
  • 网络short-term employment
  1. 有关方案给予受益者在农业基础设施项目范畴内的短期就业机会。

    The scheme provides beneficiaries with short-term employment in agricultural infrastructure projects .

  2. 不过,所有地区的数据均显示,与2008年相比,近期毕业的mba学员短期就业前景出现恶化。

    Nonetheless , data for all regions showed a worsening of employment prospects for recent MBA graduates in the short term , when compared with 2008 .

  3. 遵循严格的秩序政策议程,将是草率的;如果德国政府没有为大范围的短期就业计划出资,失业率无疑会急剧上升。

    Following a strict Ordnungspolitik agenda would have been reckless ; unemployment would undoubtedly have soared if Berlin had not financed extensive short-time working schemes .

  4. 预计此项目可以增加收入,并使贫困农户、妇女和少数民族畲族获得平等的中短期就业机会。

    The Project activities are expected to increase incomes and give poor farm households , women , and members of the She minority equal access to jobs in the short and medium term .

  5. 即使短期内就业,没多久又会失业。

    Unemployment will not long even if the short-term employment is achieved .

  6. 这永远不可能是一种短期的就业创造计划。

    It could never be a short-term jobs programme .

  7. 他们现在可以把反对共和党加入奥巴马的计划中,作为共和党人更关心富人不顾经济的证据,该计划包括了用于短期刺激就业的4470亿美元。

    They can now portray Republican opposition to his plan , which includes $ 447 billion in short-term stimulus , as proof that Republicans care more about the rich than the economy .

  8. 这不仅仅是在短期内创造就业岗位,还将为持续的经济发展奠定基础。

    That 's not just creating work in the short term , that 's going to help lay the foundation for lasting economic growth .

  9. 如果以史为鉴,有些人可能会推动保护主义,使某些工作不被自动化取代,以保持短期内的就业水平。

    If history is any indication , some will push for protectionism , shielding certain jobs in order to preserve employment levels in the short-term .

  10. 该计划旨在短期内创造就业机会,提高消费者信任,抗击这场自大萧条以来最严重的经济危机。

    The new law is designed to create jobs in the short term and to boost consumer confidence to battle the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression .

  11. 摘要在凯恩斯的经济学说中,一国短期的均衡就业量和收入水平,决定于有效需求,而有效需求又是由消费需求和投资需求构成的。

    In Keynesian economics , a country 's short-term balanced employment and income level depend on effective demand , while effective demand is formed by consumption demand and investment demand .

  12. 向低碳经济转型将在短期内创造就业机会,在中期内提高经济生产率,在长期内确立美国在技术上的领先地位。

    The conversion to a low-carbon economy would create jobs in the short run , a more productive economy in the medium run , and US technological leadership in the longer run .

  13. 贸易管制短期内保护国内就业机会和进口行业,代价是损害消费者和出口行业利益。

    Trade restrictions protect employment and import competitive business on the cost of consumers and exporters while .

  14. 劳务派遣使劳动关系短期化,降低就业的质量,损害派遣员工的利益。

    Labor dispatch tends to make short-term labor relations , and reduce the quality of employment , bring damage to the interests of the dispatched staff .

  15. 模拟结果显示,铁矿砂国际价格的大幅度上涨,短期里通过减少就业率,长期里通过降低资本存量,进而不利于中国经济的发展。

    It is found , in this simulation that the substantial rise of international price of iron ore cuts down the employment in the short run , decreases the capital stock in the long run and ultimately hinders Chinese economic development .

  16. 其次,本文利用劳动经济学相关理论,主要从劳动力成本、供给、需求三个方面来对就业质量对就业数量的影响机理做出分析,认为就业质量在短期和长期对就业数量有着不同的影响机制。

    Second , we analyze the influence mechanism between employment quality and employment quantity , by using the labor economic theories related , from three aspects include cost , supply and demand . There are different mechanisms between Short-term and long-term influence .