
  • 网络Multi-objective decision-making method;mcdm
  1. 决策还需要掌握科学的方法,本文推荐的决策方法有SWOT矩阵分析法、多目标决策法和性价比决策法。

    Decision making also needs scientific method , the suggested methods in this paper are SWOT matrix analysis method , Multi-objective decision-making method and Effective on Cost decision making method .

  2. 城市新区人口容量测算中多目标决策法的运用&以桂林市为例

    Application of Multi-objective Decision-making Method in Population Capacity Calculation

  3. 其次,构建了黑龙江生物制药产业创新联盟成员选择指标体系,提出用多目标决策法进行联盟成员的选择及应用AHP法计算指标权重。

    Secondly , it builds a member selection index system of biopharmaceutical industry innovation alliance in Heilongjiang province , and proposes multi-objective decision method to select the members and AHP method to calculate the index weights .

  4. [0,1]多目标决策法在农业中的应用尝试

    To Attempt the Application of the Multi-purpose Policy Decision Method on Agriculture

  5. 如何用多目标决策法选择物流供应链中的供应商

    How to Select Supplier in SC by Multi-object Decision

  6. 熵权多目标决策法在水资源系统决策分析中的应用

    Using entropy multipurpose decision for analyzing water resources system

  7. 多目标决策法在矿井通风系统优化改造中的应用

    Application of Multi-object Decision Method in Optimization and Reconstruction of Mine Ventilation System

  8. 多目标决策法为评价医院综合管理提供科学依据。

    This method provides scientific basis for the evaluation of synthetic management of the hospital .

  9. 多目标决策法在生态公益林资源优化配置中的应用研究

    Application of the Multi-objective Decision Making Methodology in Optimizing the Ecological Public-Welfare Forest Resources Structure

  10. 文章采用多目标决策法进行近水平煤层矿井设计的最优化。

    This paper demonstrates the optimization of the nearly flat seam underground coal mine planning by the multi-objective decision-making method .

  11. 因此将多目标决策法广泛应用到现场实际中,将具有较大的实用价值。

    So , to make wide application the multi-object decision method in the site work is of great practical value .

  12. 基于相对隶属度的模糊信息的多目标决策法水下目标多点相对深度信息实时显示方法

    Approach to multi-objective decision-making with fuzzy Information based on relative membership degree ; Real-Time Image Display Method on Multifeed Relative-deep Information of Underwater Target

  13. 采用熵权多目标决策法对管道优化方案集进行了评价,以达到优中选优的目的。

    A multi-objective decision policy of entropy weight is applied to evaluate the optimized plans as a whole in order to achieve the goal of " select a superior solution from superior solutions " .

  14. 在确立矿井通风系统评价指标的基础上,详细介绍了多目标决策法的理论基础及应用原理。

    This paper , on the basis of the establishment of evaluation indexes of mine ventilation system , gives a detailed description of the theoretical base and application principle of the multi-object decision method .

  15. 在以往多目标决策法中,当要选择方案时,大都是由主观的判断或是复杂的计算来处理,如此并无法让决策者做整体性之判断。

    In the foregoing multi criteria decision making , decision have often been decided on the basis of either subjective judgment or complicated calculating procedure , which is very difficult to make an overall decision .

  16. 管道优化设计方案评价体系又包括:(1)对优化方案集的整体评价,本文采用熵权多目标决策法;

    And the evaluation system for optimized design plans for pipeline includes : ( 1 ) evaluations of the optimized plans as a whole ( The multi-objective decision method for entropy weight coefficient in this thesis . )

  17. 本文介绍[0,1]多目标决策法,并实例应用于农业中,同时还讨论了应用条件和注意的问题。

    In this article , the author introduced the multi-purpose policy decision method and provided real examples of the method applied on agriculture . At the same time , the conditions for the application of the method and the problems that must be noticed had been discussed .

  18. 采用多目标模糊决策法对沈阳地区跨度7.5m、后坡长度2.0m、后坡仰角在25°~45°之间变化的不同日光温室建筑参数方案进行了优选。

    The method of multi-objective fuzzy optimization was adopted to optimize the building parameters of greenhouses with constant parameters of span 7.5 m , north slope length 2.0 m and north slope angle 25 °~ 45 ° in Shenyang city .

  19. 现代变型监测布网方案的非线性多目标决策优选法

    Non-linear multi-objective decision optimization method of modern variable model monitoring layout scheme

  20. 多目标模糊决策法在选择铲运机斗容中的应用

    Application of Multiobjective Fuzzy Decision-making Method in Selecting Shovel Size of Scraper

  21. 铁路建设投资方案评价中的多目标模糊决策法

    Multi-objective Fuzzy Decision-making Method in the Investment Project Evaluation of Railway Construction

  22. 一种实用的多目标最优决策法

    A Practical Method of Multi objectives Optimum Decision

  23. 组合赋权的多目标决策区间法在大气评价中的应用

    A Method for Multiple Objectives Decision Making Based on Combinational Weigh and Ideal Interval and Applications in Atmospheric Environmental Quality Assessment

  24. 本文对多目标模糊决策法在硐室爆破参数优化中的应用进行了探讨。

    Based on the fuzzy property of parametric selection , a new method about fuzzy optimization of multiple parameters of chamber blasting is discussed in this paper .

  25. 简述了适用于西北地区煤矿高矿化度及酸性矿并水处理方法,介绍了用两种多目标模糊决策法在三个可行的酸性水处理方案中选优方法。

    It is discussed for treatment methods and evaluation optimization on high mineralization and acidulous mine drainage , and it is introduced for two kinds of schemes with multiobjectives fuzzy decision to treat the acidulous mine drainage in the paper .

  26. 应用模糊数学理论中的多目标模糊决策法,根据不同地层的钻进需要,借助计算机编程计算优选泥浆配方是一个行之有效的方法。

    According to requirements of the drilling in different seams , the Fuzzy Decision Rule of Multiple Objective of Fuzzy Theory can be used to select optimal mud formulation with the help of computer programming and calculation , which is an effective method .

  27. 在文章的后面,是基于用户模型的产品设计实践,最后是对设计实践和普通产品进行的多目标决策评价法的评价,也是对前面所建立的模型的一个检验。

    Behind in the article , is based on the user model of product design practice , Finally , the design practice and general products of the multi-objective decision-making evaluation of the evaluation , is also the model in front of a test .

  28. 最后,运用多目标模糊决策法解决了动力配煤优化模型中多目标函数协同优化的实现问题。

    Finally , the problem that how to implement multi-objective function optimization in the power coal blending optimization model is solved by Multi-objective decision in Fuzzy Mathematics . Finally , the power coal blending optimization model is established by using Multi-objective decision in Fuzzy Mathematics .

  29. 加权多目标决策优序法ASIC逻辑综合中重定时序


  30. 文章将多目标决策的TOPSIS法用于农业生产能力的综合评价中,根据各评价指标特征值之间的变异程度,利用变异系数确定其权重并建立了评价模型。

    The TOPSIS method is applied to evaluate the agricultural productive capacity . According to variation degree among the characteristic values of evaluation indexes , coefficient of variation is used to determine the weight .