
  • 网络Information Disclosure System;disclosure system of information
  1. 我国CBA职业篮球联赛组织信息披露制度的构建

    Construction of Information Disclosure System in CBA Professional Basketball League Organization

  2. 法律的不健全、信息披露制度不完善、IPO发行定价制度不合理等等一系列的问题还困扰着投资者。

    Investors are put on difficult position by the inperfect law , information disclosure system and so on IPO offering and pricing .

  3. 建立统一的CA认证,以确立统一的行业标准。并在具体可操作的基础上,建立健全网络银行的信息披露制度、完善中国征信体系建设、网络银行市场准入制度、网络银行市场退出制度。

    We should establish a unified CA certificate and a unified feasible industry standard and perfect information disclosure system of internet bank . We also should improve our credit system , market access system and market exit system of Internet bank .

  4. 最后,针对转变监管部门监管理念、完善首次公开发行制度、完善信息披露制度、抑制投资者的过度投机四个方面,提出了解决IPO抑价问题的对策建议。

    Finally , in view of changing supervising notion , consummating the issue pricing system , also the information disclosure system and restraining speculation of investor , propose suggestions about solving the problem of IPO underpricing .

  5. 第三,为了弥补RAND原则的缺陷,完善技术标准中信息披露制度,确立默示许可原则。

    Thirdly , to make up the defect of RAND principle , the principle of implied permission could be established to improve the principle of disclosure in technology standard system .

  6. 第二,施行更加严格的信息披露制度。

    Second , carry out a more strict information disclosure system .

  7. 规范电信服务信息披露制度,提高服务的透明度。

    Regulate the information disclosure system to improve the service transparency .

  8. 浅析信息披露制度所体现的公平理念

    A Study on the Justice Reflected in the Information Disclosure System

  9. 与技术标准有关的专利信息披露制度研究

    Study on the Patent Information Disclosure System Relating to Technical Standard

  10. 招股说明书是上市公司信息披露制度最重要法律文件。

    The prospectus is the most important instrument of legal document .

  11. 我国开放式基金信息披露制度及其优化

    On the Open-end Fund Information Disclosure System and Its Optimization Designs

  12. 信息披露制度是现代资本市场的核心制度。

    Information disclosure system is the core of modern capital market .

  13. 第二章介绍了信息披露制度,并指出了我国股票市场信息披露存在的问题。

    In Chapter Two , problems in our stock markets are advanced .

  14. 加强监管,完善信息披露制度。

    Fifth , strengthen supervision and perfect information disclosure system .

  15. 第五章重点分析了创业板市场信息披露制度。

    Chapter five focuses on the information disclosure of GEM .

  16. 接着,介绍了预测性信息披露制度的体系。

    Next , the author introduced forecasting information disclosure system .

  17. 从有效市场假设看我国证券市场的信息披露制度

    Efficient Market Hypothesis and Information Disclosure System in China 's Security Market

  18. 社会保险基金会计信息披露制度的建设是社会保险基金监督中的重要一环。

    Information publish is an important part of social insurance fund management .

  19. 基于反操纵的证券交易信息披露制度分析

    Analysis on the Mechanism of Security Transaction Information Disclosure Based on Anti-manipulation

  20. 证券信息披露制度的严肃性如何落实?

    How can the solemnity of security information disclose system be guaranteed ?

  21. 信息披露制度包括外部监管和内部监控两方面。

    The system of information disclosure includes supervision inside and outside company .

  22. 证券市场监管的一个重要方面是上市公司的强制性信息披露制度。

    Compulsive Information Disclosure is an important aspect of security market regulation .

  23. 而两个典型案件对标准组织知识产权政策中专利信息披露制度的发展具有推动性的意义。

    The two cases promote the development of the patent disclosure policy .

  24. 立足会计监管建立商业银行信息披露制度

    On Setting up Information Disclosure System of Commercial Bank Based on Accounting Supervision

  25. 第四章,中国上市公司的信息披露制度。

    The fourth chapter is the information announcement system of Chinese listed companies .

  26. 会计信息披露制度是证券市场制度体系的重要组成部分。

    Accounting information disclosure system is a crucial component of securities market system .

  27. 第二部分论述了信息披露制度的价值目标。

    The second part discusses the value target of the information disclosure system .

  28. 对完善我国开放式基金费用信息披露制度的思考

    Improvements on Information Disclosure System of Open-style Fund Fee

  29. 其次,介绍了我国财务重述信息披露制度。

    Secondly , the introduction of the restatement of financial information disclosure system .

  30. 第四部分,中外证券信息披露制度比较。

    The fourth compares China 's information disclosure system with foreign countries ' .