
  1. 师范院校提高非师范生初次就业率的思考

    On the Improvement of the Non-pedagogic Students Employment Rate for Normal Schools

  2. 大学毕业生初次就业中信息非对称问题的探讨

    A Probe into the Asymmetric Information Problems of the University Graduates First Employment

  3. 此外,其他因素对初次就业质量的影响作用均不太显著。

    In addition , other factors have no remarkable influence on employment quality .

  4. 从2006年开始,本科生当年初次就业率维持在70%&80%之间。

    From 2006 , the undergraduate Initial employment rate has been maintained at 70 % - 80 % .

  5. 大学毕业生初次就业中区域主动吸纳机理的研究

    Research on Mechanism of Regional Absorption on Its Own Initiative in the Process of College Graduates ' Initial Employment

  6. 2003年,高职毕业生初次就业率仅为24.6%。

    For instance , in 2003 , the first employment rate of the higher vocational graduates is only 24.6 % .

  7. 3.45434.45.4%5.954431.4'35322.547'86533.4'56544.76'5893'52345.546.34万高校毕业生初次就业率77.8%,同比提高1.2个百分点。

    The employment rate for college graduates reached 77.8 % , an increase of 1.2 percentage points over the previous year .

  8. 2003年是我国1999年高校扩招后大批本科学生毕业的第一年,也是高校毕业生初次就业率历史最低的一年。

    2003 , the first graduation year since China 's tertiary enrolment enlargement in 1999 , witnesses the lowest employment rate in the history .

  9. 研究初次就业个体在充满变革的组织与工作环境中的职业认同获得及其相关因素。

    This study aimed to explore career identity achievement and its correlated factors of individual 's first employment in the changing organization and working environment .

  10. 就2007、2008两年高校体育教育专业毕业生的初次就业率都仅为50%左右,表明体育教育专业大学生就业难度日益增大,至因很多。

    Physical Education for two years 2007,2008 Graduates of initial employment rate is only about 50 % , indicating the difficulty of college student employment increasing to by many .

  11. 接着,以性别歧视为例,运用模型对大学生初次就业歧视以及发生歧视行前后对社会总效用的影响进行分析。

    Thereafter , the paper constructs a model and analyzes discrimination in graduates ' first time job search and the influence that the discrimination behavior makes to total social utility .

  12. 这几年,全国高校平均初次就业率在70%上下浮动,大批高校毕业生涌入了就业市场等待与买家签约,大学生就业遭遇了前所未有的困难。

    The first average employment percent is about 70 % these years ; numbers of graduate in burst employment market and wait to sign up with employer . Graduates encounter unprecedented difficult .

  13. 这样的就业指导在一定程度上可以提高大学毕业生的初次就业率,但却不利于应届毕业生就业的稳定性和职业的长期发展。

    That career guidance can be improved to some extent , the initial employment rate of university graduates , but graduates employment is not conducive to the stability and long-term career development .

  14. 1本专业毕业生历届初次就业率走势可划分为1995-19981999-2003两个阶段,每个阶段基本处于上升态势。

    The first employment rate of each graduate class presents to the rising tendency basically . This tendency can be divided for 1995-1998,1999-2003 two stages , every stage is in rising situation basically .

  15. 据教育部网站公布,初次就业率由2001年的90%,下降到近年的70%左右,大学生就业难形势越发严峻。

    According to the date from the website of Ministry of Education , the first employment rate is down to recent 70 % from 90 % and the hard employment problem gets worse and worse .

  16. 最后,文章借鉴了不同国家和地区禁止就业歧视的立法和措施,对于消除我国高校毕业生市场的初次就业歧视现象提出了若干政策、法规方面的建议。

    At last , in the light of the laws and measures that build to prohibit discrimination in employment in some countries and areas , the paper suggests some policies and regulations to eliminate the discrimination in graduates ' first time job search .

  17. 15~25岁初次寻求就业和40~45岁寻求再就业的群体为两个就业困难年龄段。

    The 15-to-25 age group who are looking for job for the first time and the 40-to-45 age group who want to be reemployed are the two " difficult-employment " age groups .