a nation is increasing while its environmental capital is decreasing which will result in a zero or negative overall capital , thus the development of the nation will become unsustainable .

  6. 宏观财务制度包括企业财务通则及应用指引,企业内部财务制度包括人力资本财务制度、体现人本精神的物质资本财务制度、社会资本财务制度和环境资本财务制度。

    The former includes enterprise financial general rule and its practice note while the latter includes human capital financial regulations , material capital financial regulations that reflecting people-oriented spirit , social capital financial regulations and environmental capital financial regulations .

  7. 不确定环境下资本结构的动态调整分析

    Analysis on Dynamic Adjustment of Capital Structure under Uncertainty

  8. 私营公司发行的绿色债券(这类债券的所筹资金用来资助有利于环境的资本投资)急剧增长。

    Private sector companies ' issuance of green bonds , which fund environmentally beneficial capital investment , is growing rapidly .

  9. 股权激励在我国上市公司中的实施要受到我国特有的经济环境、资本市场环境等问题的影响。

    The implementation of equity incentives in the listed companies of China is influenced by Chinese endemic ecomomic and capital market environment .

  10. 内容提要公司治理模式由法律渊源、政治环境、资本市场发展等多种因素综合作用而形成。

    The formation of corporate governance mode is a comprehensive result of legal origins , political environment and the development of capital market .

  11. 但在计算了未来15~20年资源环境、资本等供给因素的制约瓶颈后,发现如果按现有路径发展下去,要素资源很难支撑未来经济8%以上的增长。

    But given the supply of resources and environmental factors , it is difficult to support the future growth of more than 8 % .

  12. 它所揭示的是企业在特定环境下资本的来源、资本的获得方式以及资本的形成结构等方面内容。

    It reveals that there are the source of capital , the patterns of capital and the formation of capital in a particular business environment .

  13. 其次,分析了地方政府间支出竞争对经济环境、资本与劳动力流动、经济增长的影响及公平分析。

    Secondly , we analyze the effective of expenditure competition on the economic circumstances , capital and labor flow and the economic growth and economic equality .

  14. 外部环境包括资本市场、代理人市场和中介市场的建设,配套机制主要涉及激励分配机制、法律制度、文化认同以及信任制度。

    Outside environment contains capital market , agency market and intermediary market . Supporting mechanism contains incentive and allocation mechanism , legislation , cultural identity and trust institution .

  15. 由于脆弱的生态环境和资本缺乏的限制,决定了西部地区不能依靠发展传统产业来实现本地的经济发展。

    Due to the fragile ecological environment and the lack of capital , developing traditional industry can not accelerate the economic development of the western region in China .

  16. 由创新环境、资本市场、风险投资机制所支持的风险投资,正是体现资本、技术、管理与创新精神的结合,是支持创新与创业、发展高科技产业的现代模式。

    Venture capital supported by creative circumstance , capital market , venture capital mechanism just embodies the combination of capital , technology , administration and pioneering work creative spirit .

  17. 经济的持续高速增长是需要条件的,包括稳定的经济运行环境、资本投入带来的持续的实物资本积累和技术进步以及创新带来的源源不断的经济增长动力和源泉。

    Some prerequisites are necessary for the sustainable and speedy economy growth , those are stable economy environment , sustainable accumulation of material assets and technical progress , and the innovations .

  18. 但我国现存的法律执行环境、资本市场发展、股权定价、产业进入门槛等给外资并购带来了一定程度上的限制。

    But the present institution , which includes law and administration of justice , development , pricing of share and entrancement of industry , restricts the development of transnational M & A.

  19. 这意味着通过提高目前定价过低的工业投入品譬如土地、能源、水、电、环境和资本的价格,取消对工业的补贴;

    This means removing the subsidies to industry by raising currently underpriced prices of inputs into industry such as land , energy , water , electricity , the environment , and capital .

  20. 目前面临着的一个特殊课题,就是要研究在转型经济时期对无形资产评估的影响因素,笔者认为这些因素包括法律环境、资本市场及体制改革的进程等等。

    Now , a special problem faced is the influence factors of the invisible assets valuation during economy transformation , including legal environment , capital market and the course of system reform , etc.

  21. 从临目乡发展生态旅游的经验来看,以森林环境资源资本运作的方式即市场机制来获得森林生态效益价值的生态公益林效益补偿形式要比从财政划拨的方式有效。

    The experience on Lin'mu eco-tourism development showed : The market approach to compensate the loss of benefits resulted from that the forest resource was allocated to the eco-public welfare forest is an effective way .

  22. 环境产业资本形成投资效率金融运行三个角度的分析,梳理了环境产业发展进程中金融支持的内生逻辑,为环境产业金融支持体系的框架构建提供了理论依据。

    From the aspects of capital forming , investment efficiency and financial performance , the paper combs out the internal relations of financial support for environment industry and offers a theoretical foundation for the financial support system construction .

  23. 股权集中度高和国有股份占比高的企业,具有较低的绩效与较低的财务杠杆。本文认为对于资本结构理论应该结合经济环境及资本市场发展情况来考虑。

    The company with high concentration equity and the company with a high proportion of state-owned shares both have lower performance and lower financial leverage , therefore the theory of capital structure should be combined with the economic environment and capital market development .

  24. 分析了影响我国高校高新技术企业技术创新的主要因素:环境、资本、技术,指出企业只有从技术创新的角度入手才能制订出行之有效的方法、制度与运行机制。

    This paper analyzes the main impact factros of technique innovation of college hi tech enterprise , such as environment , capital , technology , and so on . Only based on the technique innovation can enterprises work out efficient methods , system and mechanism .

  25. 其中,GDP财富就是人造资本(或产品资本)、自然资本(环境与资源资本)和人力资本的总和;

    The GDP wealth is the total capital including man-made capital ( or product capital ), the natural capital ( environment and resources capita !) and the human capital ;

  26. 设计的逻辑&人、环境、还是资本

    The Logic of Design & Human , Environment or Capital

  27. 制度导向、宏观经济环境与企业资本结构调整&基于中国上市公司的经验证据

    Institution , Macro-economy and Recapitalization : Evidence from Listed Companies in China

  28. 近现代环境问题的资本逻辑透视&从两个典型案例说开去

    Perspective about Capital Logic of Modern Environmental Problems

  29. 改善投资软环境是增加资本附加值的有效途径&对青海省投资软环境的对策分析

    Improvement in Soft Environment for Investment & Effective Means to Increase in Capital Added Value

  30. 不确定环境下企业资本结构的优化模型

    Optimizing Capital Structure under Uncertainty