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  1. 在非正式场合穿戴无尾礼服的元素就是其中一个部分,登喜路(Dunhill)男装设计主管卡洛斯•德弗赖塔斯(CarlosdeFreitas)表示,这源自一种对放松和自我表现的需求。

    Wearing elements of black tie out of context is part of that , says Carlos de Freitas , head of men 's wear design for Dunhill . It stems from a demand for more relaxation and self-expression .

  2. 这就是为何裁缝师查理•艾伦(共同设计2010年世界杯的英格兰队服)对日本队选择登喜路(Dunhill)设计的队服出战本届世界杯感到十分惊讶的原因所在。

    That is why tailor Charlie Allen , who co-designed the England squad 's suits for the 2010 tournament , expresses surprise that for this World Cup the Japanese team has chosen to be dressed by Dunhill , as huge as the British brand might be in Japan .

  3. 登喜路的夏装还将亚麻、羊毛和丝混合使用。

    Dunhill is also combining linen , wool and silk in its summer suits .

  4. 在国际动力品牌登喜路和波迈的业绩推动下,英美烟草公司的市场份额在上半年增长了0.3个百分点。

    The company grew its market share by0.3 percentage points during the period , driven by the performance of its global drive brands , Dunhill and Pall Mall .

  5. 事实上,登喜路本季一款外套的需求激增:黑色、剪裁考究、风格保守、外面有4个大大的口袋,更不用说那件可脱卸的马甲衬里上还有5个口袋。

    Witness the fact that this season Dunhill has seen demand for one particular jacket soar : a dark , tailored , conservative style with four large outer pockets , not to mention a detachable gilet-style lining with up to five further pockets .

  6. 作为上海旅游大使以及一位颇具热情的业余摄影师,胡歌受邀参加了此次于伦敦登喜路之家举办的《家园》影像展,进一步推广了上海的城市形象,拉近了上海与伦敦两个城市的距离。

    As Shanghai 's tourism ambassador and a passionate amateur photographer , Hu was invited to take part in the " Home Town " exhibition at London 's Alfred Dunhill Burdon House . It is one of a series of initiatives to promote the image of Shanghai , London 's sister city .