
  • 网络Credit scoring model
  1. 利用第一个子样本,对其财务指标应用了主成分分析,建立了基于logistic回归的小企业信用评分模型。

    Thereafter , we build a credit scoring model based on logistic regression by use of the first sample .

  2. 基于聚类的个人信用评分模型研究

    Research on Personal Credit Scoring Model based on Clustering

  3. 在客户信用评分模型中,运用Logistic回归可以将复杂的非线性问题转化为线性问题,选择影响客户信用情况的因素对客户信用进行评级。

    In credit management system , use Logistic regression to make complicated problem easier . And choose factors which effects client 's credit level to appraise client 's credit position .

  4. 在建立信用评分模型时,logistic回归是一种十分常用的统计方法,而probit回归在这方面却极少论及。

    In the establishment of credit scoring models , logistic regression is a very commonly used statistical method , while the probit regression is rarely addressed in this regard .

  5. 基于多级模糊综合评判法的个人信用评分模型研究

    A Personal Credit Model Based on Multiple Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

  6. 上市公司财务困境预测的信用评分模型

    Forecasting corporate financial distress : using credit scoring models

  7. 基于判别分析的个人信用评分模型研究与实证分析

    Empirical Analysis and Model Study of Personal Credit Scoring Method Based on Discriminant Analysis

  8. 信用评分模型的设计与决策分析

    Model Design And Decision Analysis on Credit Rating

  9. 基于数据挖掘的个人信用评分模型开发

    Personal Credit Scoring Modeling Based on Data Mining

  10. 信用评分模型在我国企业贷款评估中的应用研究

    Study and Application of Credit Scoring Models to Appraisal of A Loan to Chinese Companies

  11. 现在国际上比较成功的实践经验是以信用评分模型方式来进行风险管理。

    Now the international successful approach to risk management is based on credit scoring models .

  12. 商业银行个人信贷信用评分模型的构建与应用

    Retail Exposures Credit Scoring Models for Chinese Commercial Banks : Model Specification and its Application

  13. 一个基于神经网络&Logistic回归的混合两阶段个人信用评分模型研究

    The Research of A Mixed Two-Phase Scoring Model of Personal Credibility Based on Neural Network-Logistic Regression

  14. 建立个人信用评分模型的方法很多,本研究选择生存分析方法。

    There are many methods of credit-scoring . This paper uses survival analysis tools to build credit-scoring models .

  15. 第四章重点讨论了如何建立适合我国现状的信用评分模型。

    The fourth chapter discusses how to establish credit scoring model which suits present situation in our country .

  16. 据报道,有些西方企业正试图开发基于消费者社交网络的信用评分模型。

    Some western companies are reportedly trying to develop a credit scoring model based on consumers " social networks .

  17. 同时,本文阐述了数据的来源和重要性,以及信用评分模型的开发过程和风险管理的策略应用。

    Meanwhile , it also explains the sources and importance of the data , as well as credit score policy application and risk management models development process .

  18. 本文针对商业银行处理中小企业贷款申请时所建的信用评分模型进行研究,主要考虑模型的变量选择问题即指标的筛选。

    This paper focuses on the commercial bank credit scoring models built to handle the loan application of SME and mainly considers the variable selection of the model .

  19. 根据中国证券市场的实际情况在财务困境的界定,财务指标的选择和计算等方面对信用评分模型进行了调整,并运用于中国上市公司财务困境的预测。

    We adjust the definition of financial distress , selection and calculation of financial ratios for China security market , and use them in forecasting financial distress of listed companies .

  20. 对异常值和异常实例的检测及处理进行了分析,提出了异常实例检测的组合方法,结果表明异常值的处理有助于提高个人信用评分模型的分类精度。

    For detection and disposal of outliers , a combined method is proposed and experimental result shows the deletion of outliers contributes the enhancement of the accuracy of credit scoring model .

  21. 传统的人工授信已经无法适应这种需求,信用评分模型这一在国外银行业和信贷业逐步兴起的技术,也必将在中国得到广泛运用。

    The traditional manual credit has been unable to meet this demand , the credit scoring models emerged and developed in foreign banking and credit industry gradually will also be widely used in China .

  22. 第五章是银行个人信用评分模型应用的配套措施:个人信用评分模型的配套法律法规建设、个人信用征信体系的完善和个人信用评分模型相关技术的研究。

    In the chapter five , the complementary measures are to set up and perfect relevant laws and regulations , perfect the personal credit system , strengthen the relevant technical research of personal credit scoring models .

  23. 为此,文章首先从借款人、贷款方案、贷款投向和风险缓释四个要素出发,构建了一套产品水平的信用评分模型的整体分析框架,并将该框架具体应用于个人住房贷款产品;

    For retail exposures , this paper firstly built an analytical framework for product-level credit scoring model , and by applying this framework to home mortgage loans , it built a hybrid scoring model for home mortgage loans which consists of a scoring card model and a Logistic model .

  24. 实验结果显示,该算法建立的客户信用度评分模型简洁、易懂和准确率高。

    Experimental results show that the model of credit scoring built by the algorithm is compact , comprehensible and accurate .

  25. 其次,利用AHP分析法,确定指标之间的层次关系和权重,建立了中小企业信用风险评估的评分模型,并对我国中小企业板上市的20家中小企业进行了评估排序分析。

    Then , by using the AHP method to determine the hierarchy of the indices and their weights , it builds a credit risk scoring model for small and middle enterprises which is used to analyze the 20 small and middle public enterprises .

  26. 古典模型主要依靠专家自身的判断,具有主观化和经验化的特点,它包括专家分析法、信用评级法和信用评分模型。

    Traditional models depend on the experts ' judgments , including expert analysis , credit ratings and credit score methods .

  27. 应用数据包络分析法对我国中小上市企业信用评分,能够有效避免已有信用评分模型的一些缺陷,得出客观、综合、合理的我国上市中小企业信用评分结果。

    The approach , using DEA to making credit rating for the listed SMEs in our country , could avoid some defects from other enterprise credit rating models , and could arrive to an objective , comprehensive , and reasonable scoring result for the listed SMEs of our country .

  28. 第二章论述了消费信贷和个人信用评分的有关理论问题,以及关于个人信用评分模型的文献综述。

    Secondly , this paper looks at some theories about consumer credit and personal credit-scoring , and then outlines the development of techniques applied in credit-scoring models .

  29. 本文对建设银行信用卡业务系统的总体设计进行再造,基于数据挖掘技术对建设银行信用卡申请评分模型进行设计,对建设银行信用卡业务的推广进行了理论和实践上的研究。

    This paper have a re-creation of Construction Bank credit card business systems , Based on data mining technology , design the Construction Bank credit card application scoring model , there is a theoretical and practical research .

  30. 然后分析信用评分方法在客户信用风险评估管理中的适用性,并采用Logistic回归方法构建一个用于量化申请人信用风险的评分模型。

    Then this text analyze the applicability of credit score method in the management of credit risk assessment for customer , and use Logistic regression to build a credit risk scoring model for quantifying credit risk of the applicants .