
  • INNOVATION;technological innovation;technical innovation
  1. 信息产业科技创新体系FCM模型动态分析

    The application of FCM in the dynamic analysis of technical innovation system of China information industry

  2. 2002~2005年间我国不同地区高校科技创新效率比较研究基于DEA与Malmquist指数法的区域科技创新效率评价&以重庆市为例

    Comparative Research on the Efficiency of Higher Education Colleges Technical Innovation in Different Districts in China Between 2002 and 2005 ; Evaluate of Science and Technology Innovation Efficiency of a Region Based on DEA and Malmquist Exponent Approach

  3. 所有这些,再加上加利福尼亚州科技创新之州而闻名,使得该州成为开发和测试详细监测污染系统的理想之地。

    All of which , combined with California 's reputation as the home of technological innovation , makes the place ideal for developing and testing systems designed to monitor pollution in detail .

  4. 提高科技创新支撑能力

    Boost our capacity to support technological innovation ❼

  5. 循环经济的发展需要绿色科技创新生态化作为支撑。

    The circulation economy development needs the green science and technology innovation as the strut .

  6. 我们要主动应变、化危为机,深化结构性改革,以科技创新和数字化变革催生新的发展动能。

    All this opens new pathways for economic growth . We ought to adapt to change and turn crisis into opportunity . We may deepen structural .

  7. 要加强高标准农田、农田水利、农业机械化等现代农业基础设施建设,提升农业科技创新水平并加快推广使用,增强粮食生产能力和防灾减灾能力。

    In this regard , efforts will be made to optimize modern rural infrastructures including high-yield farmland and water conservancy and agricultural mechanization projects , raise agricultural technological innovation capability and speed up promotion and application , and enhance the capability of grain production and disaster prevention and mitigation .

  8. 基于多Agent的高校科技创新管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Colleges and Universities Scientific and Technological Innovation Management System Based on Multi-Agent

  9. 应用AHP研究兰州市农产品安全的科技创新发展需求

    Study on AHP in the Demand of Technology of Agri-product safety in Lanzhou

  10. 论文工作得到了国家自然科学基金项目(No.60572037)和北京交通大学优秀博士生科技创新基金项目(No.48013)的支持。

    The work of this dissertation is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( No. 60572037 ) and the Innovation Foundation of Science and Technology for Excellent Doctorial Candidates of Beijing Jiaotong University under Grant No.48013 .

  11. 构建农业科研信息化平台促进农业科技创新

    Construct Agriculture Scientific Research IT Platform and Promote Agricultural Sci-Tech Innovation

  12. 国外石油公司科技创新管理体系浅析

    On the Management System of Technical Innovation in Foreign Oil Companies

  13. 资本市场;科技创新;发展理念;

    Capital Markets ; Scientific and Technological Innovation ; Developing Theory ;

  14. 现代科技创新政策发展的四个特点

    On the four characteristics in the development of modern innovation policies

  15. 科技创新振兴我国小型农业机械制造业的发展

    The Technical Innovation Promoting the Development of Small Agricultural Machinery Manufacturing

  16. 梅赛德斯&奔驰期待通过不断的科技创新达到这个目标。

    Mercedes-Benz strives to achieve this goal by continuous technological innovation .

  17. 用科学的哲学思想指导科技创新

    Strategic thinking ; Instructing Science and Technology Innovation Scientifically and Philosophically

  18. 国家重点实验室在国家科技创新体系中的地位和作用

    The Role of State Key Laboratory in National Sci-tech Innovation System

  19. 企业理念:科技创新,服务畜牧!

    Enterprise concept : technological innovation , service animal husbandry !

  20. 这也是本文科技创新和实用价值所在。

    It is also this technological innovation and practical value .

  21. 高校科技创新体系研究

    Science and Technology Innovation Management System of Colleges and Universities

  22. 项目管理在船舶科技创新中的应用研究

    Research of project management in ship science and technology innovation

  23. 运用知识产权保护农业科技创新

    Using Intellectual Property to Protect Agricultural Scientific and Technological Innovation

  24. 以科研促教学,带动本科生科技创新

    Teaching Combined with Scientific Research for Promoting the Innovation Education

  25. 高校融入区域科技创新体系建设探析

    Integration of University into Construction of Regional S & T Innovation System

  26. 合肥科技创新型企业培育计划跟踪研究

    Track Study on the Cultivation Project of Technological Innovation-based Enterprises of Hefei

  27. 浙江省科技创新能力分析评价与对策研究

    Analysis of the Technical Innovation Capabilities of Zhejiang Province and the Countermeasures

  28. 中国传统文化所具有的强大凝聚力有益于科技创新活动。

    Traditional Chinese culture has the strong cohesion benefits technological innovation activities .

  29. 依托科技创新建设上海轨道交通网

    Construction of Shanghai Rail Transit Network Based on Science and Technology Innovation

  30. 科技创新项目需要创业风险资本的支持。

    The science innovation needs the support of risk capital .