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  • Harvard University
  1. 他是哈佛大学法学院的刑法学教授。

    He was a professor of criminal law at Harvard University law school

  2. 哈佛大学已故的理查德·汉克曼曾经表示,“毫无疑问,当你拥有一个团队的时候,确实有产生奇迹的可能性,可能会创造出一些不同凡响的东西…”

    The late Richard Hackman of Harvard University once argued , " I have no question that when you have a team , the possibility exists that it will generate magic , producing something extraordinary ... "

  3. 我哥哥有哈佛大学的硕士学位。

    My brother has a master 's degree from Harvard .

  4. 她决心要上哈佛大学。

    She 's set her sights on getting into Harvard .

  5. 他以最优等成绩从哈佛大学毕业。

    He graduated summa cum laude from Harvard .

  6. 她今年毕业于哈佛大学。

    She graduated from Harvard this year .

  7. 哈佛大学队领先4个艇位胜出。

    Harvard won by four lengths .

  8. 她获得了去哈佛大学读书的奖学金。

    She has been awarded a scholarship to study at Harvard .

  9. 他作为哈佛大学的理学教授获得了1965年的诺贝尔化学奖。

    Professor of science at harvard , he won the1965 Nobel Prize for chemistry .

  10. 虽然朗费罗能够在哈佛大学当上现代语言教授是出于幸运,他谨慎施教,对这个职位是胜任的。

    Though Longfellow was lucky in securing a professorship of modern languages at harvard , he qualified himself carefully for the appointment .

  11. (例如,哈佛大学宣称,代表性不足的少数族裔六年来的毕业率为98%。)

    ( Harvard , for example , boasts a six - year graduation rate for underrepresented minority groups of 98 percent . )

  12. 哈佛大学的研究也并未证明两者之间有直接相关性,但是接触这些化学物质与行为问题的产生有着密切的联系。

    Even the Harvard study did not prove a direct correlation but noted strong associations between exposure and risk of behavioral issues .

  13. 哈佛大学和哥伦比亚大学的学者们开展的金本位研究发现,即使是在极度贫困的学校,教师也始终起到了巨大的积极或消极影响。

    The gold standard study by Harvard and Columbia University scholars found that even in high-poverty schools , teachers consistently had a huge positive or negative impact .

  14. 哈佛大学公共卫生学院的一份报告显示,许多日常用品,包括除虫喷雾剂和清洁液,可能会增加儿童患大脑和行为障碍的几率。

    According to a report from the Harvard School of Public Health , many everyday products , including some bug sprays and cleaning fluids , could lead to an increased risk of brain and behavioral disorders in children .

  15. 哈佛大学和伯克利分校机会均等项目的一个新数据集显示,如果我们关注整体的向上流动性,那么我们就过分夸大了贫富差距的危险性。

    For all the new attention devoted to the 1 percent , a new dataset from the Equality of Opportunity Project at Harvard and Berkeley suggests that , if we care about upward mobility overall , we 're vastly exaggerating the dangers of the rich-poor gap .

  16. 哈佛大学经济学家拉吉·切蒂认为可能的因素包括:经济和种族隔离、社区密度、社区中产阶级规模、学校质量、社区宗教信仰和家庭结构。他认为家庭结构是影响"向上流动"的最有力因素。

    Harvard economist Raj Chetty has pointed to economic and racial segregation , community density , the size of a community 's middle class , the quality of schools , community religiosity , and family structure , which he calls the " single strongest correlate of upward mobility . "

  17. EDX提供哈佛大学、麻省理工学院和加州大学伯克利分校的免费在线课程。

    It offers free online classes from Harvard , MIT and the University of California-Berkeley .

  18. 但我所学到的,以及我在哈佛大学教写作时所坚持的,是关于创造性批评本质的更深刻的一课。

    But what I learned , and what stuck with me through my time teaching writing at Harvard , was a deeper lesson about the nature of creative criticism .

  19. 哈佛大学医学院的科学家玛格丽特·利文斯通是这样描述这个实验的:他们给笼里的猴子提供了触摸屏。

    Here 's how Harvard Medical School scientist Margaret Livingstone , who led the team , described the experiment : In their cages the monkeys were provided with touch screens .

  20. 北卡罗来纳州劳恩代尔市的道恩·洛金斯(DawnLoggins)即将前往美国东部八所世界著名大学之一的哈佛大学。

    Dawn Loggins of Lawndale , N.C. is on her way to Harvard , one of the eight world-famous universities in the eastern US .

  21. "我们必须超越偏见,"哈佛大学经济学家罗兰•弗莱尔(RolandFryer)说,他正在计划和测试几个奖励项目。

    " We have to get beyond our biases , " said Roland Fryer , an economist at Harvard University who is planning and testing several prize programs .

  22. 哈佛大学的科学家研究了害羞的孩子。

    Scientists at Harvard University studied shy children .

  23. 通过奖学金和学生贷款,他完成了大学学业,之后进入了哈佛大学法学院。

    He worked his way through college with the help of scholarships and student loans and went on to Harvard Law School .

  24. 丹·布朗在巴黎时,哈佛大学的符号学家罗伯特·兰登在夜深人静时被一个电话吵醒。

    by Dan Brown While in Paris , Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon is awakened by a phone call in the dead of the night .

  25. 哈佛大学的报告显示,中国基层官员被视为和蔼又有见识的人,他们会帮普通人解决难题而不只是纸上谈兵。

    The Harvard report showed that Chinese grassroots officials were viewed as kind and knowledgeable problem solvers who were concerned with the difficulties of ordinary people and not just talking about them .

  26. 哈佛大学的调查指出,中国民众报告称,2016年政府提供的医疗、福利和其他基本公共服务相比调查开始的2003年大大改善,也更加公平。

    The Harvard survey said Chinese citizens reported that the government 's provision of healthcare , welfare and other essential public services was by 2016 far better and more equitable than when the survey began in 2003 .

  27. 哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院阿什民主治理与创新中心的报告指出,从宏观的国家政策影响到地方官员的行为,中国民众认为政府比以往能力更强、效率更高。

    From the impact of broad national policies to the conduct of local town officials , Chinese citizens rate the government as more capable and effective than ever before , according to the report from the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation under the Harvard Kennedy School .

  28. 去年哈佛大学公布的一项长期调查发现,中国民众对党和政府的满意度全面上升,在调查结束的2016年,中国民众对中央政府的满意度高达93%。

    A long-term Harvard University survey released last year found that Chinese citizens ' satisfaction with the Party and the government has increased across the board , with the central government receiving a strong level of approval of 93 percent in 2016 , the end of the survey period .

  29. 至少来自哈佛大学的研究者们是这样说的,他们的研究结果发表在12月的《心理学科学》(PsychologicalScience)杂志上。

    Or so say researchers from Harvard University in the December issue of Psychological Science .

  30. 莫斯塔沙瑞从哈佛大学公共卫生学院(HarvardSchoolofPublicHealth)流行病学专业毕业,后来又进入耶鲁大学(Yale)医学院深造。

    He graduated as an epidemiologist from the Harvard School of public health , then medical school at Yale .