
  1. 企业技术创新决策中的智力角色分析

    Analysis of Intellectual roles In the Technology Innovation Decision-making of the Enterprise

  2. 基于数据仓库的企业创新评价决策系统

    Comprehensive Evaluation Decision System for Corporation 's Innovation Based on Data Warehouse

  3. 企业创新投资决策的资本结构条件

    Capital-structural Condition of Firm 's Decision on Innovative Investment

  4. 企业创新采纳决策实证研究

    Empirical Study on Enterprises ′ Innovation Adoption Decisions

  5. 其中,市场势力很大程度上决定了技术创新活动的利润实现和利益分配,从而影响着企业技术创新决策。

    Among them , the market power largely determines the technology innovation activities profit realization and distribution of interests , and then affects innovation decisions .

  6. 团队智力角色缺乏和团队成员与其扮演的智力角色不匹配是导致企业技术创新决策失败的重要原因。

    There are two causes to lead to the failure of the technology innovation deciding , one is the absence of intellectual roles , the other is the unmatching of members and intellectual roles .

  7. 本文基于实物期权以及期权博弈的基本框架,从理论上分析不同市场结构下的金融企业的创新决策和产业均衡,从而试图给出金融创新决策的一个科学的分析框架。

    This paper analyzes theoretically the financial innovations and the equilibria in subsequent markets , based on the framework of the traditional real options and option games literature , and thus provides a new analysis and valuation framework for financial innovation decision-making .

  8. 企业采用技术创新决策的博弈分析

    Game Analysis of Corporation Decision to Adopt Technological Innovation

  9. 不对称双寡头企业技术创新投资决策研究

    Study on Investment in Technology Innovation of Asymmetric Duopoly

  10. 事前技术许可条件下被许可企业自主创新投资决策研究

    Research on independent innovation investment decisions of the licensee under ex ante licensing

  11. 基于实物期权博弈理论的企业技术创新投资决策研究

    Study on Technological Innovation Investment Decisions of Enterprise Based on Real Options Game Theory

  12. 而治理结构要素对企业技术创新投入决策的影响却不尽相同。

    But the influence of governance structure elements on enterprise technology innovation investment was not the same .

  13. 网络外部性下不对称企业技术创新投资决策研究

    Study on Investment Decision Making in Technology Innovation of Asymmetric Firms in the Presence of Network Externalities

  14. 第三,基于期权博弈理论,在一定的假设条件下,通过建立相应的期权博弈模型系统分析了在垄断与竞争情形下企业技术创新投资决策的策略与行为。

    Thirdly , based on option-game theory , we analyze the strategies and behaviors of technology innovation investment of enterprise under the conditions of monopoly and competition by establishing corresponding option-game models .

  15. 企业家人力资本作为企业技术创新的决策者,其有效的企业创新激励制度安排就是剩余索取权和控制权激励制度。

    Enterprise human capital is the decision-maker of technology innovation in their enterprise , its effective incentive institution arrangement to encourage innovation is the incentive institution about the rights of profit gain and control .

  16. 杠杆融资企业的技术创新采用决策研究

    Study of Levered Firm 's Adoption Decision of Innovative Technology

  17. 西部企业技术创新与技术决策

    Technological Innovation and Technical Decision for Enterprises in West China

  18. 企业技术创新项目论证决策支持系统研究

    A study on a Decision Support System for the Evaluation of Enterprise Innovation

  19. 企业技术创新动态评估决策模型

    Dynamical evaluation / decision model of enterprise technological innovation

  20. 企业自主创新项目选项决策模型研究

    Research on the Decision-making Models for Independent Innovative Project

  21. 将不对称企业的技术创新投资决策视为脉冲控制并求得在各种状态下企业的投资收益;

    Firstly , investment decision in technology innovation of asymmetric firms are viewed as impulse controls . Value function under many conditions are derived .

  22. 利用博弈原理,对企业采用技术创新的决策进行了深入分析,指出采用决策过程实质上是企业选择最佳采用时机的博弈过程。

    Using game theory , this paper analyses the corporation 's adoption decision deeply , and points out the decision is a game process in which a corporation selects the fittest time to adopt the innovation .

  23. 以经济理性和社会关系理性的决策原则作为企业采纳技术创新的决策原则,从社会资本理论的核心内涵&社会网络、信任和规范出发,全面探讨它们对企业技术创新采纳决策的影响。

    Taking economic rational and social relation rational as decision principle for firms in adopting technology innovation , starting from the core of social capital theory , social networking , trust and normal , a thorough survey of their influences on firms ' adoption of technology innovation was carried out .

  24. 重点论述了企业技术创新采纳存在于决策、研发、生产、营销等各阶段,分析了企业技术创新采纳决策的主体、目标、信息基础和具体流程。

    It addresses that technological innovation adoption exists during the stages of decision-making , research and development , production , and marketing . It also describes the adoption decision-making subjects , its goal , its information base , and its concrete process .

  25. 研究结果表明市场环境特性、创新技术本身特性和创新采纳企业自身特点对企业创新采纳决策会产生重要影响。

    The research results indicate that the characteristics of external environment and the innovation properties as well as the characteristics of organizations have great impact on enterprises ′ innovation adoption decisions .

  26. 本文提出群体专家问题发生系统是通过分析人机相结合系统模拟的群体决策分析,发现企业发展中所存在的问题,为企业创新发展提供决策支持。

    It is pointed out that the colony-experts problem occurring system is the analysis of colony decision-making which analyses system simulation through the combination of people and machine and discovers problems in the enterprise development and supplies the enterprise innovation development with decision-making support .

  27. 本部分通过博弈分析,以我国移动通信市场龙头企业&企业用户A和企业用户B为原型,分析了企业用户创新无偿发布决策模型。

    In this part , through game analysis , a decision model on innovation free revealing of user firms is analyzed . Enterprises , A and B , are defined in the model . They are both leading enterprises in Chinese mobile communications market .

  28. 由于企业技术创新是一个动态的系统活动过程,故本文最后还建立了企业技术创新动态评价决策模型,反映出技术创新活动是动态发展与阶段决策的循环统一过程。

    Because enterprise technological innovation is a dynamic systematic activity course , finally this article set up the dynamic appraisal decision model , which reflects that technological innovation activity is dynamic development unifying the course with stage circulation of decision .

  29. 许多研究技术创新投资决策期权博弈的文献大都假定企业是同质的和企业创新产品之间具有负的外部性,本文研究正网络外部性条件下成本不对称企业技术创新投资决策问题。

    Most of the option game literature on investment decision in technology innovation is under assumption that firms are homogenous and there are negative externalities . Investment decision making in technology innovation of cost asymmetric firms in presence of positive network externalities is studied in this paper .

  30. 本文通过企业访谈和问卷调查,发现有15种智力角色是一个成功的技术创新团队不可缺少的,各种智力角色在企业技术创新决策过程中发挥不同的作用。

    Talking and questionnaire investigation are used in this paper to find that a successful team must have 15 intellectual roles , and each role has different function in the technology innovation deciding process .