
  1. 多元利益导向的证券监管制度与投资者保护

    The Multi - interests Securities Regulation and Protection of Investors

  2. 多元时间导向的人则重视人际关系,重视时间安排的随意性和灵活性。

    People who follow P-time schedules , in contrast , tend to emphasize the connection between people , fluidity , and the flexible nature of time .

  3. 多元时间导向的人可能打断正在进行的谈话,去接另一个人尤其是亲戚朋友的电话。

    A person using a P-time orientation , for example , will stop a conversation with one person to take a phone call from another , especially a friend or relative .

  4. 在我国社会转型及互联网高速发展的今天,市场经济的机制和多元价值导向对校园文化、大学生的价值观和行为模式等产生着深刻的影响。

    With the social transformation and rapid development of Internet in China today , the market economy mechanism and the guide of multiple value are having profound impact on the campus culture , the values and behavior patterns of college students .

  5. 具体内容包括美国教师角色的转变、少数族裔教师队伍建设、以多元文化为导向的教师培养与培训等。

    Minority nationality bilingual teachers in Xinjiang have to entry a training project , teaching practice is an important part of the project .