
yín hánɡ cún kuǎn
  • bank deposit;bank account;cash on bank;savings
  1. 带着malik还有50万美金的银行存款。

    With Malik and about $ 500000 in her bank account .

  2. 矢志进取的生活方式和大笔银行存款。

    A high-flying life style and an extensive bank account .

  3. 在他有银行存款之前,我不想和他结婚。

    Until his finances are in the black I don 't want to get married .

  4. 他们一直娇生惯养,房子、仆人、银行存款一应俱全。

    They 've been spoon-fed , provided with a house , servants , bank balance .

  5. 我的银行存款余额不多了。

    My bank balance isn 't very large .

  6. 联邦存款保险公司-美国负责管理银行存款保险的管理机构。

    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC )

  7. 商议婚前协议的时候,夫妻双方通常考虑的都是婚前财务、退休金方案、银行存款以及房产等问题。不过,他们其实也应该考虑一下婚前和婚后养的宠物要怎么处理。

    When considering a prenuptial agreement , couples usually include their thoughts on pre-marital finances , 401K plans , bank accounts and real estate . But they should also discuss what to do about dogs , cats and other animals acquired before and during the marriage .

  8. 中国国际金融有限公司(ChinaInternationalCapitalco.)在上周发布的报告中预测,三年后,类似余额宝这样的产品管理的资金规模将相当于银行存款的8%。

    A report issued last week by brokerage China International Capital Corp. projects that in three years products like Yu'E Bao could manage funds comparable to 8 % of bank deposits .

  9. 欧洲央行(ecb)内的银行存款较上周五增长了1倍,触及了5个月的高点,表明欧洲金融机构正面临巨大压力。

    As a sign of the stress at European financial institutions , bank deposits at the European Central Bank doubled from last Friday to a five-month high .

  10. 增加基于客户银行存款帐号的会员支付方式以保证双方利益,其中以SSL通道及数字证书、安全加密等技术保证交易数据安全、可信;设计了商家会员管理模块,以扩展商家业务;

    Using the safe cannel based on SSL technology , digital certificate and encrypted technology to make data exchange online safe and reliable , designing the member 's management module for the merchants to expanding their business .

  11. 本周,中国央行(PBoC)下调商业银行存款准备金率,将会释放一定的流动性,导致市场利率可能发生了变化。

    The People 's Bank of China may have renewed interest in the market this week by cutting the amount of reserves banks must hold , which should free up liquidity .

  12. 事实上,中国央行(PBoC)上周将银行存款准备金率下调了100个基点,这是2008年以来最大幅度的单次下调。然而,经济增长放缓已成定局,今年内不太可能出现真正转机。

    Indeed last week the central bank cut the banking reserve requirement by 100 basis points , the largest single reduction since 2008 . But the slowdown in growth is ingrained , and no material change in this trajectory is likely in the rest of the year .

  13. “我有自己的银行存款帐户,”她说道。

    ' I have my own bank account , 'she says .

  14. 我的银行存款已透支300镑。

    My account is 300 overdrawn [ overdrawn by 300 ] .

  15. 银行存款:契约性质、微观结构与产品设计

    Bank Deposits : Nature of Contract , Microstructure and Product Design

  16. 典型的低风险投资是政府债券和银行存款。

    Classic low-risk investments are government stocks and bank deposits .

  17. 与市场预期相反,银行存款和贷款利率保持不变。

    Against market expectation , bank deposit and lending rates remained unchanged .

  18. 低利率使得债券和银行存款也没什么收益。

    Low interest rates have made bonds and bank deposits unrewarding too .

  19. 我今天从银行存款中取出100镑。

    I drew £ 100 from my bank account today .

  20. 银行存款:存在银行的货币。

    Bank money : Money on deposit at a Bank .

  21. 这份工作更安全,又不会耗尽你的银行存款。

    It 's safer and it won 't deplete your bank account .

  22. 这些政策包括降低银行存款准备金率。

    These policies include reducing bank deposit reserve rate .

  23. 舞弊常常导致现金与银行存款余额的虚增。

    Frauds often end up with overstated cash balances .

  24. 库存和在途现金和银行存款

    Cash in Hand and in Transit and at Banks

  25. 我喜欢在继续干下去的同时增加我的银行存款。

    I like to add up my bank account as I go along .

  26. 存款人的利益保护:俄联邦银行存款保险制度及对中国的启示

    The Protection of Deposit ors : The Experience of Russia 's Deposit Insurance System

  27. 银行存款帐户的利息率还不算低,据说还有别的好事,会是什么呢?

    What 's the interest rate now ? Bank clerk : It is3.2 % .

  28. 同时,英国央行还可以提高银行存款准备金率。

    In the meantime , the BOE can raise the reserve requirements of banks .

  29. 随着银行存款达到创纪录的水平,中国决策者面前的形势十分复杂。

    The situation is complicated for Chinese policymakers by record levels of bank deposits .

  30. 这些新的办法中,最重要的方式是降低银行存款准备金率。

    The most important of these is cuts to banks ' required reserve ratio .