
duǎn qī
  • short-term;short period
短期 [duǎn qī]
  • (1) [short-term]

  • (2) 发生在或涉及到的较短期间

  • (3) 六个月或少于六个月期限的

短期[duǎn qī]
  1. 公司有90名员工,几乎全是签的短期合同。

    The company has 90 staff , almost all on short-term contracts

  2. 其余的工作人员签的是短期雇用合同。

    The rest of the staff have been hired on short-term contracts

  3. 冲突短期内不可能解决。

    The conflict is unlikely to be resolved in the near future .

  4. 两人是在她从外交部调来短期任职时认识的。

    They met while she was on secondment from the Foreign Office .

  5. 从短期来看,失业率可能降低。

    In the short run , unemployment may fall .

  6. 短期内前景乐观。

    The prospects for the immediate future are good .

  7. 短期内没有和平的可能。

    There is no immediate prospect of peace .

  8. 关于维生素C的争议短期内不可能平息。

    The controversy regarding vitamin C is unlikely to be resolved in the near future .

  9. 这是为了获取短期政治利益而损人利己地对局势进行操纵。

    This is a cynical manipulation of the situation for short-term political gain

  10. 短期内迅速治愈英国经济顽症的灵丹妙药并不存在。

    There is no easy short-term solution to Britain 's chronic economic malaise

  11. 事实上,事情在短期内可能会变得更加糟糕。

    In fact , things could get worse in the short run .

  12. 周末旅行很适合那些想短期休假的家庭。

    Weekend tours are ideal for families who want a short getaway .

  13. 他们在国际新闻组有一个短期的空缺职位。

    They had a short-term vacancy for a person on the foreign desk

  14. 投资者对未来几年里的短期收益并不感兴趣。

    Investors weren 't concerned about short-term profits over the next few years

  15. 短期资金净流出额大约为5,000万英镑。

    There was a net outflow of about £ 50m in short-term capital .

  16. 投资组合里也可以包括短期有价证券。

    Short-term securities can also be held as part of an investment portfolio .

  17. 这片繁荣景象是总理为了短期政治利益而精心安排的。

    This boom has been engineered by the Chancellor for short-term political reasons .

  18. 这暴露了以长久的环境破坏为代价换取短期工业利益的错误。

    It exposes the fallacy of short-term industrial gain at long-term environmental expense .

  19. 和长时间的锻炼相比,短期内加强活动更容易应付。

    It is easier to cope with short bursts of activity than with prolonged exercise

  20. 我们不会根据短期预测就试图对经济进行微调。

    We do not try to fine-tune the economy on the basis of short-term predictions

  21. 从短期来看,喷洒化学药品显然能有效控制虫害。

    In the short term , chemical sprays are clearly an effective way to control pests

  22. 即使假定这在理论上行得通,它也不可能于短期内实现。

    Even assuming this to be in principle possible , it will not be achieved soon .

  23. 短期合同使得员工流动率增高。

    Short-term contracts increase staff turnover

  24. 他们愿意等待更加长期的投资收益,并不特别在乎短期利润。

    They are prepared to wait longer for a pay-back from investment rather than concentrate on short-term profits .

  25. 要消除新爆发的这次通货膨胀,唯一的方法是让经济短期内急剧衰退。

    The only way to purge the economy of this new burst of inflation is a short , sharp recession .

  26. 他目前正在英国作短期访问。

    He is now on a brief visit to England .

  27. 在美国darpa项目广泛应用和短期支持,而机器人基础研究的支持在过去几年激减。

    DARPA programs are highly applied and short-term oriented , while its support for basic research in robotics has been drastically reduced in the past year .

  28. 国际金价短期均线粘合,多空双方胶着。

    International gold prices average short-term bond , straddle the two sides deadlocked .

  29. 短期内接连打几仗。

    Fight a number of battles in quick succession .

  30. 如果我们为产品找得到销路,一些新兴的产业短期内就会成长起来。

    New industries can blossom over night if we find an outlet for their products .