
  • 网络Long;long Position
  1. 要在联邦政府停止买入5到10年国债前处理掉我们的多头头寸

    Let 's dump our long position on 5 - and 10-year treasuries before the fed stops buying them up .

  2. 它之所以拿如此巨大的多头头寸(大约140亿美元)来抵消做空成本,正是持有和市场相同的观点:这种证券风险很低。

    The reason it took such a big long position ( about $ 14bn ) to defray the costs of shorting was precisely the market 's view that such securities were so low-risk .

  3. 类似地,多/空股票(long/shortequity,或称为股票对冲)基金本应同时持有股票多头头寸和股票或期权的空头头寸。

    Similarly , long / short equity ( or equity hedge ) funds are supposed to combine long holdings of equities with short sales of stocks or options .

  4. Record去年12月推出了一只新兴市场货币基金(EMCurrencyFund),试图从上述趋势中获利。该基金持有13种新兴货币的多头头寸,以及4个发达国家货币的空头头寸。

    Record launched an EM Currency Fund , which holds long positions in 13 emerging currencies and shorts in four developed world ones , in December to benefit from this trend .

  5. 根据花旗(Citigroup)的一项分析,活跃投资者所持的亚太货币多头头寸处于2012年初以来最高水平,而新兴市场货币的多头头寸为一年来最高。

    Long positions taken by active investors in Asia-Pacific currencies are at the highest level since the start of 2012 , while long positions in emerging markets currencies are the highest in a year , according to a Citigroup analysis .

  6. 在投机性多头头寸接近创纪录高点之际,库存严重吃紧,某些情况下甚至迫近历史低点。

    While speculative long positions are at near-record highs , inventories have tightened meaningfully and to near-record lows in some cases .

  7. 在你能预测出衰退的深度和危机将如何解决之前,建立多头头寸为时尚早。

    Until you can forecast how deep the recession will be and how the crisis will be resolved , it would be premature to take long positions .

  8. 尽管该基金可以是100%净多头头寸或净中性,但它目前仅有50%多头头寸&这很难说是一记明确的信任票。

    While the fund can be 100 per cent net long or net neutral , it currently has just 50 per cent long exposure – hardly a ringing vote of confidence .

  9. 今年5月和6月初,大型对冲基金(最明显的是规模为360亿美元的保尔森基金公司(Paulson&Co))受到了市场动荡的冲击,一些基金已开始减持多头头寸。

    Large hedge funds , most notably the $ 36bn Paulson & Co , were hit by rocky markets in May and the beginning of June and some have begun to scale back their bullish positions .

  10. 多数调查显示,自4月末以来,投资者建立了大量货币市场头寸,而且正如当前低收益率水平所反映的那样,他们持有大量美国国债和德国国债多头头寸。

    Since late April investors have , according to most surveys , built up major money market positions and , as reflected in the current low yield levels , significant long positions in US Treasuries and German bunds .

  11. 投资者将大举溃退,因为对所有由美元融资的资产类别的杠杆化高风险资产多头头寸进行平仓,将引发所有高风险资产(股票、大宗商品、新兴市场资产类别及信贷工具)的协同性崩盘。

    A stampede will occur as closing long leveraged risky asset positions across all asset classes funded by dollar shorts triggers a co-ordinated collapse of all those risky assets equities , commodities , emerging market asset classes and credit instruments .

  12. 近些年,金融投资者积累了越来越多的原油多头头寸,但从各种已有数据判断,这些投机者的买入行为与油价飙升的时机并不吻合。

    Financial investors have built up growing long positions in crude oil in recent years , but the fit between buying by those " speculators " and jumps in the oil price rise is poor , as far as one can tell from available data .

  13. 但韩国既增加了外汇储备,又建立了外币兑韩元的多头头寸,后一种干预方式不会体现在整体储备数据之中。韩国外汇管理机构曾屡次警告韩元被高估。

    But South Korea , whose authorities frequently warn of an overvalued currency , has both added to reserves and built up long positions in foreign currency forwards against the won – a form of intervention that does not show up in headline reserves data .

  14. 多头持有少量空头头寸,因此无论市场涨跌都能获利。

    " Longs " take out small short positions so they can profit whichever way the market goes .