
  • 网络overdraft;overdraft of credit card
  1. 信用卡透支既为银行带来高额利润,也产生较大风险。

    Credit card overdraft brings high profits for banks , as well as great risk .

  2. 信用卡透支是信用卡运作的基本形式,体现了银行信用,其实质是发卡银行向持卡人提供的一种消费信贷。

    Credit card malicious overdraft is the basic form of credit card operation , it reflects the bank credit , and its essence is for card-issuing banks to honor cardholders a consumer credit .

  3. 中国普通消费者不是喜欢用信用卡透支购物的人。

    The average consumer in China is not a credit card-touting shopper .

  4. 在她20岁的时候,克里斯蒂娜享有了信用卡透支权。

    In her early twenties , Christina did have her share of credit card debt .

  5. 此外,一旦默认的过程开始的欠款人最会看到他们的信用卡透支额度受损。

    Furthermore , once the default process begins most of the defaulters will see their credit card limits impaired .

  6. 这比我们任何的一种贷款业务都要低得多,而且比大多数信用卡透支都要便宜。

    It 's much lower rate than any of our loans and it 's much better than owing money to most credit cards .

  7. 我们之所以工作,是因为要付房租,偿还抵押贷款,还清信用卡透支费用,偿付助学贷款,买车,等等。

    We work so we can pay our rents , mortgages , credit card debts , school loans , car payments * the list goes on and on .

  8. 我们之所以工作,是因为要付房租,偿还抵押贷款,还清信用卡透支费用,偿付助学贷款,买车,等等。此类费用接连而至,让我们应接不暇。

    We work so we can pay our rents , mortgages , credit card debts , school loans , car payments ... the list goes on and on .

  9. 我们之所以工作,是因为要付房租,偿还抵押贷款,还清信用卡透支费用,偿付助学贷款,买车,等等。此类费用接连而至,让我们应接不暇。于是,我们会突然意识到,尽管拥有了想要的一切,我们仍然不幸福。

    We work so we can pay our rents , mortgages , credit card debts , school loans , car payments_the list goes on and on.And at some point , we realize , that aside from having most of what we want , we still arem 't happy .

  10. 论信用卡恶意透支型犯罪立法科学化

    On the Legislation Scientization of the Credit Card Overdrawing Crime

  11. 信用卡恶意透支案件侦查思路探析

    Exploration and Analysis on the Investigation Thinking to Cases of Credit Card Malicious Overdraft

  12. 第三部分论述我国信用卡恶意透支风险法律控制所存在的缺陷。

    The third part dwell on the deficiencies of legal control system of credit card malicious overdraft risks in our country .

  13. 文章介绍了智能卡诈骗犯罪的犯罪途径,即主要通过信用卡、透支卡和储值卡实施犯罪。

    This article introduces the crime methods of intelligent card swindling crime : that is to commit crimes through credit cards , overdraft cards and savings cards .

  14. 各大商业银行为追逐信用卡高额透支利息带来的回报而纷纷建立各自的信用卡中心,并将信用卡业务视为一个极为重要的利润增长点。

    To pursue high returns by overdraft interest rate , major commercial banks have established their own credit card center and consider the credit card business as a profit growth point which is extremely important .

  15. 信用卡恶意透支风险就是指信用卡持卡人没有能力偿还所欠的信用卡债务或不愿意偿还所欠的信用卡债务,使银行不能收回或不能及时收回债权而给银行带来的可能损失。

    The risk of credit card malicious overdraft is that cardholders cannot afford to repay credit card debt or are unwilling to repay credit card debt , so that banks could not recover the debt or recover the debt in time and cause the possible loss for banks .

  16. 如果我把信用卡的额度透支到最大,父亲就会削减额度。

    If I maxed out a credit card , he would cut it .

  17. 主要包括使用型信用卡诈骗和恶意透支行为。

    Mainly include the use of credit card fraud and malicious overdraft behavior .

  18. 金钱和信用态度影响信用卡透支的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Credit Card Overdraft Behavior

  19. 多德-佛兰克法案限制了信用卡违约金和透支费,并提议对银行可向零售商收取的借记卡交易费用施加上限。

    The Dodd-Frank act restricted credit-card penalties and overdraft fees , and proposed a cap on the amount banks can charge retailers for debit-card transactions .

  20. 调查发现,这些受访者中有近一半的人会使用信用卡消费,即使透支也要花钱。58%的人表示,要想让她们停止购物,唯一的办法就是远离那些购物场所。

    Nearly half have used credit cards or overdraft when skint and58 per cent say only keeping away from the high street would stop them spending .

  21. 首先分析了信用卡诈骗罪中恶意透支行为与其他三种表现形式的关系和区别,然后从信用卡的透支功能着手,对恶意透支进行分析,明确了善意透支和恶意透支的界限。

    Then it analyzes malicious overdraft crimes from the overdraft function of credit card to definite the graceful overdraft and malicious overdraft .

  22. 他采用的一个方法是用信用卡结算。他的信用卡透支额度为5000元。

    One solution he used was his credit card that allowed him a 5,000-yuan overdraft .

  23. 本研究希望发现金钱信用态度的那些因素影响信用卡透支功能的使用。

    The purpose of the paper is to study which factors of credit and money attitude have impact on credit card holder 's overdraft behavior .

  24. 如果信用卡持有者对信用卡长时间透支而且未能及时缴清利息,银行管理人员会对该用户进行提醒,严重情况下还可以冻结该信用卡的使用。

    If the credit card holder on a credit card for a long time but failed to be paid interest on overdrafts , bank managers will be reminded of the user , they can also freeze the use of credit cards in severe cases .

  25. 各种类型的信用卡犯罪应运而生,特别是恶意透支型信用卡诈骗犯罪愈演愈烈,犯罪分子利用信用卡本身具有的透支功能大肆恶意透支,骗取银行资金,对我国稳定健康的金融秩序造成了冲击。

    The credit card crime of various type emerges , especially malicious overdraft happens more and more , the criminal makes use of the overdraft function that the credit card owns and cheats funds of bank , impact the financial order of stable health of our country .

  26. 对使用伪造、作废信用卡、冒用他人信用卡,恶意透支行为,应区别不同情况分别处理;

    Different punishments shall be given to using mock credit cards , expired credit cards , others ' credit cards , or malicious overdraft .

  27. 信用风险是商业银行的主要风险,也是信用卡透支业务面临的主要风险。

    The research background : The credit risk is the main risk of the commercial bank , and also the main risk of the credit card overdraws .

  28. 伴随我国经济的不断发展,信用卡的使用得到了飞速发展,信用卡的透支功能在方便人们消费的同时,也给许多不法分子以可乘之机。

    Accompany with continuously development of our country economy , the usage of credit card is prevalent soon , the overdraft function of credit card promote people to consume , also give many criminals to get use of it .

  29. 在各种社会控制手段中,由于法律所具有的独特的社会调控功能,以及对信用的有效调整和保障,使得法律成为了对信用卡恶意透支风险进行控制的最佳选择。

    In various means of social control , since legal system has the unique social control function , as well as the effective regulation and guarantee of credit , legal system is the best choice for risk control of credit card malicious overdraft .

  30. 提出了信用卡信息通知子系统,完成了金融信息的发布、信用卡透支催讨等功能。

    We present the subsystem of credit card information inform , which fulfills the function of the issue of financial information , the pressing for payment of overdraw of the credit card , etc.