
  • 网络primary group
  1. 论如何面对现代社会初级群体的衰落

    How To Face The Decay Of Primary Group In Modern Society

  2. 都市类报纸在初级群体中的传播

    The City-newspaper Communication in the Primary Group

  3. 转型的初级群体与社会安全问题

    The Transitional Primary Community and Its Problems of Social Safety

  4. 民间宗教多表现为小群体或初级群体的形态。

    Folk religions mostly exist in the form of small groups or elementary groups .

  5. 建立更加安全的社会,需要建设更为健全的初级群体。

    To establish safer society , we need to construct healthier primary social group .

  6. 邻里乡亲等初级群体瓦解,生活环境中匿名性增加。

    The group of neighbours and other primary group collapsed , people lives in anonymous environment .

  7. 次级群体对初级群体的影响主要通过意见领袖实现。

    Rural Secondary Group ( RSG ) 's influences on PRG are realized by opinion leader .

  8. 本文首先分析了在工业化、城市化、现代化的背景下,现代社会初级群体的衰落及其原因,其原因主要有社会的发展变迁;

    At the background of industrialization , urbanization and modernization , the primary group of modern society has decayed .

  9. 班级:初级群体还是社会组织&一个教育社会学论争的实证性解释和结论

    Class as a junior commune or a social organization & An empirical study of the debate in educational sociology

  10. 因此保证其稳定并继续履行初级群体功能对于个人及社会是至关重要的。

    Therefore pledging that it is kept and continues performing the elementary function can be utmost importance as for individual and society .

  11. 处于转型期的西北民族乡村社会,社会群体特别是初级群体依然扮演着极其重要的角色。

    In the Northwest ethnic village community , the social groups , particularly primary social groups are still acting as the most significant part as it did before .

  12. 最后本文谈到通过完善社会工作制度、加强社会民间非赢利组织的建设和社会志愿者服务以及在社区重建我们心灵的家园等举措来弥补初级群体衰落带来的负面影响。

    Facing the decay of primary group , we should improve social work system , encourage more nonprofit organizations and social volunteer service , and improve our community .

  13. 它导致政府这种正式组织在结构和运行上表现出初级群体的特征,不能完全按照正式制度规范运作。

    And as a kind of official organization , governments show the features of primary group in its structure and administration and cannot be operated on the basis of the official norms and standards .

  14. 在此基础上,笔者得出了以下结论:初级群体是农业科技传播的主体和基础,是农民获取信息的主要渠道之一,也是社会支持、社会压力的重要来源和决策的重要参照体系;

    Some new conclusions have been reached through the research : As a main information channel , an important social support and social pressure source and a decision-making reference system , the RPG is an essential elementary of agricultural technology communication ;

  15. 相对于初级作图群体而言,次级作图群体是在相似的遗传背景下进行QTL作图,消除了大部分遗传背景的干扰和QTL之间的互作,提高了QTL作图的灵敏度和准确性。

    Comparing with the primary mapping populations , QTL mapping based on SMPs were carried out by the similar genetic background , so most interference of genetic background and interaction of QTLs were eliminated and the precise of QTL mapping were improved .

  16. 2012年,巴克莱成立了一个“效率委员会”,致力于讨论初级员工群体所担心的问题。

    In 2012 , Barclays established an " efficiency committee " to discuss the junior population 's concerns .

  17. 定位的群体有初级作图群体、次级作图群体和高级作图群体;

    QTL mapping populations include the primary mapping population , the secondary mapping population and the advanced mapping population .

  18. 在逻辑的维度,家庭是直接的或自然的伦理精神、是典型的初级社会群体、是具有构成特征的社群、是人类伦理关系的最初实体。

    In the logical dimension , family is the ethical mind in its natural or immediate phase , a typical primary social group , a constitutive conception of community and the initial ethical substance of human ethical relationships .

  19. 近二十年来也有一些研究专门针对华裔学生群体,但就华裔初级学生这一群体的研究尚属空白。

    The research on the elementary level Chinese heritage students remains blank , though some researches about this group have appeared since two decades ago .