
  • 网络Indiana University
  1. 印第安那大学(IndianaUniversity)大学中国问题专家肯尼迪(ScottKennedy)称,钢铁处在贸易争议的中心。

    ' Steel is at the center of trade controversy , ' says Scott Kennedy , a China specialist at Indiana University .

  2. 美国印第安那大学(布鲁明顿)中文教学特色

    The Features of Chinese Classes at Indiana University Bloomington

  3. 它的第一个英译本也是迄今为止唯一一个英文全译本于1979年由印第安那大学出版社出版。

    In 1979 Indiana University Press published its first English version which is the only complete English version till now .

  4. 最近一个来自印第安那大学教育评估和教育政策中心的报告调查了这些做法的有效性。

    A new report from the Center for Evaluation and Education Policy at Indiana University examines research into how effective this is .

  5. 印第安那大学,认知科学系,研究员。

    Research Assistant , CRCC ( Center for Research on Concepts and Cognition ) Cognitive Science Dept. , Indiana University , Bloomington .

  6. 在印第安那大学的一项实验中,研究者在一个锻炼周期的20分钟一段时间之前和之后,用心理测验评估15名志愿者的焦虑水平。

    In an experiment at Indiana University , researchers used psychological tests to gauge anxiety levels in15 volunteers before and after a20-minute session on an exercise cycle .

  7. 1958年,文体学研讨论大会在美国的印第安那大学召开,自此,文体学被正式承认为一门学科。

    The first conference on stylistics was held at Indiana University , U.S.A. in 1958 , which was of historical significance to the development of stylistics , because it was acknowledged as a discipline from that meeting .

  8. 在布鲁明顿的印第安那州大学,60%使用写作指导服务的是非英语母语的学生。

    At Indiana University in Bloomington , sixty percent of students who use the Office of Writing Tutorial Services are non-native English speakers .

  9. 印第安那州普杜大学使用视频来促进非洲的一个项目,PICS(PurdueImprovedCowpeaStorage,普杜大学改善豇豆存储状况)。

    Purdue University in Indiana is using videos to a project in Africa called PICS , Purdue Improved Cowpea Storage .

  10. 美国印第安那州普渡大学的CharleneGyurko认为,另一个重要因素是有充分资格的护理学教员短缺。

    Charlene Gyurko , of Purdue University , in Indiana , USA , thinks that another important factor is the shortage of well qualified nurse trainers .

  11. 伊丽莎白。基斯是印第安那州普渡大学的私人财务专家。

    Elizabeth Kiss is a personal finance specialist with Perdue University in Indiana .

  12. 在印第安那州普渡大学是运用视频,以促进非洲的一个项目叫做图片,普渡改进豇豆存储。

    Purdue University in Indiana is using videos to promote a project in Africa called PICS , Purdue Improved Cowpea Storage .

  13. 这是印第安那州德堡大学职业机会小组负责人SteveLangerud的建议。

    That is the advice of Steve Langerud , director of professional opportunities at DePauw University in Indiana .