
  1. 第三部分,不动产登记簿的制度环境。

    The third part , the real property register system environment .

  2. 最后,讨论了不动产登记簿的重要性和特点。

    At last , it discusses the importance of the real property register .

  3. 不动产登记簿的功能和效力

    Real estate register 's function and efficacy

  4. 不动产登记簿错误可以分为权利事项错误与非权利事项错误。

    The falsity of real estate register can be divided into the rights incorrectness and non-right incorrectness .

  5. 不动产登记簿是不动产物权的基础,在设置上应有统一性,有合理的构造和编制标准。

    As the base of real estate law , real estate register with reasonable structure should be unified .

  6. 不动产登记簿记载的权利人不同意更正的,利害关系人可以申请异议登记。

    The interested party may apply for dissidence registration , in case the holder recorded in the realty register does not agree to the alteration .

  7. 不动产登记簿是国家不动产登记机关制作的、用于记载不动产自然状态及权利设立和变动事项的专用簿册。

    As the carrier of real estate registration , the real estate register plays an important role in realizing the principle of the real right announcement .

  8. 除引言部分外本文共包括五个部分,其主要内容如下:第一部分,不动产登记簿相关概念梳理。

    Except preface part includes outside this article five parts , its main content as follows : The first part , the real property register related concepts comb .

  9. 在该部分,主要考察了不动产登记簿的公示公信效力,阐明不动产登记簿对交易效率和安全的重要作用。

    In this part , mainly inspects the realty register of the public advisors , expounds the realty register to effect the important role of trade safety and efficiency .

  10. 我国未来物权法,对于不动产登记簿的开放对象应当有所限制,但对于开放内容不应有所限制;

    In our future real right law , there should be some limitations to the open objects , but not the open contents in the property register of immovables ;

  11. 统一登记是不动产物权登记制度发展的必然结果,构建不动产统一登记簿是完善统一登记制度的重要内容之一。

    As a legal surveying , the result of real estate surveying is an important basis for house ownership register , it directly relates to the people 's vital interests .

  12. 于不动产领域来说,能够实现物权公示公信效力的惟有不动产登记簿,这是从理论上寻找构建不动产登记簿的理论依据。

    In the real estate sector , it can realize property publication advisors effectiveness of the real property register , but this is theoretically looking for constructing the realty register theory basis .

  13. 不动产登记,是指权利人申请国家专门机关依据法定程序将不动产物权有关事项记载于不动产登记簿上。

    The registration of real estate right is that the obligee applies to specialized state organs to document related matters of real estate on the real estate register according to legal procedure .

  14. 不动产登记为物权法中的重要制度,是指经权利人或利害关系人申请,由国家专职部门将有关不动产物权及其变动事项记载于不动产登记簿的事实。

    Immovable property registration is the important institution in property rights law , it is applied by the obligee or the interested person , national full-time section record Immovable property rights and its effects on the Immovable property register .