
  • 网络Fixed price;CNH Fixing
  1. 从今年3月开始,近百年历史的伦敦黄金定盘价(LondonGoldFix)将被取代。新的替代机制有望吸引至少11个成员的支持,其中首次包括了中资银行。

    The replacement for the near-century-old London gold fix will start in March , with the hope of attracting at least 11 members , including Chinese banks for the first time .

  2. 包括汇丰(hsbc)、渣打(standardchartered)、德意志银行(deutschebank)在内的15家银行已获财资市场公会指定,为计算定盘价提供报价。

    Fifteen banks , including HSBC , Standard Chartered , and Deutsche Bank , have been designated by the TMA to contribute the price quotes for the calculation of the fixing .

  3. 上周五0.497%的定盘价,是自去年7月以来的最高点。

    Last Friday 's 0.497 per cent setting was its highest since last July .

  4. 在发生涉及伦敦黄金定盘价的一系列丑闻之后,英国金融部门正在对各种金融基准指标开展评估。

    UK financial authorities are undertaking an assessment of financial benchmarks in the wake of a series of scandals , including over the gold fix .

  5. 定盘价将于香港时间每日上午11点计算,计算方法是剔除最高及最低的两个报价,再取上述银行报价的平均值。

    The fixing will be calculated each day at 11 am Hong Kong time by averaging the rates provided by the banks , after excluding the highest and lowest two quotes .

  6. 自去年夏季人民币在里程碑式的改革后可在香港自由交易以来,市场参与者一直在强烈要求推出人民币的日定盘价。

    The Treasury Markets Association , a body of market participants in Hong Kong , will from Monday provide a daily fixing for the renminbi 's spot exchange rate against the dollar .

  7. 他表示,定盘价代表了一个“公正客观”的交易价格,将会“使客户的日子变得更轻松”,也会促进人民币远期市场的发展。

    The fixing represented a " fair and objective " price at which to trade , he said , which would " make life easier for clients " and encourage the development of Renminbi forwards markets .