
  • 网络Departmental interests;sectional interests
  1. 第五部分,以理论为基础提出了治理部门利益膨胀的对策。

    Part 5 brings forwards some countermeasures to restricting the over-expansion of government sectional interests .

  2. 第四部分重点分析了部门利益膨胀的原因。

    Part 4 concentrates on analyzing the reason for the over-expansion of the government sectional interests .

  3. 这进一步的确认了专家和部门利益的关联性。

    This was further confirmed by experts and stakeholders of the sector .

  4. 地方立法中的部门利益倾向及其控制对策研究

    Study on Sector Interest Bias in Local Legislation and Its Control Strategy

  5. 政府规制中的公共利益理论与部门利益理论

    Public interests theory and department interests theory in Government 's standard and controlling

  6. 第3章,政府部门利益化问题的形成原因。

    The third chapter refers to the forming reasons of the benefiting problem .

  7. 当前,地方立法存在一个突出问题是部门利益倾向问题。

    Currently , an outstanding phenomenon in local lawmaking is the sector interest bias .

  8. 部门利益是法治社会的一颗毒瘤。

    The departmental benefit is a malignant tumor in the society ruled by law .

  9. 实践中相当一部分地方性法规存在严重的部门利益倾向。

    Quite a few local regulations have a strong inclination of departmental benefit in practice .

  10. 关于部门利益的若干理论思考

    The Theoretical Pondering on Departmental Benefit

  11. 淄博市水务一体化进程中涉水部门利益冲突探析

    Analysis on benefit conflicts among water management departments in integrated water resources management of Zibo City

  12. 我们应当防止和克服地方立法中的部门利益倾向。

    Therefore , the inclination to the departmental benefit should be prevented and overcome in local legislation .

  13. 四要着眼于我国民事诉讼法律制度的整体发展,不局限于部门利益。

    With a view to integrated development of civil procedure legal system and not limit to branch interest .

  14. 在生产部门利益与区域经济开发整体利益上、在效益评价标准上存在冲突和偏差;

    There are some conflicts and evaluation criteria between the production department benefit and the region economy development benefit .

  15. 遏制儿童期肥胖症流行需要众多公立和私立部门利益攸关方持久的政治承诺与合作。

    Curbing the childhood obesity epidemic requires sustained political commitment and the collaboration of many public and private stakeholders .

  16. 第三部分对部门利益膨胀的表现和危害作了简要概括。

    Part 3 makes brief summary about the performance and harm of the expansion of the government sectional interests .

  17. 建设政企、政市、政事、政社分开的管理服务与部门利益分离的以保持社会公开、公平、公正为己任的中立政府。

    Constructing an open , fair and just government which separates administration from enterprises , cities , affairs and society .

  18. 提高立法质量,防止地方保护和部门利益法制化。

    The quality of legislation should be improved to prevent local protectionism and prevent some departments from legalizing their interests .

  19. 截至目前,西方关于管制理论的研究可以分为三个分支:第一,研究管制的部门利益的理论;

    The research of western regulation theory could be divided into three branches : theory on the interests of management departments ;

  20. 在行政立法实践中,部门利益化的现象已经成为一个比较突出的问题,引起了各方的关注。

    In administrative legislation practice , tending to department interests has become a notable problem , so it has been concerned .

  21. 在此过程中,对部门利益的寻求和追逐己经成为阻碍我国行政管理体制改革的瓶颈。

    In this process , seeking and chasing the departmental interests has become the bottleneck of China 's administrative system reform .

  22. 从地方政府来看,维护地方利益和部门利益是其政策行为的重要价值依据。

    Looked from the perspective of local government , how to maintain local benefit is its policy behavior 's value basis .

  23. 政治方面的问题涉及政府机构的改革、矿产使用法的建立以及国家、油气部门利益的划分与结合问题。解决的办法首先是实际企业的股份化。

    Political problems include reform of government organizations , establishment of mining law , and the separation and cooperation of State and industrial interests .

  24. 国家需要、部门利益与科学家自主性的调适&以中国科学院化学研究所的筹建与初期发展为中心的探讨

    Coordination Among National Needs , Sectional Benefits and Scientists ' Autonomy : A Study on the Creation of Institute of Chemistry Under Chinese Academy of Sciences

  25. 但布莱尔呼吁雇主们提供更有力的支持,他警告称,克服那种推动贸易保护主义议程的某些部门利益是非常困难的。

    But Mr Blair called for stronger support from employers , warning it was very hard to overcome some of these sectional interests pushing a protectionist agenda .

  26. 例外主义、保守主义、分裂政府、党派竞争和部门利益是影响美国国会对联合国态度的主要国内因素。

    Exceptionalism , conservatism , divided government , partisanship and bureaucratic interests are the main domestic factors influencing the attitude of the US Congress towards the UN .

  27. 当然,对刑事侦查权监督制约机制的完善,必然涉及到部门利益,遭到权力部门的反对。

    Without doubt , the perfection of the supervision mechanism is supposed to touch upon the departmental profits , which will lead to the opposition of authorities .

  28. 我们中国经济并没有建立起那种发达的经济体所必需的共享经济体,资本部门利益被最大化,可是我们的普普通通的劳动者却被严重剥削了。

    We Chinese economy did not establish the sharing economy required that developed economies , capital department benefit is maximized , but our ordinary workers are serious exploitation .

  29. 按照公共利益理论、部门利益理论、可竞争市场理论、新管制经济学的发展脉络,对管制理论进行梳理总结。

    The theory of regulation has been organized and reviewed according to the development trend of the public interest theory , sectional interest theory and new regulation economics .

  30. 但由于行政机关在行政管理中不同程度地存在部门利益或地方利益,近年来抽象行政行为的违法现象呈上升趋势。

    But as the executive administration exists to varying degrees in the departments of local interests or the interests of the executive acts of violations in recent years abstract upward trend .