
  • 网络university of colorado;University of Colorado at Boulder;University of Colorado Boulder
  1. 丽莎·迪林是科罗拉多大学(UniversityOfColorado)的水资源研究员和教授。

    Lisa Dilling is a water researcher and a professor at the University of Colorado .

  2. 科罗拉多大学(UniversityofColorado)一位名叫安德斯·爱立信(AndersEricsson)的教授决定研究到底是什么把业余爱好者和专业人士区别开来的这个课题。

    A Professor at the University of Colorado named Anders Ericsson decided to look at what separates amateurs from professionals .

  3. 前几天,在美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(CUBoulder),我给一班即将毕业的MBA学生做了一次讲话。

    I gave a talk yesterday to a class of soon-to-graduate MBA students at Cu boulder yesterday .

  4. 波尔德科罗拉多大学副教授LawrenceWilliams(公共卫生博士),以及耶鲁大学心理学教授JohnA。

    Lawrence Williams , PhD , assistant professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder , and John A.

  5. 第一次是在科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(UniversityofColorado-Boulder)。

    The first came at the University of Colorado-Boulder .

  6. TabuSearch是一种新的亚启发式(meta-heuristic)算法,简称TS,由美国科罗拉多大学系统科学家FredGlover教授于1986年首次提出。

    Tabu Search ( TS ) is a new meta-heuristic algorithm , first proposed by Fred Glover .

  7. 范德堡大学(VanderbiltUniversity)、得克萨斯大学(UniversityofTexas)以及科罗拉多大学(UniversityofColorado)的法学院也设置了注重学生幸福感的职业发展计划。

    Law schools at Vanderbilt University , the University of Texas and the University of Colorado also have professional development programs that focus on student well-being .

  8. 美国心脏协会前主席、科罗拉多大学RobertEckel博士说。

    Robert Eckel of the University of Colorado and a former president of the American Heart Association .

  9. RogerPielke是科罗拉多大学环境研究教授。

    Roger Pielke is a professor in environmental studies at the University of Colorado .

  10. 官方消息称,嫌疑人系科罗拉多大学神经科学系学生JohnHoms,他在蝙蝠侠电影午夜首映式上枪杀了12人,伤及58人。

    The authorities say the former neural science graduate student John Holmes killed 12 people and injured 58 at a midnight showing of the new batman movie .

  11. 克劳塞特在科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(UniversityofColorado,Boulder)任教,同时还是圣菲研究所(SantaFeInstitute)研究员,他在过去十年内一直奋战在计算和统计研究的前沿。

    Clauset , who teaches at the University of Colorado , Boulder and is part of the Santa Fe Institute , has spent the past decade on the frontier of computing and statistical research .

  12. Butler和他在科罗拉多大学、新加坡国立大学以及明尼苏达大学的同事通过基线来评估受试者的饮食。

    Butler and colleagues at Colorado State University , the National University of Singapore and the University of Minnesota assessed the participant 's diet at baseline .

  13. 科罗拉多大学丹佛分校商学院首席研究员StefanieJohnson教授称:在这些行业中,出色的外貌往往对女性极度不利。

    Lead researcher Professor Stefanie Johnson , from University of Colorado Denver Business School , said : ` In these professions being attractive was highly detrimental to women .

  14. 科罗拉多大学丹佛分校商学院首席研究员StefanieJohnson教授称:“在这些行业中,出色的外貌往往对女性极度不利。”

    Lead researcher Professor Stefanie Johnson , from University of Colorado Denver Business School , said : ' In these professions being attractive was highly detrimental to women . '

  15. 其中一名研究人员是VinitDesai,科罗拉多大学丹佛商学院助理教授。

    One of the researchers was Vinit Desai , an assistant professor at the University of Colorado Denver Business School .

  16. 与此同时,科罗拉多大学表示正在调查嫌疑人jameshomels是否使用了研究生宿舍以及是否有同伙。

    At the same time the University of colarado says it has investigated weather shooting suspect James homels uses position as a graduate student or the materials of potential deadly buddy craps .

  17. NCAR的和乌卡博士后已收到来自世界各地的博士学位,从像在科罗拉多大学博尔德尽可能接近,日本京都大学挖角。

    NCAR and UCAR postdocs have received their doctorates from all over the world , from as close as the University of Colorado at Boulder to as far away as Kyoto University in Japan .

  18. 科罗拉多大学(UniversityofColorado)地质学教授罗杰·比尔汉姆(RogerBilham)曾研究过该地区的地震历史,他说,震动持续了一到两分钟,断层沿着断裂带滑动了约10英尺,断裂带长达75英里,从加德满都穿过。

    Roger Bilham , a professor of geological sciences at the University of Colorado who has studied the history of earthquakes in that region , said that the shaking lasted one to two minutes , and the fault slipped about 10 feet along the rupture zone , which stretched 75 miles , passing under Katmandu .

  19. 我妻子和我穿着加州大学的衣服为科罗拉多大学加油

    My wife and I wearing Cal colors , rooting for Colorado

  20. 我的研究工作让我回到了我的母校-科罗拉多大学。

    My research has led me back home to the University of Colorado .

  21. 你正听到的是科罗拉多大学放射物理学家汤姆斯·博拉克的发言。

    You are listening to radiation physicist Thomas Borak at Colorado State University .

  22. 髙中第四年感恩节的周末,沃兹拜访了科罗拉多大学。

    On Thanksgiving weekend of his senior year , Wozniak visited the University of Colorado .

  23. 韦曼教授在英属哥伦比亚大学和科罗拉多大学任教,现在正在休假。

    Professor Wieman is currently from the University of British Columbia and the University of Colorado .

  24. 但是科罗拉多大学只要求第一学年费用资金支持的证明即可。

    But the University of Colorado requires only evidence of financial support for the first year .

  25. 张晓东在北京工业大学获电气工程学士学位,在美国科罗拉多大学获计算机科学博士学位。

    He earned his PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Southern California in1992 .

  26. 我妻子和我最近去斯坦福看了一场篮球赛科罗拉多大学对斯坦福大学

    My wife and I recently went to a basketball game in Stanford University of Colorado vs. Stanford

  27. 威曼教授在加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学和科罗拉多大学任教,目前正在休假中。

    Professor Wieman is currently on leave from the University of British Columbia and the University of Colorado .

  28. 科罗拉多大学的罗伯特·斯文正在研究一种新的接种麻疹疫苗的方式。

    Robert Sievers of the University of Colorado is working on a new way to deliver a vaccine for measles .

  29. 在科罗拉多大学的物理教育技术专案中,有物理现象的互动类比,以研究为基础,生动有趣。

    Fun , interactive , research-based simulations of physical phenomena from the Physics Education Technology project at the University of Colorado .

  30. 毕竟,玻尔得的科罗拉多大学是一座泰姬陵——一扇通向司法职业和大牌律师事务所的大门。

    After all , the University of Colorado at Boulder was a Taj Mahal - the door to judicial and prestigious law firms .