
yìng xīn wén
  • hard news;straight news
硬新闻[yìng xīn wén]
  1. 知情人士透露,接下来几个月,MSNBC计划在白天时段引入更多硬新闻和来自NBC新闻台的报道,以求和主要以观点类节目为主的晚间时段形成反差。

    In the coming months , MSNBC is expected to introduce more hard news and more reporting from NBC News talent during daytime hours , which would be something of a break from its more opinion-based programming during the evening , according to a person briefed on the plans .

  2. 了解中英硬新闻的文本特点,能很好地指导翻译实践。

    Knowing the features of hard news can guide our translation .

  3. 英语报纸硬新闻的语言特色研究

    A Study of Linguistic Features of Hard News in English Newspaper

  4. 英语报纸硬新闻的叙述体裁分析

    Genre Analysis of Narrating in English Newspaper Hard News

  5. 硬新闻及其翻译在新闻全球传播中扮演着极其重要的角色。

    Hard-news and its translation assume an important role in international news distribution .

  6. 新闻从内容上可以分为两类:硬新闻和软新闻。

    News stories basically fall into two types , hard news and soft news .

  7. 新闻英语能够更加准确有效地反映英语语言的新特点和新变化,特别是作为一种典型的体现意识形态的硬新闻。

    News English can reflect new characteristics and new changes more accurately and effectively .

  8. 硬新闻发展趋势研究

    Studies of the Trends in Hard News

  9. 由于硬新闻的时效性,其还被称为现场新闻或即时新闻。

    Hard news is also known as spot news or immediate news for its timeliness .

  10. 中国英语报刊硬新闻中评价资源的分析

    An Analysis of Appraisal Resources in Hard News in English Newspaper and Magazine of China

  11. 王振华(2004)借用态度系统分析硬新闻。

    Wang Zhenhua ( 2004 ) employed Attitude system to carryout the analysis of hard news .

  12. 电视硬新闻的娱乐化建构

    Entertaining Construction of Televison Hard News

  13. 硬新闻:意识形态的体现

    Hard News : Representation of Ideology

  14. 就与评论相比的硬新闻而言,网络新闻的成效显然有限。

    For hard-news reporting as opposed to comment the result of net journalism have admittedly been limited .

  15. 本文旨在从文化的视角探讨硬新闻的汉译英。

    The paper aims at discussing the C-E translation of hard news from the prospective of culture .

  16. 所以译者必须采取不同于硬新闻翻译的灵活多变的翻译策略和方法。

    So a translator should adopt some flexible translation methods to deal with the translation of soft news .

  17. 本文以评价理论为理论框架识别硬新闻报道中的作者立场标记语,并分析其功能。

    Appraisal framework was employed in this thesis to identify target authorial stance markers and to analyze their function .

  18. 新闻语料库尤其是硬新闻语料对于英语语言研究和教学都有着非常重要的作用。

    English news especially hard news materials play a very important role in both English language research and teaching .

  19. 文章尤其着重对硬新闻和评论这两种新闻体裁进行对比分析,从功能和语域两个方面比较其相同与不同之处。

    Comparison is made on the similarities and differences between hard news and columns in terms of the metafunctions and register .

  20. 硬新闻是体现新闻文本特征的典型。这种特征包括:简单性、语境低度性、文本语义封闭性。

    Hard news represents typical characteristics of news texts , including briefness , readability , and closeness of the text meaning .

  21. 一般来说,新闻英语通常分为硬新闻和软新闻两类。

    In general , two genres of the news report are common to journalistic English - hard news and soft news .

  22. 然后从文化的视角分析硬新闻汉译英的实质,即跨文化交际活动。

    From the perspective of culture , it analyses the essence of the C-E translation of hard news , intercultural communication .

  23. 硬新闻的汉译英是国际社会了解中国的最新动态的关键方式。

    The C-E translation of hard news is an essential way for the world to know the latest news of China .

  24. 然后从相应的词汇语法角度来核实语域对等是否在硬新闻标题的汉译中得以恰当地再现。

    Then the corresponding register equivalence should be checked to see whether it is properly reproduced in Chinese HNH by considering its relevant lexico-grammar .

  25. 将“硬新闻娱乐化”现象从“新闻娱乐化”现象中抽离出来,指出硬新闻娱乐化更容易带来社会问题;

    The article districts hard-news infortainment from soft-news infortainment and points out that the hard-news infortainment is more likely to result in social problems .

  26. 对中国英语学习者能否识别硬新闻报道中作者立场标记语并理解其功能等的研究目前还未出现。

    Moreover , there is even less research relating to identification and comprehension of these markers by Chinese learners of English in hard news reporting .

  27. 根据时效性的强弱和语言风格差异,新闻大致可被分为:硬新闻,中间新闻及软新闻三类。

    News can be categorized into three types according to its timeliness and language style , namely hard news , intermediate news and soft news .

  28. 娱乐化高尔夫这就是硬新闻的娱乐化建构方式。

    Bar Golf Becomes an Entertainment To soften the hard news , the media adopts some special constructing ways , which are called entertaining construction .

  29. 本论文在对英语硬新闻报道的研究做了简要回顾之后,介绍了批评语篇分析这一分析工具,并用此工具比较分析了美国和中国对同一事件报道的英语硬新闻各一篇。

    The thesis first reviews previous studies on hard news reports , and then provides an introduction of the current analytic tool __ Critical Discourse Analysis .

  30. 深度硬新闻是动态新闻与深度报道的最佳结合点,具有传播上的速度、阅读的便利度、认识问题的深度。

    In-depthhard news is the perfect junction point of dynamic news story and in-depth reports , which is characterized with speed , readability , and deepness .