
  • 网络incomplete contract
  1. GHM理论的贡献在于在不完全契约框架下对企业的控制权作出解释。

    The contribution of the GHM theory is that it makes an explanation of the control rights in the framework of incomplete contracts .

  2. 不完全契约、控制权与公司治理机制的整合

    The consolidation of incomplete contracts , controlling rights and corporate governance mechanism

  3. 在理论方面,对股权结构、公司绩效和EVA的内涵进行了界定,并对委托代理理论、产权理论、不完全契约理论这些基本理论进行了分析。

    In theoretical analysis side , we first define the essence of ownership structure , corporate performance and EVA , then analyze some basic theories , such as , principal-agent theory , property rights theory and incomplete contract theory .

  4. 本文借鉴不完全契约理论,从微观经济学角度出发,分析了在不同条件下,存款保险与中央银行LLR之间的关系,得到了比较有意义的结果。

    This paper analyzes the relationship between the central bank 's LLR and the deposit insurance system under different conditions from microeconomic perspective with incomplete contract theory .

  5. 这与西方主流企业理论的GHM分析框架在权力配置来源、不完全契约的原因解释和企业理论的演进逻辑方面存在分歧。

    The framework , however , differs that of GHM in terms of resources of allotting power , explanation of incomplete contract and logic evolution .

  6. 不完全契约;专用性;人力资本;投资激励;

    Incomplete Contract ; Specificity ; Human Capital ; Investment Incentives ;

  7. 企业是一个不完全契约是现代企业理论的重要结论。

    Modern enterprise theory maintains that enterprise is an incomplete contract .

  8. 科研合同的本质:一个特别的不完全契约

    The Nature of Scientific Research Contract : a Special Incomplete Contract

  9. 公司治理结构是不完全契约的具体体现。

    Corporate governance is connected with incomplete contract in the company .

  10. 基于不完全契约理论的会计信息质量分析

    Analysis on Quality of Accounting Information Based on Incomplete Contract Theory

  11. 新制度经济学中不完全契约理论的分歧与融合&以威廉姆森和哈特为代表的两种进路

    The Divarication and Amalgamation of Incomplete Contracting Theory of New Institutional Economics

  12. 文化差异、价值观与不完全契约的治理

    Cultural Differences 、 Values and the Governance of Incomplete Contract

  13. 风险投资契约理论是一个不完全契约理论。

    The contract theory of venture capital is an incomplete contract theory .

  14. 不完全契约、不对称信息与银企金融交易

    Incomplete Contract , Unsymmetrical Information and Financial Transaction Between Bank and Enterprise

  15. 经济交易中不完全契约的博弈分析

    The Self-enforcing Mechanism of Incomplete Contract in Micro-economic Transaction

  16. 不完全契约理论下企业间的交易效率

    The Transactional Efficiency Analysis Based on Incomplete Contract Theory

  17. 基于不完全契约理论的人力资源管理外包决策分析

    An Analysis on Outsourcing Human Resource Management Decision Based on Incomplete Contract Theory

  18. 装备采办不完全契约问题研究

    A research on the incomplete contracts of weaponry procurement

  19. 专用性投资、不完全契约与债权人财务

    Specificity Investment 、 Incomplete Contract and Creditor Finance

  20. 不完全契约下的人力资本产权

    Property-right of Human Capital under Incomplete Contract Theory

  21. 三是本研究构建了不完全契约理论的激励优化模型。

    Thirdly , this research establishes the optimized motivation model based on Incomplete Contract Theory .

  22. 不完全契约可能导致的事后谈判将使得事前投资激励不足。

    The possible ex post renegotiation may cause the deficiency of ex ante investment incentives .

  23. 探索不完全契约条件下的社区组织体制构建

    Study on Formulation & Construction of Community Organization System in the Condition of Incomplete Contract

  24. 不完全契约理论:一个综述

    Incomplete Contracting Theory : A Survey

  25. 关于公司治理的理论有契约理论和不完全契约理论。

    The theories on company financial treatment contains the contract theory and the incomplete contract theory .

  26. 基于声誉和法律的不完全契约的实施

    Incomplete Contracts , Reputation and Law

  27. 公司治理结构的理论基础是委托&代理和企业的不完全契约。

    The theoretical foundation of corporation governance structure is imperfect contract between agency by agreement and enterprise .

  28. 由于参与人的有限理性以及缔约过程中的成本,实际的契约都是一种不完全契约。

    The actual contract is incomplete because of the bounded rationality of human beings and the contracting cost .

  29. 无论是委托&代理理论的完全契约说,还是格罗斯曼-哈特-莫尔理论的不完全契约说,都是从企业的角度研究契约问题的。

    Both Principal-Agent Theory and Incomplete Contract Theory research " contract " from the perspective of the firm .

  30. 本章以不完全契约的理论出发,从雇佣关系的本质中发掘心理所有权产生的根源和作用机制。

    Based on the theory of incomplete contracts ; we research the nature of the employment relationship and mechanisms .