
  1. 因此,他们转而发展短期债券市场。

    So they have developed the short-term market instead .

  2. 票据市场是基础性的货币市场,主要包括商业汇票市场、商业本票市场及其他短期债券市场。

    Paper Market is a basic money market , main including commercial bill of exchange market , promissory note market and other short-term bond market .

  3. 或许还需要数周或者数月的时间,短期债券市场的资金才能再次自由流动,公司债的收益率才能明显下滑,令银行能以有吸引力的利率进行融资。

    It could be weeks or months before money flows freely again in the short-term debt markets and corporate-bond yields fall enough to allow banks to fund themselves at attractive rates .

  4. 他表示,尽管在短期内债券市场可能会受益于非传统的政策行动,但未来12个月,收益率可能走高。

    He said that while bond markets could benefit from non-conventional policy actions in the short-term , over the next 12 months there was a risk that yields would be repriced higher .

  5. 该部分将建立了一个同时包含大小两种债权人的模型来研究大的债权人、短期债券比例与市场流动性如何影响信用风险。

    We build a model to study how credit risk is affected by the presence of large creditors , short-debt financing and market liquidity .

  6. 一些人则认为,短期内影响债券市场走势的最大风险之一是经济形势的好转,因其可能导致私人银行客户回归股票市场。

    One of the biggest immediate risks to the market , according to some , is an improvement in economic conditions , which may persuade private bank clients to switch back to equities .

  7. 今年迄今为止,投资者向原材料市场投入的资金已达创纪录水平,而随着他们解除杠杆头寸,逃入现金与短期美国国债及债券市场,大宗商品价格出现下跌。

    Commodities prices fell as investors , who have poured record amounts of money into raw materials so far this year , cut leverage and fled into cash and short-term US Treasuries and bonds .

  8. 此外,fed上个月采取措施支撑被称为资产支持商业票据的短期债券;这导致投资者纷纷撤离短期债券市场的另一半领域,因为这些债券主要是由企业和欧洲银行发行的,没有政府担保。

    Also , last month , the Fed moved to backstop short-term debt called asset-backed commercial paper , which led investors to pull away from the other half of the short-term debt market because it had no government guarantee . This debt was issued largely by corporations and European banks .