
  • 网络Printing News;PRINT NEWS
  1. 此后,我高兴地发现自己摇摇晃晃地进入了硅谷(Siliconvalley)所称的遗产行业(印刷新闻业肯定属于这一类):让人奇怪的是,图书的死期是一个长久的过程。

    Since then , I 've staggered happily on in what Silicon Valley calls heritage industries ( print journalism definitely comes into that category ): the death of the book is a surprisingly long process .

  2. 进行了酶与超声波协同作用对彩色胶版印刷新闻纸脱墨的研究。

    A new process for deinking of colored offset newsprint with enzyme treatment in cooperation with ultrasonic wave was studied in this paper .

  3. 有人说,福特无比激烈的敲击键盘,匆匆写出报道的最后一行,这与印刷新闻业黄金时代时记者人数的增多十分相称。

    sources said Ford banged out the closing lines of the report with an especially clamorous series of keystrokes befitting a rising newspaperman in the golden era of print news .

  4. 信息时代彩报印刷对新闻纸性能的需求

    Multicolor offset printing of newspaper in a multimedia world and its impacts on newsprint requirements

  5. 为适应这一较长的印刷过程,新闻截稿提前了。

    To accommodate the longer press runs , deadlines for news have been pushed earlier .

  6. 解释或者展现给公众的行为;通过广播或者印刷品展现新闻或者其它信息。

    The act of making something publicly available ; presenting news or other information by broadcasting or printing it .

  7. 印刷及数字新闻系学生威尔·菲德曼说道:“我认为我们正在进入一个市场,如果你没有广泛的技能和对所有事情都有一点点的知识,你可能会很难找到一份工作。”

    Will Federman , a print and digital journalism student , " I think we 're entering a market now where if you don 't have kind of a wide range of skills and have a little bit of knowledge on everything , you 're probably going to have a difficult time finding a job . "

  8. 南京文博印刷厂是南京新闻出版局出版刊物定点印刷厂,是2003年市级机关印刷招标中标单位之一。

    As one of winner of bid as printing department at a city level , it is the designated printing factory for the Press publishing Bureau of Nanjing .

  9. 本文的主要结论应用到生产实践中,不但可以提高新闻纸印刷的质量,而且可以提高印刷速度,使新闻纸印刷逐步走向数据化和规范化管理,达到稳定产品质量的目的。

    The application of major results in practice will not only advance the newspaper print quality , but also accelerate print speed . All of these can promote a newspaper printing digital and standardization management gradually .

  10. 严格地说,新闻审查发轫于15世纪中叶活字印刷术的出现导致印刷品的规模化生产,所以说印刷术是新闻审查制度化的技术前提。

    Strictly speaking , censorship print of the In mid-15th century the invention of type leads to the emergence of large-scale printed production , so that printing is precondition of press censorship .

  11. 复制照相:印刷过程中,制版前的照相操作。为适应这一较长的印刷过程,新闻截稿提前了。

    Camera work : The photographic operations which precede the platemaking steps in printing . To accommodate the longer press runs , deadlines for news have been pushed earlier .