
  1. 图书馆信息服务市场营销策略刍议

    A Brief Exploration on Promoting Strategy of Library Market Service

  2. 非对称信息市场中营销人员的角色定位研究

    Salesmen 's Role Position in Asymmetric Information Market

  3. 最后,基于预测结果给出自己关于信息家电市场营销策略的意见和建议,指出信息家电的市场发展尤其需要选择特色的市场营销渠道。

    At the last , give the opinion and advice on the IA 's marketing strategy of myself , emphasizing to upbuild the characteristic marketing channel for IA .

  4. 为适应信息时代市场营销方式的改变,我们必须在千方百计满足日益多样化的消费需求的同时,制定适合信息经济要求的市场营销组合策略。

    In order to adjust to the changes of marketing method in the new information epoch , we must manage to satisfy the increasing multi-consumption needs , and at the same time , establish the marketing strategy meeting the information economics requirements .

  5. 本文从理论上探讨了地理信息系统在市场营销和商圈分析中的应用。

    This paper theoretically discusses the application of GIS in marketing and trade area analysis .

  6. 基于信息产品的市场营销策略研究

    Research on Information Product-based Marketing Strategies

  7. 信息高速公路与市场营销

    Information Superhighway and Marketing

  8. 以新一代网络技术、信息技术、市场营销模式为基础的网络营销给传统企业的市场营销、商务运作带来巨大而深刻的变革。

    Based on new internet technology , information technology , Internet Marketing brings tremendous and profound influence on traditional marketing and business operations .

  9. 除了工程技术人员外,沃尔沃还将在采购、信息技术、市场营销和制造部门招纳新员工。

    As well as engineers , Volvo will be taking on people in areas such as purchasing , information technology , marketing and manufacturing .

  10. 第四章从技术创新、人力资源管理与组织变革、资金筹措、企业文化建设、信息管理、市场营销、多元化经营等方面探讨如何实施企业发展战略。

    Supported by discuses of cost leadership strategy , differentiation strategy , technology innovation , human resources management and organization reforming , financing , organization culture , information management , diversified operation , and so on .

  11. 本文综合运用产业组织学、战略管理学、信息经济学、市场营销学、模糊数学等相关学科知识,对企业非相关多元化经营的风险进行了分析和评估。

    This thesis is aimed to analyze and evaluate the potential risk of the unrelated diversification by synthesizing relative knowledge , such as Industrial Organization , Corporation Strategy , Information Economics , Marketing Management , Fuzzy Theory , etc.

  12. 文章第一部分首先概述了现代市场营销的定义、变革以及市场营销与现代物流的共赢关系,然后概述了如何创建市场营销信息系统以及市场营销信息系统的定义、目标、特点和结构等。

    The first part of this paper shows the definition and reformation of marketing as well as the inter-beneficial relationship between marketing and logistics , and this paper next to introduces how to setup the marketing information system and its definition , objectives , characters and structures , etc.

  13. 信息家电市场分析及营销渠道选择

    The Market Analysis and Channels Selecting on Information Appliance

  14. 商品信息在商业企业市场营销中的重要性

    Importance Of commodity information in commercial department market marketing

  15. 建立铁路分局货运信息中心提高货运市场营销水平

    Establishing Freight Transport Information Center of Railway Sub Adminstration and Raising Marketing Level of Freight Transport Market

  16. 木文拟就商品信息在商业企业市场营销中的应用研究,为商业企业市场营销的发展与进步提供理论依据和实践指导。

    Wood , to be commercial enterprises on commodity information in the application of marketing research for the development and marketing of commercial enterprises provide a theoretical basis and practical guide progress .

  17. 现代市场是个信息不对称市场,企业如何在不对称信息市场下营销是一个值得深入研究的课题。

    The modern market is an asymmetric information market , it is a topic worthy of in-depth study that enterprises how to marketing under the asymmetric information market .

  18. 信息产品是信息社会的产物,如何对信息产品的市场营销策略进行详细的分析,以帮助信息企业获取最大的利润成为目前所面临的一大新问题。

    Product information is the product of the information society , information on how the product marketing strategy for a detailed analysis in order to help businesses maximize the profits of the current face-Dah Sing issue .

  19. 银行或健康保险公司经手的信息尤其敏感,他们的客户可不希望这些信息被用于市场营销用途。

    Banks or health insurance companies handle particularly sensitive information that their clients expect will not be used for marketing reasons .