
  1. 大量经典的模式识别学习算法已经被应用于文本分类中,如近邻分类法,贝叶斯决策法,决策树,神经网络,支持向量机等。

    A large number of classical pattern recognition learning algorithm has applied into text classification already , such as near neighbor 's classification , Bayes decision way , decision tree , neural network and support vector machine etc.

  2. Hopkinson压杆测试技术探讨论贝叶斯决策理论法在审计抽样测试中的应用

    Discussion on Hopkinson Bar Test Method ; The Application of Bayesian Decision Theoretic Approach To Audit Sampling

  3. 论贝叶斯决策理论法在审计抽样测试中的应用

    The Application of Bayesian Decision Theoretic Approach To Audit Sampling

  4. 为了准确地构建图像恢复变分模型,我们事先对图像中的两种噪声进行分类并标识,采用基于绝对差图像和贝叶斯决策的噪声分类法将高斯噪声和冲击噪声有效地分离。

    In order to construct an accurate variational restoration model , we classify the noisy pixels into Gaussian or impulse type in advance based on the absolute difference image and Bayesian decision theory .

  5. 最后,本文对山东省淄博市的实际房地产投资项目中的方案进行了贝叶斯决策,进而验证了贝叶斯决策法的科学性和实用性。

    At the end of the article , we use the model to analyse the real estate investment projects in Zibo City and we validate the scientificity , practical applicability .