
  • 网络partial performance;part performance;partial fulfillment;partly fulfilling
  1. 部分履行的法律问题研究&《合同法》第72条的法解释论

    A Research on Legal Issues of Partial Performance

  2. 债权人拒绝受领债务人部分履行的拒绝权属于一种法定的对债权人的保障措施,其功能在于使债权人可以拒绝受领而不构成债权人迟延。

    The creditor 's right of refusal to accept the debtor 's partial performance is one of the safeguard measures in law for the creditor and its function is to make the refusal not constitute the delay of the creditor .

  3. 15.不可抗力ForceMajeure由于水灾、火灾、地震、干旱、战争或协议一方无法预见、控制、避免和克服的其他事件导致不能或暂时不能全部或部分履行本协议,该方不负责任。

    Either party shall not be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of this agreement due to flood , fire , earthquake , draught , war or any other events which could not be predicted , controlled , avoided or overcome by the relative party .

  4. 债务人部分履行债务给债权人增加的费用,由债务人负担。

    Additional expenses caused to the obligee by partial performance shall be borne by the obligor .

  5. 它们将把这些收入的一小部分履行本国根据国际法应尽的责任,而把其余收入留在国内。

    They would then devote a modest fraction of those revenues to their responsibilities under international law , keeping the rest at home .

  6. 在整个过程中,这份协约可以在任何条件下终止,原则同意协约终止时,可以对所有完成报价的商品中供应商未完成的部分履行协约,支付款项。

    In the event this Agreement is terminated for any reason whatsoever , Principal agrees to honor sales for all quotes outstanding by the distributor at the time of termination .

  7. 本文意图运用历史考察,比较研究以及经济学等分析方法,力图解析部分履行的合理性,对部分履行的地位及适用问题进行分析,并对其在适用时可能出现的问题进行论述。

    This paper intended to use historical research , comparative studies and economics analysis , trying to resolve the reasonable of partial performance , analysising the status and application of partial performance , And , discussing problems may occur discussion in the application .

  8. 应及时向对方通报不能履行或者需要延期履行、部分履行经济合同的理由在取得有关证明以后,允许延期履行、部分履行或不履行、并可根据情况部分全邻免予承担违约责任。

    After it has obtained a relevant certificate , it shall be permitted to extend the time for performance , to perform partly or not to perform , and it may , in accordance with the circumstances , be partly or completely exempted from liability for breach of contract .

  9. 第三部分,履行平等义务的思想;

    The third focuses on the idea of conform to equal obligation ;

  10. 对企业社会责任的研究也从关注企业自身的小环境,扩展到企业作为社会的组成部分怎样履行自己的社会责任。

    The research of corporate social responsibility attention from enterprise own small environment , extended to enterprises as part of the society to fulfill their social responsibility .

  11. 按其对履行合同影响的程度,由双方协商决定是否解除合同,或者部分免除履行合同的责任,或者延期履行合同。

    Both parties shall , through consultations , decide whether to terminate the contract or to exempt part of the obligations for implementation of the contract or whether to delay the execution of the contract according to the effects of the events on the performance of the contract .

  12. 实际上,它可能不会在债务上做文章,而是会部分地不履行社会义务。

    It would , in effect , partially default not on its debts but on its obligations to society .

  13. “运输合同”系指受本规则约束并全部或部分经海上履行的任何运输合同;

    " Contract of carriage " shall mean any contract of carriage subject to these Rules which is to be performed wholly or partly by sea .

  14. 乙方在权证上市时和上市后作出的各种承诺,作为本协议不可分割的一部分,应当履行。

    Party B shall perform its various undertakings which are integral to this Agreement and are made at the time of and after the listing of the warrants .

  15. 应该全部或部分合同不能履行由一方当事人错误,违约方应该承担由此造成的责任。

    Should all or part of the contract be unable to be fulfilled owing to the fault of one party , the breaching party shall bear the responsibilities thus caused .

  16. 1997年达成的《京都议定书》将世界严格划分为两个部分:必须履行减排义务的发达国家和其余无需履行强制减排义务的国家。

    The 1997 Kyoto Protocol divided the world firmly in two : developed countries , which had to accept cuts in emissions ; and the rest , with no legally binding commitments .

  17. 行政事业单位资产是我国国有资产的重要组成部分,在履行政府职能、加强公共管理、实施宏观调控、推动经济建设等方面发挥着重要作用。

    As the important consisting part of China 's state assets , the assets of administrative institutions plays a vital role in implementing the functions of government , strengthening public administration , practicing macro-control and promoting economic development .

  18. 第二部分是实际履行的适用情况的比较分析,在介绍了实际履行在英美法系和大陆法系的适用情况后,对产生两者间差异的原因进行了分析。

    The second part is the comparative analysis of the application of specific performance . It describes the application of specific performance in both common law system and continental law system , and analyzes the reason for difference of specific performance in the above systems .

  19. WIRTGENCHINA可以在任何时候进行部分交付或部分履行。

    WIRTGEN CHINA may make partial deliveries or partial performances at any time .

  20. 此外,成员国还应充分考虑到按守则B部分给出的方式履行其责任。

    In addition , the Member shall give due consideration to implementing its responsibilities in the manner provided for in Part B of the Code .

  21. 本部分主要探讨了履行不能的概念、学理分类,以及关于履行不能的理论演进。

    This section mainly discusses the concept of Impossibility of performance , theoretical categories , and its theoretical evolution .

  22. 13.3如果订购方觉得合理,则允许部分交付、部分履行和对应结账。

    13.3 partial deliveries , partial performance and corresponding settlement of accounts are permissible if not unreasonable for the orderer .

  23. 并且,对部分或完全没有履行所要求的服务,本公司不应承担任何责任。

    The Company shall be discharged from all liability to the Principal for all claims for loss , damage or expense unless suit is brought .

  24. 第三部分是告知义务履行问题研究,主要从实务者的角度选取告知义务履行中易产生争议的部分进行探讨。

    The third part is the study of the fulfillment of duty to disclosure . The author mainly selects some disputable questions to discuss from experience .

  25. 第二、三章比较研究合同法律制度中的二个重要部分,即合同履行与合同不履行的后果(违约责任)。

    The second and third chapters focus on two vital parts of the contract law , which are Performance of Contract and Liability for Breach of Contract respectively .

  26. 新中国成立后,对外援助始终是中国外交不可或缺的组成部分,也是中国履行国际义务的重要内容。

    After new China was founded , the Chinese foreign aid has always been an integral part of diplomacy , China meet its international obligations is also an important content .

  27. 第三部分引出了企业履行环境责任的动力问题,分析了企业履行环境责任的动因,以及企业履行环境责任的内部动力和外部压力。

    The third part raises the driving force enterprises to fulfill their environmental responsibility issues , analysis motive of corporate to fulfill the environmental responsibility , and internal motivated and external pressures that corporate to fulfill environmental responsibility .

  28. “不可抗力”指超出本合同双方控制范围、无法预见、无法避免或无法克服、使得本合同一方部分或者完全不能履行本合同的事件。

    " Force majeure " shall mean all events which are beyond the control of the parties to this contract , and which are unforeseen , unavoidable or insurmountable , and which prevent total or partial performance by either of the parties .

  29. 煤矿安全生产工作是统筹经济社会全面发展的重要内容,是实施可持续发展战略的重要组成部分,是政府履行社会管理和市场监督职能的重要组成部分,也是煤矿企业生存与发展的基本要求。

    The coal safety production is the essential contents in the scheduling of economic and social development , in carrying out the strategy of sustainable development , in government function of social administration and market supervision , and the basic requirements of the existence and development of coal mine corporations .

  30. 法国金融检察官办公室在一份声明中表示:“调查的目的是核实谷歌爱尔兰公司是否在法国有一个永久基地,以及它是否通过不申报自己在法国开展的一部分活动,未能履行财政义务,包括企业税和增值税两方面。”

    In a statement , the French financial prosecutor 's office said : " The investigation aims to verify whether Google - Ireland Ltd has a permanent base in France and if , by not declaring parts of its activities carried out in France , it failed its fiscal obligations , including on corporate tax and value added tax . "