
yín hánɡ jiān dū
  • bank supervision;banking supervision;bank surveillance
  1. 这样,银行监督监管将保留有限得多、切实、但仍绝对必要的作用:即确保核心商业银行体系在任何时候都绝对稳健,资本充足。

    This leaves a much more limited , and practicable , but still absolutely essential , role for bank supervision and regulation : namely , to ensure that the core commercial banking system is thoroughly sound and adequately capitalised at all times .

  2. 美联储在银行监督方面的记录远非出众,这支持了小美联储模式。

    In favour of the narrow Fed model , the central bank 's record in bank supervision is far from stellar .

  3. 巴塞尔银行监督委员会(Baselcommitteeonbankingsupervision)最近称,未来几个月,将把系统性风险列为主要优先任务之一。

    The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision said on Tuesday that it will make systemic risk one of its main priorities in the coming months .

  4. 中国的银行监督机构银监会(CBRC)没有对此进行评论。

    The China Banking Regulatory Commission , China 's bank regulator known as CBRC , couldn 't be reached to comment .

  5. 该交易正值全球监管负责人准备于本周末在瑞士巴塞尔开会,批准一套新的资本金和流动性措施。这些措施是由国际监管机构巴塞尔银行监督委员会(Baselcommitteeonbankingsupervision)起草的。

    The deal comes as global regulatory chiefs prepare to meet in Basel , Switzerland , this weekend to approve a set of new capital and liquidity measures drawn up by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision , the international watchdog .

  6. 发挥托管银行监督职责保护投资人利益

    Performing Supervision Duties of Trustee Bank Protecting the Benefits of Investors

  7. 银行监督企业是银行的一项重要功能,正常发挥它的功能对于银行、企业和宏观经济都有着十分重要的意义。

    Bank monitoring is an important function of bank .

  8. 第二章是文献综述,对以往银行监督企业问题的相关研究进行了回顾和评述。

    In chapter 2 , I reviewed the classical study in the subject of banking monitoring .

  9. 这一测试的目的是为了给银行监督机构提供指导,测试结果将不会公开。

    The tests are intended to guide bank supervisors and the results will not be made public .

  10. 巴塞尔银行监督委员会

    Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

  11. 第五章对银行监督企业的方法进行了归纳总结,并分析了日本的主办银行制,指出了银行监督企业的特殊优势以及在选择监督企业方法时应当吸取的经验教训。

    Then , in chapter 5 , I summarized four basic methods of bank monitoring and analyzed Japanese main-bank system .

  12. 企业契约的制定过程中,应全面权衡,综合考虑,制定完善合理的债务契约和薪酬契约,充分发挥薪酬契约机制和银行监督机制对上市公司盈余管理行为的治理作用。

    Companies should consider more comprehensive and formulate reasonable debt and compensation contracts , giving full play to their governance effects .

  13. 根据我国银行监督管理委员会2005年公报的统计结果,目前我国各类银行业金融机构有3万多家。

    According to the statistical result of the China Banking Regulatory Commission , there are thirty thousand financial institutions across the country at present .

  14. 贷款抵押、借新还旧和贷款类型等贷款特征对银行监督上市公司盈余管理方面起不到制约作用。

    Mortgage loans , refinancing loans and loan types fail to exercise any restraining effect on bank monitoring of earnings management of listed companies .

  15. 首先从单阶段和无限重复博弈模型的角度出发,对上市公司盈余管理的银行监督机制进行了理论分析。

    To begin with , from the single-stage and infinite game models , bank monitoring mechanism of earnings management of listed companies is analyzed theoretically .

  16. 第四,需要普遍增强对银行监督的效果和强度,尤其是具有系统重要性的机构。

    Fourth , the effectiveness and intensity of supervision needs to be strengthened , for banks in general and for systemically important institutions in particular .

  17. 印度储备银行监督管理银行的运营,制定利率,该银行一向是纪律严明。

    The Reserve Bank of India ( RBI ), which regulates banks and sets interest rates , has a record of running a tight ship .

  18. 首先,本章对非政府组织参与全球金融规则的国际实施所涉及的法律问题进行分析,并以世界银行监督小组为例进行实证分析。

    Firstly , the chapter discusses the related legal issues with international enforcement of global financial rules , and continues its analysis on World Bank inspection panel .

  19. 论文首次运用动态博弈的分析方法研究了由于银行监督所带来的锁定效应&银行剥削的存在性问题。

    The paper analyzes the existence of lock-in effects in bank-borrower relationships due to the bank monitoring with dynamic game method , that is whether so-called bank hold-up exits .

  20. 他提出,在欧洲央行内部创建一道完善的防火墙以分割其银行监督和货币政策职能,可能要求修改欧盟条约,此举可能导致多年的拖延。

    He suggested that creating a sufficient firewall within the ECB to separate its banking and monetary role could require a change in EU treaties a step that could cause years of delay .

  21. 例如,如果银行监督机构判断,在压力增大的时期,一家依赖短期资金的银行流动性不足,就会迫使该行发行更多长期债务。

    For example , a bank reliant on short-term funding could be pressured to issue more long-term debt if bank supervisors judge that a lender would not be sufficiently liquid in times of stress .

  22. 第六章利用前面的分析结果分析了中国国有商业银行监督企业问题,为促进中国国有商业银行监督企业提供了政策建议。

    At last , in chapter 6 I used the frontal conclusions to analyze the bank monitoring problem of China 's state-owned bank and outlined how to improve the monitoring function of China 's state-owned bank .

  23. 第三章对银行监督企业的成本收益进行了分析,指出银行监督企业有利于解决银行和企业发展中面临的许多现实问题,并有助于促进经济增长和优化资源配置。

    Then I analyzed the benefits and costs of bank monitoring in chapter 3 . In this chapter I found bank monitoring could ease many difficulties of bank and firm and it could also boost the economic development .

  24. 本文分成五章第一章第一节介绍了银行监督理论溯源,对具有代表性的公共利益论,追逐论,管制寻租论,经济监管论进行综述。

    This text is divided into five chapters : First section of chapter one introduce the source of supervise theory , including public interest theory , chasing theory , renting theory , economy supervision theory and make a summary .

  25. 最后通过梳理出已有的相关参考文献的时间和演化路径,并指出以往研究的不足。第二、从外部公司治理机制的角度,建立银行监督上市公司盈余管理的博弈理论分析框架。

    Finally , by teasing out the relevant references , the paper has its evolution and time paths , and points out the deficiencies of previous studies . Second , the Game theory framework of banking monitoring of earnings management of listed companies has been established .

  26. 《汽车金融公司管理办法》已于2003年10月3日由银行监督委员会发布,标志着中国的汽车金融服务业进入了有法可依的时代,必将进一步促进汽车金融与汽车产业的发展。

    " Management Method for Auto Financing Companies " was issued by the bank monitoring committee on Oct. 3rd , 2003 , showing that auto financing service in China has entered a stage of legality . It will certainly promote the development of auto financing and the auto industry .

  27. 在众多国际组织中,巴塞尔银行监督管理委员会率先把操作风险纳入了风险管理框架,将它视作同市场风险和信用风险同等重要,从而形成了风险管理三足鼎立的格局。

    Among the many international organizations , the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision firstly put operational risk management into the risk management framework , which makes operational risk be the same important as market risk and credit risk , thereby forming the pattern of the three pillars of risk management .

  28. 分析比较不同开发方法,开发模式及其特点,介绍了以JSP技术构建基于B/S模式的基于Web的银行检查监督系统的有关技术理论。

    Analysis and comparision of different development methods , pattens and its features , and introducing the theoretics of banking inspection and supervision system which is via JSP based on B / S & Web . 3 .

  29. 这些测试由在欧洲银行业监督委员会(CommitteeofEuropeanBankingSupervisors)开会的官员们进行。美国去年也进行了类似的测试,帮助让投资者相信美国银行系统是稳定的。

    The tests , conducted by officials meeting in the Committee of European Banking Supervisors ( CEBS ), are similar to a US exercise undertaken last year that helped convince investors that the American banking system was stable .

  30. 中国银行业监督管理委员会(chinabankingregulatorycommission)深圳银监局局长于学军最近在一次对监管者而言异常坦率的讲话中表示,汇率机制使得中国央行颇为“被动”。

    Yu Xuejun , head of the China Banking Regulatory Commission Office in Shenzhen , next to Hong Kong , said this week , in an unusually frank speech for a regulator , that the currency system had made the PBOC " passive " .