
  • 网络Tomy;TAKARA TOMY;Dormeuil
  1. 啊,多美的花园!

    Oh , what a beautiful garden !

  2. 哇,大连多美啊!

    Wow , beautiful Dalian !

  3. 多美的声音啊!

    What a beautiful voice !

  4. 多美的一座山啊!我一定要把它画进画中。

    What a beautiful mountain ! I must paint it in my picture .

  5. 这些树长大成林时,风景该(有)多美!

    When these trees grow into a forest , how beautiful the scenery will be !

  6. 味道多美啊!

    Doesn 't it smell delicious !

  7. 多美的景色啊!

    What a fine view !

  8. 在你来之前,我从未意识到我住的地方有多美。

    Before you came over , I never realized what a beautiful place I lived in .

  9. 多美的一天啊!

    What a beautiful day it is !

  10. 多美的鲜桃,明暗交加多么诱人!整家整户在晚上逛市场

    What peaches and what penumbras ! Whole families shopping at night !

  11. 金光闪闪的别针佩在我国爱国妇女的胸前,多美呀!

    How beautifully gold brooches glitter on the bosoms of our patriotic women !

  12. 妈妈说不行,让Tim想想再过几年后他的笑容会有多美。

    Mom : No. Just think how nice your smile will be in a few years ' time .

  13. 特佳丽多美玩具公司设计的“Hi-kara”袖珍卡拉OK机7厘米见方,重不到1磅,但功能和真正的卡拉OK机一样好。

    The " Hi-kara " karaoke machine , by Takara Tomy , is a7-cm cube which weighs less than a pound and works like a real machine .

  14. 与其他公司的迷你平板电脑价格比较,Ipad迷你的价格并不能使苹果公司拔得头筹。Ipad迷你的价格足足比其竞争对手如“KindleFireHD”,BarnesandNoble's“NookHD”andGoogle's“Nexus7”高出170多美元。

    And around the world , the Ipad mini 's price is NOT helping to give the company a jump start . It sells for around 170 US dollars more than major rivals like the " Kindle Fire HD , " Barnes and Noble 's " Nook HD " and Google 's " Nexus 7 . "

  15. 当多美·托尔(TomiTuel)的丈夫结束出差回到家后,多美给他煎了牛排、调了一杯香浓丝滑的鸡尾酒、烤了一块蛋糕,还在厨房餐桌上方的风扇上挂了许多聚会彩带。

    When Tomi Tuel 's husband comes home from a business trip , she grills him a steak and mixes up a Mudslide cocktail , bakes a cake and hangs party streamers from the fan over the kitchen table .

  16. 你会放弃多美回到城堡去吗?

    Would you give up Tomi and return to the castle ?

  17. “啊,多美的画呀!”她喊道。

    " Oh , what a beautiful picture !" she cried .

  18. 也就是要满脸笑容,说说我作为新娘有多美。

    And that means smiling and talking about my bridal beauty ...

  19. 天哪,今年的花开的多美啊!

    My my , what beautiful blossoms we have this year .

  20. 多美的景致,真是无与伦比。

    What a splendid veiw ! I never saw its equal !

  21. 为何不花上一周的时间弄清楚斯里兰卡到底有多美呢?

    Why not spend a week discovering the beauty of srilanka ?

  22. 多美的花园啊!你们当然创造出了奇迹。

    What a beautiful garden ! You have certainly worked wonders .

  23. 山后面衬着云彩,看起来多美啊!

    How beautiful the hills look with the clouds behind them !

  24. 多美的夜晚,很高兴,但是我得…

    What a night . Total joy , but I 've gotta

  25. 多美的雄性,假如它找到正确的表达方式。

    How beautiful maleness is , if it finds its right expression .

  26. 从这儿望出去景色多美呀。

    Seen from here , the scenery is particularly beautiful .

  27. 看看杂志的内页看看你多美

    And inside the Allure Magazine , look how pretty .

  28. 我都找不出词来形容它有多美。

    I can 't find words to describe how beautiful it was .

  29. 昙花,这是一种多美的花呀!

    Epiphyllum , which is a more beautiful flower ah !

  30. 多美的黄色的花呀,听说只开几星期的时间呀

    What a wonderful yellow flowers * only for few weeks