
  • 网络indian rupee;Inr
  1. 女:即使印度卢比继续下跌,JOMotors也不会吃亏。

    W : Well , JO Motors won 't lose out if the Indian Rupee falls further .

  2. 过去一年印度卢比对美元大幅下跌,部分原因在于投资者对印度高额经常项目赤字的担忧情绪日益强烈。目前印度经常项目赤字占GDP的比重约为4%。

    The country 's currency , the rupee , has tumbled against the dollar in the past year , partly due to growing investor concerns about India 's high current-account deficit , which is roughly 4 % of GDP .

  3. 女:就是说JOMotors承诺用现在的汇率出售印度卢比。

    W : Well , it means that JO Motors enters into a commitment to sell Indian Rupees at the present rate .

  4. 其他方面,尽管今年迄今为止印度卢比兑美元汇率已累计升值11%,加之政府数次试图限制资本流入,但印度央行(reservebankofindia)所面临的压力并未减轻。

    Elsewhere , pressure on the Reserve Bank of India has not eased despite an 11 per cent rise in the rupee so far this year against the dollar and several attempts at restricting capital inflows .

  5. 汇丰(HSBC)在最近发给客户的简报中指出,随着资金流入当地股市,印度卢比和台湾台币等股市导向程度较高的货币表现更好。

    In a recent note to clients , HSBC said the more equity-oriented currencies such as the Indian rupee and the Taiwanese dollar had outperformed as money had flowed into local stock markets .

  6. 据法国巴黎银行(bnpparibas)数据,过去8个月以来,印度卢比对美元已贬值约25%,是表现最差的新兴市场货币之一。

    Over the past eight months it has depreciated by about 25 per cent against the dollar making it one of the worst performing emerging market currencies , according to BNP Paribas .

  7. 1974年发行Ngultrum时,不丹人就将它与印度卢比挂起钩来。

    When the Ngultrum was introduced in1974 , the Bhutanese pegged it with the Indian Rupee .

  8. 在那次访问中,谷歌(Google)前高管、现任小米国际业务副总裁的雨果•巴拉(HugoBarra),发布了该公司最新款手机Mi4i,预定售价为12999印度卢比(合204美元)。

    During the visit , former Google executive Hugo Barra , now Xiaomi 's vice-president for international operations , unveiled the company 's newest handset , the Mi 4i , which will sell for INR12999 ( $ 204 ) .

  9. Ngultrum不能与其他国家的货币自由兑换,但是可以和印度卢比互换。

    It does not exchange independently with other nations , but is exchanged interchangeably with the Indian Rupee .

  10. 印度卢比对美元汇率创历史新低。

    The Indian rupee fell to a record low against the dollar .

  11. 印度卢比在离岸交易中大幅走低。

    There was offshore trading of the rupee , which was sharply lower .

  12. 问题11.女子为什么会担心印度卢比的状况?

    Questions 11 . What makes the woman worry about the Indian Rupee ?

  13. 印度卢比在外汇市场下跌。

    The Indian Rupee has taken a fall on the foreign exchange market .

  14. 所有这些都给印度卢比带来了更大的压力。

    All this , in turn , puts even more pressure on the currency .

  15. 印度卢比的贬值意味着,印度金价已达到创纪录水平。

    The fall in the Indian rupee has meant Indian gold prices have reached record levels .

  16. 有报道称,相关方面敦促伊朗接受用印度卢比和人民币支付的油款。

    It is reportedly being urged to receive Indian rupees and Chinese renminbi for its oil sales .

  17. 相对于美元,韩元和印度卢比都是今年亚洲表现最糟糕的货币。

    Korean and Indian currencies , measured against the dollar , are Asia 's worst performers this year .

  18. 股市的抛售狂潮给印度卢比带来压力。目前,卢比对美元已经贬值到六年来最低点。

    That has put pressure on the Indian rupee , which has fallen to a six-year low against the dollar .

  19. 近日,印度卢比兑美元汇率跌至历史低点,工业生产增长停滞。

    The Indian Rupee yesterday fell to a record low against the US dollar and growth in industrial production has stalled .

  20. 印度卢比今年以来大幅下挫,主要受外资流出影响;卢比周五可能会出现暴跌。

    The rupee , badly bruised this year by an exodus of foreign funds , was likely to fall sharply on Friday .

  21. 口头干预美元兑欧元汇率是受欢迎的,但目前也到了口头干预印度卢比和人民币汇率的时候。

    Verbal intervention on the dollar and euro is welcome but it is time for verbal intervention on the rupee and Renminbi as well .

  22. 尽管印度卢比汇率的大幅下挫给那些收入大部分来自海外的科技型企业带来了益处,但这种悲观论调仍然不绝于耳。

    That pessimism comes despite a sharp weakening of the Indian rupee , which helps tech companies that earn most of their revenue overseas .

  23. 美元兑韩元、印度卢比和印尼盾等亚洲货币的汇率均触及一年低位。

    The US dollar hit one-year lows against regional currencies , including the South Korean won , the Indian rupee and the Indonesian rupiah .

  24. 这起到了推升销售额和夸大增长的作用:以印度卢比计算,印度出口增长25%,幅度相对较低。

    That gives a leg-up to sales and flatters growth : in rupee terms , Indian exports are up a more modest 25 per cent .

  25. 据斯里兰卡央行表示,该国允许的其它13种外币交易不包括印度卢比。

    According to the Central Bank of Sri Lanka , the Indian rupee is not among the 13 other foreign currency transactions permitted in Sri Lanka .

  26. 卡蒂瓦达表示,这种不均衡使得尼泊尔难以在新德里上调利率之时,管理盯住印度卢比的本币。

    He says the disparities make it hard to manage a currency pegged to the Indian Rupee at a time when New Delhi is raising interest rates .

  27. 印度卢比已经是今年以来对美元表现最差的亚洲货币,而随着投资者对印度经济的看法越来越悲观,卢比汇率还在下跌。

    The Indian rupee , already the year 's worst-performing Asian currency against the dollar , continues to sink , weighed down by growing pessimism about the Indian economy .

  28. 过去一年,印度卢比兑美元汇率已累计下跌近25%,这令印度人购买黄金的价格提高至接近纪录高位的水平。

    The Indian rupee has fallen nearly 25 per cent against the US dollar over the past year , lifting the price that Indians pay for gold to near-record highs .

  29. 这款双卡4G-LTE设备搭载高通骁龙425处理器,后置1300万像素摄像头,内置3120mAh高容量电池,定价为5999印度卢比(折合91.77美元)。

    The dual-SIM 4G-LTE device featuring Qualcomm Snapdragon 425 processor , 13MP rear camera and 3120mAh high capacity battery , is priced at Rs. 5999 ( about USD 91.77 ) .

  30. 去年,外国投资枯竭,工业生产放缓,股价和印度卢比汇率双双大跌,财政赤字占产出的比例增至5%以上。

    Last year , foreign investment dried up , industrial production slowed , stock prices swooned with the rupee , and the fiscal deficit widened to more than 5 per cent of output .