
  1. 基于模糊AHP的珠三角都市型农业企业创新能力的测评

    Evaluate on Innovation Capability of PRD Urban Agriculture Enterprise based on F-AHP Method

  2. 企业创新能力来源的实证研究

    An Empirical Investigation on the Sources of Firms ' Innovation Capability

  3. 基于陶瓷企业创新能力提高的学习型企业构建

    Founding study enterprise according to develop innovation ability of ceramic enterprise

  4. 基于集群的高技术企业创新能力研究

    Research on the Innovation Capability of High-tech Enterprise in the Cluster

  5. 浙、闽体育用品民族企业创新能力的研究

    The national sports enterprises innovation ability study in Zhejiang , Fujian

  6. 企业创新能力的评价体系和评价方法研究

    Study about Evaluating Index System and Method of Enterprises ' Innovation Capability

  7. 基于区域创新系统的创新政策对中小企业创新能力影响研究

    Research on Innovation Policy to SMEs Innovation Capability Influence Based on RIS

  8. 企业创新能力的分析模型

    Analytical Model of Enterprise Innovation Capacity

  9. 这四个方面的建设对于提升企业创新能力、提高企业业绩有一定的实用性与可操作性。

    The development of these four aspects will benefit the innovation capacity and performance of the enterprises practically and operationally .

  10. 最后,确定装备制造企业创新能力发展模式选择的思路与依据。

    Finally , to determine the ideas and the basis of development model chosen of the equipment manufacturing enterprises innovation capability .

  11. 其次,提炼出装备制造企业创新能力发展模式设计的二个维度,即创新程度和创新开放度。

    Secondly , to extract two dimensions of development model designed of the equipment manufacturing enterprises innovation capability , innovation extent and innovation openness .

  12. 最后,在评价绍兴建筑企业创新能力基础上,对绍兴建筑业的发展提出可实施方案。

    At last , the paper evaluates the innovational capability of construction enterprises of Shaoxing city and provides suggestions to realize the target of powerful city at construction industry .

  13. 如何客观、科学地评价创新型企业创新能力所带来的经营绩效已经成为学者和企业管理者们讨论的热门话题。

    How to evaluate the operating performance brought by the innovative enterprises ' innovative capability objectively and scientifically has become a hot discussion topic among the scholars and enterprise managers .

  14. 同时从管理会计绩效评价的视角深入研究了高新技术企业创新能力影响企业经营绩效的途径和作用机理。

    At the same time this paper deeply studies the ways and mechanism which high-tech enterprise innovation ability influence enterprise management performance from the management accounting perspective of the performance evaluation .

  15. 深入分析了融资环境、扶持政策、企业创新能力和动力、区域开放度等方面的限制因素,并提出了针对性建议。

    This study analyzed some important restraints , namely financing environment , supporting policy , business innovation capability and dynamics and regional opening degree . Based on it , some effective recommendation was provided .

  16. 如何改变文化企业创新能力不足、思想性知识性艺术性观赏性俱佳的文化产品偏少的状况,对我们来说是一项艰巨而紧迫的任务。

    How to change the culture of a lack of innovation , superb thoughtful intellectual artistic culture of ornamental products less than normal situation , for us it is an arduous and urgent task .

  17. 研究表明,这种集群模式极大地促进了资源的合理配置,带动了当地经济的快速发展,但也存在集群区产业结构不合理、企业创新能力不强等诸多问题。

    Research indicates that this cluster promotes the reasonable allocation of resources and local economic development but there are problems such as unreasonable industrial structure in cluster area and weak innovative ability and so on .

  18. 由于我国大多数医药企业创新能力不够,规模小,资金不足,有时候单独一个企业进行新药研发是不切实际的。

    Because the innovation capability of the most pharmaceutical companies in our country is not enough , company is small and lacks of funds , sometimes a single enterprise doing drug research and development is unrealistic .

  19. 在知识经济的背景下,企业创新能力对于企业持续发展的作用日益彰显,企业创新能力也因此得到了国内外众多学者的关注。

    In the context of the knowledge economy , the role of innovation ability about enterprises in its sustainable development is becoming more outstanding , and therefore it has gotten the attention from many domestic and foreign scholars .

  20. 在发展战略的实施上,提出复地集团应在打造客户本位的价值理念,加强人力资源管理,强化战略资源整合能力,激发企业创新能力,实施品牌建设等方面做好工作,以保证战略的有效实施。

    Strategy should be made to ensure an efficient implementation by building up valuable standard custom , enhancing human management , consolidating conformity ability of strategic sources , motivating creative ability and implementing the plane of building brand .

  21. 学者们普遍认为成功的知识管理会改善企业创新能力进而提高企业绩效,已有的实证研究也在不同的时间、空间和行业背景下对这一命题进行了验证。

    Scholars have generally agreed that the success of knowledge management will improve the innovative capability and raise business performance , more empirical research is also a different time , space and industry background to verify this proposition .

  22. 政府作用方式的转换,在一定程度上可以弥补企业创新能力的低下和创新资金的缺乏,缓解阻碍我国产业技术创新的国内技术供给不足的矛盾。

    The change of the role of government , to some extent , could improve the innovation capability of enterprises , provide funds for innovation , and move the obstacles of the supply of domestic technology for enterprise technological innovation .

  23. 本文对研发项目的资源管理进行了深入剖析,就企业创新能力评价指标进行了探讨,总结了企业创新中存在的问题与对策。

    This paper to researched and developed the project the resource management to carry on the thorough analysis , the enterprise innovation ability appraisal target has carried on the discussion , summarized the question and the countermeasure which in the enterprise innovation existed .

  24. 在企业创新能力系统中,管理创新能力处于中心地位,对企业创新能力产生支持、整合和催化作用,是形成企业核心能力的基本途径。

    In the enterprise 's innovation ability system , management innovation ability is in the center position to produce supporting , combining and catalysts for enterprise 's innovation ability , and it is the basic way to build up the enterprise 's key ability .

  25. 文章提出,要实现我国纺织工业可持续发展,必须转变产业发展模式,增强企业创新能力,提高产品科技含量和附加值,化基于资源禀赋的比较优势为基于技术进步的竞争优势。

    To realize the sustainable development , upgrading industry development mode , enhancing enterprise creative ability , and increasing the technical factors or suffix value are required . In short , it means the transformation from comparative advantages based on resource endowment to competitive advantages based on technology advancement .

  26. 基于熵权TOPSIS法的企业自主创新能力评价及其行业差异分析

    Evaluation on Independent Innovation Capability of Enterprises Based on TOPSIS and the Industrial Difference Analysis

  27. 运用基于BP算法的人工神经网络模型对企业技术创新能力进行评价,为企业进行技术创新能力的评价开辟新的方法。

    In this paper , we apply a model of artificial neural network which is based on BP calculation method to evaluate technical innovation capability and try to develop a new method to evaluate technical innovation capability .

  28. 提出了企业技术创新能力评估的RPV框架,为企业经理全面评价以及提高其所在企业的技术创新能力提供了一个全新的工具。

    The RPV framework put forward in this article offers a new tool for managers to fully assess their organizations ′ innovation ability and improve it .

  29. 第三章为企业技术创新能力评价,在分析了企业技术创新能力的构成要素基础上建立了企业技术创新能力评价指标体系,并用区间数TOPSIS方法评价研究。

    Chapter III is the enterprise technological innovation capability assessment . Based on the analysis of technological innovation capability constituent elements it establishes evaluation index system , and take the interval number of TOPSIS method to study .

  30. 进而在分别设计TBT水平与中小企业技术创新能力评价指标体系的基础上,采用灰色关联分析方法和信息熵法,测算TBT与我国中小企业技术创新的关联度并进行排序。

    Based on designing evaluation index system of TBT levels and technological innovation capacity of SMEs respectively , it adopts grey correlation analysis methods and information entropy , measuring the correlation between TBT and technical innovation , and ranking them .