
  • 网络hard service
  1. 这种方法的另一个作用是,您可以看到如何不通过硬编码服务的位置构建Web服务的客户机。

    As a side effect of this , you can see how to build a client to a wb service without hardcoding the location of that service .

  2. 选择证券公司当然要选择名气大,牌子硬,服务好的.像深圳本土的招商证券就很好啊!

    Choice stockjobber should choose name of course big , the sign is good , the service is good . The native land like Shenzhen negotiable securities that enrol business is very good !

  3. 在最简单的情况下,端点地址可以硬编码到服务使用者的实现中。

    In the simplest case , the endpoint address could be hard-coded in a service consumer â™ s implementation .

  4. 向用户提供内部或外部文件的文献检索通知单和硬拷贝的服务方法。

    Pertaining to a literature search notification and hard copy supply system that serves clients with internal or external documents .

  5. Fabric消除了对硬编码的静态服务绑定的需要,并提供了后期服务绑定以支持更加泛化的流程模型。

    Fabric eliminates the need for hard-coded static binding of services and provides late binding of services to enable more generalized process models .

  6. 例如,您指定了某个Web服务必须使服务可用的硬目标;该服务充当自动SLAWeb服务。

    For instance , you specify a hard goal that a Web service must make service available ; it acts as an automatic SLA Web service .

  7. 在系统过载时,PV-RM调度算法按照任务的初始优先级,为重要的任务提供满足其弱硬实时约束的服务,为其他任务提供尽力而为的服务。

    Once the tasks overload the system , PV-RM will provide the more important tasks having higher initial priority with the service to satisfy their weakly hard real-time restriction , and provide best-effort service to other tasks having lower initial priority .

  8. 这种方式硬编码了复合服务的编制面,因而产生出一个相当刚性的实现。

    It creates a fairly rigid implementation by hard-coding orchestration aspects of the composite service .

  9. 但对于组件,由于存在硬耦合,因此服务质量依赖于最弱的链接:提供最低服务质量的服务或组件。

    But with the component , there is hard coupling , so quality of service is dependent on that of the weakest link : the service or component that provides the lowest quality of service .