
  1. 探究不动产登记公信力与善意取得的关系。

    Research the registration of credibility and good faith acquisition of the relationship .

  2. 登记公信力作为一个具有浓郁理论品位的论题,一直以来受到理论界的追捧。

    Registration credibility as a theory thesis , has been under the theoretical circle chase .

  3. 通过分析不动产登记公信力的适用要件,阐释了其法律效果。

    Through the analysis of the real property registration credibility applicable elements , explains the legal effect .

  4. 本文讨论的不动产登记公信力,是物权法中的一个重要制度。

    This thesis focuses on the public reliance from real estate registration , which is an important system in real estate law .

  5. 德国实行登记公信力模式,侧重对善意第三人的保护。

    The mode of credibility of registration is carried out in Germany , with a focus on the protection of bona fide third parties .

  6. 不动产善意取得的理论依据是不动产登记公信力,它是根据物权公信原则得出的结论。赋予登记以公信力的主要作用,一是明确权利归属,二是保障交易安全。

    The public credibility of estate register is the theory basis of estate bona-fide possession system , and it is the conclusion of public credibility principle .

  7. 首先认为选择不动产登记公信力的立法模式的基本理论背景是我国民法中的物权与债权的二元分野。

    Firstly the division of property right and creditor 's right in our civil law is the basic theoretical background of the legislation pattern of the public conviction dependent on the registration of real estate .

  8. 在我国加入WTO后,应和海外立法接轨,明确特定行政登记的公信力和国家责任,健全和完善我国的行政登记制度。

    After China 's entering WTO , the administrative registration system shall be improved and perfected to be consistent with the legislations of other countries . It shall explicitly prescribe the force of public credibility of administrative registration and the state 's obligation .

  9. 论不动产抵押登记与公信力

    On the Real Estate Mortgage 's Register and Public Trust Dint

  10. 论抵押权登记的公信力

    On the public confidence of registration of right to mortgage

  11. 论船舶物权变动登记之公信力

    On the Public Confidence Efficacy of Registry Pertaining to Alteration of Real Rights in Ships

  12. 传统民法理论中,善意取得制度仅限于动产善意取得,不动产因受不动产登记之公信力保护故无善意取得制度适用的必要。

    In the traditional civil law theory , the good faith acquisition is only a system about movable estates .

  13. 其次,秉承物权公示、公信原则,赋予应收账款质押登记公示公信力,明确登记对抗效力和公信力。

    Secondly , adhering to the principle of public trust and real right , it should give the registration of pledge receivables combat effectiveness and credibility .

  14. 特别是在应收账款质权领域,不赋予质权登记以公信力,既避免了实质审查之弊端,又不会对交易安全造成太大损害。

    In the field of account receivable pledge , pledge registration avoids shortages of material examination without public faith . It is not very harmful to security of dealing .

  15. 本文主要对动产抵押的公示方式,动产抵押权的效力,动产抵押登记的公信力以及抵押物的转让等问题进行了探讨。

    This paper has a great insight to the demonstration of chattels , to the effect of mortgage , to the convincingness of registration and transfer of mortgage of chattels .

  16. 我国未来的物权法或者民法典物权编应当统一动产登记的公信力规则,即统一赋予动产登记以公信力。

    This task of unification should be fulfilled by the law of real right or China civil code in the future , and also , the effect of public credit of registration of movables should be endued an prescripted .

  17. 不动产登记具公信力作为第三人保护的基本规则,是物权法公示公信原则的重要内容,是物权变动形式主义立法模式下公示的逻辑结果,理应被我国物权立法所采。

    The effect of public conviction dependent of the registration of real estate , as the logical result of public summon under the pattern of formalism legislation of the change of property right , should be adopted by the legislation of property right in our nation .

  18. 动产的占有和交付以及不动产的登记都具有公信力,其实质是保护交易当事人对于物权设立和变动的信赖利益,可以体现社会正义与公平。

    Both the possession or delivery of movable property and the registration of immovable property have credibility , so their essence are protect the parties ' trust interests on the establishment and transfer of property , and they can reflect the social justice and fairness .

  19. 物权的对世属性需要权利外观来表征权利的存在,既然法律确定了物权的表征方式,那么必然要保障该方式所确立的权利表征功能,即需要赋予登记簿以公信力。

    The real right of rights to the attributes needed to represent the appearance of existence , since the legal rights of property rights of characterization determined way , then must guarantee the way established rights characterization function , which needed to give register with credibility .

  20. 行政登记没有明确的公信力。

    The administrative registration lacks explicit force of public credibility .

  21. 但这种保护无疑需要以完整、真实的登记制度以及强大的公信力作为前提条件,否则会使得不动产登记薄丧失公信力。

    And obviously such protection need a real complete registration system and powerful credibility to back it up , or the immovables registration will lose its credibility .

  22. 从比较法角度,德国民法中异议登记的效力在于阻断登记公信力,目的在于保护真正权利人的利益。

    Dissenting registration originated from Prussia Law , and in the real estate registrations belongs together with advance registration to the preliminary registration .

  23. 船舶登记的对抗效力不影响登记公信力的存在,但该登记的公信力受到限制。

    The rivalry efficacy of ship registry shall not influence public confidence effect . However , the efficacy of public confidence is restricted by the rivalry efficacy .

  24. 而异议登记和更正登记则有击破登记公信力之效力。

    The dissenting registration and registration corrections have function to break the effectiveness of registration credibility .

  25. 不动产登记将产生登记推定力和登记公信力。

    The registration of real estate will produce the presumptive force of registration and public credibility of registration .

  26. 异议登记,既是一项阻却登记公信力的制度,也是对第三人进行风险警示的制度。

    Dissidence registration either is a system of removing the public credibility registration or a regulation of cautioning the risks to the third person .

  27. 并从不动产登记的制度,适用范围、登记公信力、登记机关、登记的效力及登记程序等六个方面详细讨论了我国不动产登记制度中存在的问题。

    It points out the problems in this law from such aspect as the law itself , the range of application , trust of the law , registration authorities , registration effect and procedures .

  28. 物权变动模式、登记程序尤其是审查原则与其是否承认登记公信力制度的内在关联。

    There are inherent relationship between the pattern of real rights transfer , the registration procedure and Offentlicher Glaube des Grundbuchs .

  29. 能否以意思瑕疵为由主张撤销协议离婚登记,关系到国家婚姻登记机关登记的公信力及善意第三人的保护。

    Whether agreement divorce registration could be withdrawed or not for the sake of meaning flaw concerns the protection of the public trust of registering organ of the marriage and the third party acting in good faith .

  30. 登记的审查方式,对不动产登记的公信力、登记的效率以及登记错误的责任承担等均有重要影响,也与物权变动模式乃至统一登记机关的构建等问题密切相关。

    Examination mode for registration has a major impact on credibility of real estate registration 、 registration efficiency and accountability of registration errors , etc. It is also closely related with alteration mode of real right and construction of unified registration organ .