
  • 网络RBI;The Reserve Bank of India
  1. 但是,极端保守的印度储备银行(ReserveBankofIndia)长期以来一直在抵制相关压力,拒绝动用该国2780亿美元的外汇储备。

    But the ultra-conservative Reserve Bank of India has long resisted pressure to sweat the country 's $ 278bn of foreign exchange reserves .

  2. 这也迫使印度储备银行(ReserveBankofIndia)在过去的18个月中连续11次上调基准利率。

    Inflation rates of 9.22 % , among the highest levels in Asia , have prompted the Reserve Bank of India to raise rates 11 times in the last 18 months .

  3. 上周六,印度储备银行(ReserveBankofIndia)采取紧急行动,向该国银行体系注入大量流动性。目前人们担心的是,全球金融危机将大幅压低印度经济增长。

    On Saturday , the Reserve Bank of India took emergency action to pump liquidity into the country 's banking system amid concerns that the global financial crisis would cut significantly India 's economic growth .

  4. 印度储备银行(RBI)谴责这是个非法的罢工。

    The Reserve Bank of India ( RBI ) denounced it as an illegal strike .

  5. 卢比汇率的急升反映了印度储备银行RBI货币政策的突然改变。

    The jump in the rupee reflects an abrupt change in policy by the RBI .

  6. 同一天,印度储备银行(reservebankofindia)将其通胀率预期调升至5%远高于3%的中期目标,并表示,该行已不再纯粹追求刺激经济。

    On the same day the Reserve Bank of India raised its inflation forecast to 5 per cent far higher than its medium-term 3 per cent goal and signalled that it is no longer in pure stimulatory mode .

  7. 印度储备银行RBI的钉住汇率制度也束缚了其上调利率的空间,因为上调利率会吸引更多资金。

    A pegged exchange rate also cramped the RBI 's room to raise interest rates , because that would attract yet more capital .

  8. 印度储备银行(ReserveBankofIndia)行长、印度政府前首席经济顾问拉古拉姆·拉詹(RaghuramRajan)称,印度大力推动出口可能会招致其他国家的强烈反对。

    A big export push by India could prompt a backlash in other countries , said Raghuram Rajan , the governor of the Reserve Bank of India and former chief economic adviser to the Indian government .

  9. 问题是这种遏制代价昂贵,印度储备银行RBI为消除流通增长而发行的有价债券,其利息远大于美元储备的收入。

    The snag is that sterilisation is expensive because the RBI has to pay much more on the bonds it issues to mop up liquidity than it earns on dollar reserves .

  10. 至于投资选择舒适、印度储备银行已经允许他们投资不动产。

    As far as investment options available to NRI , the Reserve Bank of India has allowed them to invest in immovable properties .

  11. 印度储备银行监督管理银行的运营,制定利率,该银行一向是纪律严明。

    The Reserve Bank of India ( RBI ), which regulates banks and sets interest rates , has a record of running a tight ship .

  12. 现在,监管机构印度储备银行想让在印度拥有超过20家分行的外国银行也遵循本土的规定。

    Now the Reserve Bank of India ( RBI ) , the regulator , wants local rules to apply to foreign banks with over 20 branches in India .

  13. 印度储备银行,印度中央银行削减基准利率,但是个人贷款并没有提高。

    The Reserve Bank of India , India 's central bank , has slashed its benchmark interest rates , but the cost of private loans has not fallen by as much .

  14. 由高涨的大众商品价格导致的工资上涨需求和潜在通胀的迹象正在印度储备银行的身上施加着更大的压力,以迫使其以更大幅度的上调利率来应对这个问题。

    Signs that soaring commodity prices are feeding through to wage demands and underlying inflation have piled pressure on the Reserve Bank of India to respond by aggressively raising interest rates .

  15. 虽然印度中央储备银行调高利率之举,在各方预料之中。但是0.5个百分点的调升幅度,还是让经济学家大吃一惊。

    Although the Reserve Bank 's move in hiking interest rates was widely anticipated , the half a percentage point raise caught economists by surprise .

  16. 印度央行印度储备银行(reservebankofindia)本周表示,不久央行将公布一份由政府资助但不具有约束力的报告,概述资本账户可兑换的“路线图”。

    The Reserve Bank of India , the central bank , said this week it would soon make public a government-sponsored but non-binding report outlining a " road map " to capital account convertibility .

  17. 印度政府和储备银行已经为发展衍生市场和金融市场作出了相应的整体的改革来。

    The Government and the Reserve Bank of India have initiated appropriate reforms to develop derivatives markets and financial markets on the whole .

  18. 印度纺织工业联盟也已求助于印度储备银行,印度中央银行,要求对资金短缺的公司放宽信贷通道。

    The CITI itself has also approached the Reserve Bank of India , the country 's central bank , demanding a credit relief package for affected companies .

  19. 在有关储户从印度工业信贷投资银行(ICICI)掀起提款浪潮的报道中,印度储备银行(ReserveBankofIndia)开始介入此事并向储户保证,印度工业信贷投资银行财务状况良好。

    The Reserve Bank of India stepped in to reassure depositors that ICICI was financially sound amid reports of a wave of cash withdrawals from the bank .