
  • 网络information asset;information capital
  1. 在SOA使得信息资产能更容易地暴露给更广泛的受众的同时,它也增加了信息资产相关的风险。

    SOA magnifies risks associated with information assets by exposing those assets more readily to a broad audience .

  2. 通常,非SOA模型依赖于基于边界的安全性,其中的信息资产通过防火墙层进行保护。

    Typically , non-SOA-centric models rely on what is referred to as perimeter-based security , whereby information assets are secured behind layers of firewalls .

  3. 但Internet网络的开放性给企业带来高效方便的同时,也给企业的信息资产带来了一些安全隐患。

    But Internet has open characteristic , one side it brings enterprise more efficient and convenient , on the other hand , it brings hidden danger to enterprise information property .

  4. 引入OCTAVE方法的企业信息资产风险评估研究

    The Research of Enterprise Information Assets Risk Assessment Based on OCTAVE

  5. RationalDataArchitect是一种数据建模和集成设计工具,可以帮助数据架构师理解信息资产,建立资产之间的映射,以及创建集成模式。

    Rational Data Architect is a data modeling and integration design tool designed to help data architects understand information assets , map assets to each other , and create integration schemas .

  6. 用户和管理员可以通过专门报告(MetadataWorkbench中的查询)跨信息资产定义、保留和报告信息。

    Ad-hoc reporting ( queries in the Metadata Workbench ) enables users and administrators to define , preserve , and report across information assets .

  7. OCTAVE是一种系统的、操作性强的风险评估方法,能帮助企业有效实现对信息资产的风险评估。

    OCTAVE is a systematic and strongly operational risk assessment method , which can help enterprise assess risk of information assets effectively .

  8. 德鲁•康威加入了IAVentures公司,担任常驻科学家。这也证明了我们对帮助公司最大化利用信息资产价值的重视程度。

    Drew Conway joining the IA Ventures team as scientist-in-residence is evidence of the importance we place on helping our companies extract the most value from their data assets .

  9. SiteMinder是一种安全性软件解决方案,能实现整个组织的安全性身份管理,控制对企业信息资产的访问。

    SiteMinder is a security software solution that securely manages identities across an organization , controlling access to enterprise information assets .

  10. OCTAVE关注被评估组织机构自身,强调影响业务连续性的关键信息资产及其安全需求,并能有效识别出需要保护的信息资产对象;OCTAVE的评估流程实施研究。

    OCTAVE concerns the assessed organizations themselves , with emphasis on critical information assets and their security requirements for the business continuity . OCTAVE has the capability to identify the information assets to be protected ; OCTAVE assessment process research .

  11. 信息资产的扩展使用要么说是不可能的,要么说还不到时候。

    Extending use of the information assets is either impossible or untimely .

  12. 信息资产的界定与评估方法研究

    Research on definition and evaluation method of information assets

  13. 提供企业信息资产的概览。

    Provides an overview of enterprise information assets .

  14. 金融信息资产几多价值?

    Financial information equity : how to value ?

  15. 本文至始至终坚持在业务流程当中识别信息资产并确定其重要性。

    This article insisted to identify information assets and determine its importance in business processes .

  16. 操作数据专员常常作为企业数据治理团队的成员,负责管理信息资产。

    Operational data stewards are usually members of a data governance team in an enterprise responsible for information assets .

  17. 现有的保护方案很难防止诸如手机成为携带企业信息资产的载体。

    The existing conservation programs are difficult to prevent mobile phones becoming a vehicle to carry enterprise information assets .

  18. 目前,众多企业主要采用限制员工携带存储设备离开企业的方式保护企业的信息资产安全。

    Currently , many enterprises are mainly limit their employees carry out storage device to protect corporate information assets secure .

  19. 无论采用哪种数据分析方法,数据仓库都仍然是利用信息资产的重要基础。

    No matter which data analysis approach you take , the data warehouse remains a vital foundation for leveraging information assets .

  20. 为了保证这么多信息资产与数据的安全,企业必须无缝地采用身份管理来连接到云端。

    With so much IP and data at stake , enterprises must seamlessly adopt identity management to link to the cloud .

  21. 该中间层使公开的业务流程与旧应用程序分开,并帮助保护银行的信息资产。

    This middle-tier isolates the exposed business processes from the legacy applications and helps protect the bank â™ s information assets .

  22. 电子公文不仅成为政府施政的主要手段,更成为政府部门重要的信息资产。

    Electronic documents have not only become the primary means of government administration , government departments have become an important information assets .

  23. 在此基础上提出了物流信息资产管理的思想,并阐述了把物流信息作为企业的一项资产来管理的重要意义。

    And on this basis , the idea of LI asset is proposed and the importance of LI asset management is discussed .

  24. 要安全一些部分在与网络中的所有信息资产相关的出现的漏洞和威胁中处资产网络所有于主动地位的可能是个大任务。

    Staying on top of emerging vulnerabilities and threats related to all continu process program information assets on your network can be a big job .

  25. 这种集成在一个统一的信息资产视图上支持一致的搜索、访问、复制、转换和分析,从而满足业务需求。

    Integration enables coherent search , access , replication , transformation , and analysis over a unified view of information assets to meet business needs .

  26. 基于角色的安全性是保护企业信息资产的一个不错的方法,而且它可能比您想象的更容易实现。

    Role-based security is a great way to protect your organization 's information assets , and it 's probably easier to implement than you think .

  27. 通过在业务流程中每个业务节点识别信息资产的漏洞、威胁以及风险类型,并为信息资产的风险等级构建评价指标。

    The business processes were identified by the risk of the type of information assets , and information assets to build the level of risk evaluation .

  28. 在对信息资产风险评估的过程当中,依据信息资产的重要性不同确定出风险评估的优先顺序。

    Risk assessment of information assets in process and the importance of information assets which based on the different risk assessment to determine the priority order .

  29. 在当前应用程序中,业务逻辑关注事项是否与操作关注事项分离,从而支持操作上的松散耦合并促进软件和信息资产的重用?

    In the current applications , are the business-logic concerns separated from operational concerns , thereby enabling operational loose-coupling and promoting reuse of software and information assets ?

  30. 体现在企业会计核算中,分别表现为技术资产、人力资产、文化资产、信息资产、土地使用权等等。

    Embodiment shows respectively in enterprise 's accounting , is technical asset , manpower asset , cultural asset and information asset , land use right and so on .