
  • 网络University of Kentucky;Kentucky;Kentucky University;University
  1. 他连续跳级,18岁时就以全美优等生联谊会成员的身份从肯塔基大学毕业。

    Moving rapidly through school , he graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Kentucky at age 18 .

  2. 然而,肯塔基大学心理学教授MH是个例外。

    Monica Harris , a professor of psychology at the University of Kentucky , is a rare exception .

  3. 相关研究由MCG小组和肯塔基大学带领进行,文章已发表在Nature10月上。

    The work , published in October in Nature , was led by teams at MCG and the University of Kentucky .

  4. Schach是肯塔基大学的景观建筑学教授,她是目前学士学位课程的副院长。

    Schach is presently associate dean of undergraduate studies at the University of Kentucky , where she is a professor of landscape architecture .

  5. 一些事实解释了建筑物浪潮,来自肯塔基大学的报道主要作者IhsanBagby说道。

    Several factors explain the building boom , says Ihsan Bagby of the University of Kentucky and the report 's main author .

  6. 该项研究是由包括北肯塔基大学的CecileAMarczinski在内的研究小组进行的,并把含酒精的能量饮料跟规律性饮酒作了比较。

    This new study was led by a team of researchers including Cecile A.Marczinski from Northern Kentucky University , and compared alcoholic energy drinks to just regular alcohol consumption .

  7. SethDeBolt是美国肯塔基大学一名植物科学家,他和其他科学家希望能找到一种燃料来源,从而使发展中国家农村地区的穷人可以用来发电。

    Seth DeBolt is a plant scientist at the University of Kentucky in the United States . He and other scientists wanted to find a source of fuel that poor people in rural areas of developing countries could use to make electricity .

  8. 她是今天东肯塔基大学引以为傲的楷模

    and a role model whom Eastern Kentucky University is honored to recognize today

  9. 东肯塔基大学学生志愿服务的时间总和长达10.7万小时

    Altogether , EKU students volunteered 107000 hours of service

  10. “你为什么想去肯塔基大学呢?”奥利佛?兰伯特问道。

    " Why 'd you go to Western Kentucky ?" asked Oliver Lambert .

  11. 8号种子肯塔基大学野猫队以78比76击败了1号种子威奇托州立大学震撼者队。

    The eighth-seeded Kentucky Wildcats defeated the Shockers , the No.1 seed , 78-76 .

  12. 研究在肯塔基大学进行了,并将继续在俄亥俄州进行。

    Research was conducted at the University of Kentucky and continues at Ohio State .

  13. 面试会将介绍西肯塔基大学商学院,荣誉学院和奖学金项目。

    The purpose is to introduce WKU business school , honors college , scholarship program .

  14. 2013届东肯塔基大学毕业生

    the EKU class of 2013

  15. 肯塔基大学的研究者们又进了一步,用脑成像的方式进行实验,维斯切说这种尝试令人激动。

    The University of Kentucky researchers took it a step further by using brain imaging , which she said was exciting .

  16. 在研究这一新论题的一篇论文中,肯塔基大学的科学家们对30位59-69岁的人做了一项实验,让他们在跑步机上锻炼。

    One research paper within its latest issue sees scientists at Kentucky University putting 30 adults aged 59-69 on a treadmill .

  17. 肯塔基大学的研究者们又进了一步,用脑成像的方式进行实验,维斯切说这种尝试“令人激动”。

    The University of Kentucky researchers took it a step further by using brain imaging , which she said was " exciting . "

  18. 肯塔基大学的一位教授发现他的闪存被偷了,于是他以前的6500名学生的隐私信息就处在了危险之中。

    When a professor from the University of Kentucky discovered that his flash drive was stolen , private information for6,500 former students was suddenly at risk .

  19. 例如,今年在肯塔基大学,其他州研究生的学费平均为1.8万美元,而来自肯塔基州的研究生收费仅为9000美元。

    For example , at the University of Kentucky , out-of-state graduate tuition averaged about eighteen thousand dollars this year . In-state was about nine thousand .

  20. 该研究另外的共同作者还包括提摩太。巴特菲尔德,原俄亥俄州立大学博士后研究员,现在则是在肯塔基大学康复科学系;

    Additional co-authors on the study were Timothy Butterfield , a former postdoctoral researcher at Ohio State now with the University of Kentucky Department of Rehabilitation Sciences ;

  21. 作为肯塔基大学2009-10赛季的队友,约翰·沃尔和德马库斯·考辛斯在很多方面就像其他好朋友一样。

    As teammates on the University of Kentucky in 2009-10 , In many ways , John Wall and DeMarcus Cousins are like any other pair of good friends .

  22. 但是俄亥俄州大学和肯塔基大学的研究人员发现,如果让日常的课堂教师来教授的话,学生会学到更多这样的问题。

    But a recent study by researchers at Ohio State University and the University of Kentucky found that students learn more about such issues when taught by their regular classroom teacher .

  23. 对于研究生的教育,公立大学同样也向来自其他州的学生收取较多的费用,比如肯塔基大学,来自其他州的研究生的平均学费今年约为18000笑元。

    Here too , public universities charge more for out-of-state tuition . For example , at the University of Kentucky , out-of-state graduate tuition averaged about eighteen thousand dollars this year .

  24. 状元秀的其中一个大热门,肯塔基大学的纳伦斯·诺埃尔在第六顺位被新奥尔良摘走,然后被交易至费城换来全明星后卫朱·霍勒迪。

    One of the favorites for the top spot , Kentucky center Nerlens Noel , was taken sixth by New Orleans and then traded to Philadelphia for all-star point guard Jrue Holiday .

  25. 在肯塔基大学时,卡尔·安东尼·唐斯击败拉塞尔和奥卡福成为了第一顺位。从这之后,他从未让森林狼失望。

    Karl-Anthony Towns eventually outplayed both D'Angelo Russell and during his spell with the University of Kentucky en route to becoming the consensus 1st overall pick , and he hasn 't let the Timberwolves down ever since .

  26. 研究者测试了参与者们从一个认知活动转换到另一个需要的时间。主管研究员布莱恩古尔德是肯塔基大学的神经学家,他表示老年人转换任务需要的时间更长。

    Researchers tested how long it took participants to switch from one cognitive task to another , something thats known to take longer for older adults , said lead researcher , Brian Gold , a neuroscientist at the University of Kentucky .

  27. 肯塔基大学医学院神经学家兼这项研究的主要作者布莱恩·金发现结果显示接受相关任务时大脑额叶部分不同的大脑活动模式。

    Brian Gold , a neuroscientist at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine and lead author of the study , found the results showed different patterns of brain activity in the frontal part of the brain associated with the tasks .

  28. 研究者测试了参与者们从一个认知活动转换到另一个需要的时间。主管研究员布莱恩·古尔德是肯塔基大学的神经学家,他表示老年人转换任务需要的时间更长。

    Researchers tested how long it took participants to switch from one cognitive task to another , something that 's known to take longer for older adults , said lead researcher , Brian Gold , a neuroscientist at the University of Kentucky .

  29. 我上的是肯塔基州立大学。

    Jim I went to Kentucky state .

  30. 对卡梅伦来说,密西西比州立大学对抗西部肯塔基州大学的比赛是他第一次观看篮球赛。

    For Cameron , the match between the teams Mississippi Valley State University and Western Kentucky University is the first experience of watching basketball .