
  • 网络hard asset
  1. 在这种情况下迅速扩大的钱输液系统,农田(硬资产),可以非常有效的保值。

    In such a scenario of rapidly expanding money infusion in the system , farmland ( a hard asset ) can be very effective hedge against inflation .

  2. 硬资产指的是土地、硬币、工厂或油轮等

    Under tangibles , we find hard assets like land , gold coins , factories and oil tankers .

  3. 过去两年,中国投资公司(CIC)的投资重点,从对包括百仕通(Blackstone)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)在内的金融公司的美元投资,转向投资于大宗商品企业以及包括房地产在内的硬资产。

    In the past two years , CIC has shifted its emphasis from dollar investments in financial firms , including Blackstone and Morgan Stanley , to investments in commodities groups and hard assets including real estate .

  4. 你能够通过股票市场代替来买这种硬资产。

    You can buy tangible assets that sweat through the stock market instead .

  5. 黄金狂热只是投资者从金融资产逃向硬资产这一更广泛趋势的一个侧面。

    The gold mania was just one aspect of a broader flight from financial to hard assets .

  6. 当前的会计制度过于以19世纪基于硬资产的价值观为基础。

    The accounting system is too grounded in a 19th-century notion of value based on hard assets .

  7. 机构投资者也将目光投向了硬资产,以求在收入和资本升值之间取得平衡。

    Institutional investors are also looking to hard assets to strike a balance between income and capital appreciation .

  8. 在中方看来,美国对收购硬资产的中国买家怀有敌意,这种感觉有弊无利。

    The Chinese perception that the US is hostile to Chinese buyers of hard assets can only be a bad thing .

  9. 就像争论的那样,廉价资金(不只是低息贷款,还有货币的贬值等)的涌入早把投资者推到了硬资产那边,特别是石油那里。

    This flood of cheap money , so the argument goes , has sent investors into hard assets , especially oil .

  10. 你认为是喜事糖果这样的生意,还是硬资产比如铁路在通胀环境更优秀。

    Do you think businesses like See 's candy , or hard assets such as railroads are superior in a inflationary world ?

  11. 如果真的发生这种情况,任何以5%的固定利率贷款购买房地产等硬资产的人都应会大赚一笔。

    Anyone purchasing hard assets like real estate , with a5 % fixed rate loan , ought to make good money if that happens .

  12. 竞相压低法定货币的情况已经出现,硬资产(特别是黄金和白银)应成为主要的受益者。

    The race to the bottom in fiat currencies has begun and hard assets , particularly gold and silver , should be the primary beneficiaries .

  13. 铁矿石和铜矿等硬资产在收购后的运营上对管理层的要求较少。这类硬资产的表现往往符合大宗商品周期。

    Hard assets such as iron ore and copper mines which tend to perform in line with the commodities cycle & require less from management to make a deal work .

  14. 纸资产是指股票、债券、外汇和现金。硬资产指的是土地、硬币、工厂或油轮等。

    Under paper , we put stocks and shares , bonds , currency and cash . Under tangibles , we find hard assets like land , gold coins , factories and oil tankers .

  15. 据各家黄金交易商介绍,今年中国及亚洲其他国家通胀上扬,促使黄金投资猛增,原因是许多投资者转向贵金属之类的硬资产,作为财富保值的手段。

    Rising inflation in China and other Asian countries has inspired a surge in gold investment this year , according to bullion dealers , as investors turn to hard assets such as precious metals as a means of wealth preservation .

  16. 日本及整个世界提升通胀预期的一种方法是,推动股价强劲上升,升到使投资者开始把一部分资金投向房地产和大宗商品这类硬资产的程度。

    One way for Japan and the world as a whole to raise inflationary expectations would to be to generate such a powerful rise in stock prices that investors started to diversify into hard assets such as real estate and commodities .

  17. 参加此次高端会议的大多数人士,对能源、基础设施和房地产领域尤其感兴趣。他们已意识到,以美国为首的多国政府在未来几个月将再次印出大量纸币,因而开始重新关注硬资产。

    Most of those who attended the exclusive gathering were particularly interested in energy , infrastructure and real estate as part of a new emphasis on hard assets , having concluded that governments led by the US will print a lot more money in the coming months .

  18. 在这种环境下,黄金作为一种流动性不错的、基于硬大宗商品的资产,开始扮演起重要角色。

    In this environment , gold , as a fairly liquid , hard commodity-based option , comes into play .