
  • 网络enterprise demand;Enterprise Requirment;Enterprise Requirement;Business requirements
  1. 将使用者经验设计规范,企业需求,以及企业目标纳入设计方案中。

    Incorporate ued guidelines , business requirements and corporate goals into design solutions .

  2. 系统实施根据具体企业需求,完成系统业务配置、系统部署和信息导入等工作,并分析了重构性能对于系统快速实施的作用。

    System application includes system configuration , system deployment and information importing , according to specific business requirements , and the performance of reconfiguration is analyzed .

  3. 随着Web技术的迅猛发展以及多变、复杂的企业需求的快速增长,Web系统的应用越来越广泛,结构也越来越复杂,并逐渐成为下一代软件开发的主流。

    With the rapid development of Web technology , and the rapid growth of demand for business enterprises , the structure of the web system is getting more and more complex .

  4. 定制型CRM系统可以根据企业需求编制,需要企业和软件公司有足够的人力资源才能保证系统的成功实施。

    Customization CRM can meet corporate special needs , but it also requires the stronger human resources to assure CRM project executing .

  5. 然后基于PDM的知识构造模糊关系转换矩阵,根据推导的模糊映射算法实现从企业需求到功能需求,再从功能需求到商业软件的映射。

    Then , based on the knowledge of PDM , fuzzy mapping matrix of relation is established , the mappings from enterprise requirements to functionality requirements and from functionality requirements to traditional software are conducted .

  6. 同时根据企业需求,进行系统分析。

    It also analyzes the system based on the needing of Enterprises .

  7. 职业教育应进一步满足企业需求&以宁波大红鹰职业技术学校为例

    Vocational education should make further satisfaction to meet the requirement of enterprises

  8. 蒙东地区供电企业需求侧管理对策研究

    Strategy Research About DSM for Eastern Neimenggu Power Enterprise

  9. 教育机构必须适应企业需求。

    Educational institutes have to meet corporate needs .

  10. 浅谈企业需求与工业设计教育

    On Enterprise Demand and Industrial Design Education

  11. 企业需求及其影响

    The Needs of Corporation and Their Influences

  12. 基于企业需求的应用型本科物流管理专业实践教学体系设计

    Optimization Study on Training Program of Undergraduate Logistics Management Based on the Enterprise Requirements of Application

  13. 对企业需求的标准法兰盘自动编程的实现过程进行设计。

    For the corporation needs of achieving automatic programming process of standard flanges is designed . 6 .

  14. 提供能反映企业需求并与国家技术资格证书相联接的教育计划;

    Provide students with the education project which reflect enterprise 's demand and connect with national technical qualification certificate ;

  15. 形成以企业需求为导向的思想,着力提高教师的实践能力;

    School should establish the idea of orienting by enterprise ′ s demand , and improve teachers ′ practical ability .

  16. 在满足企业需求的同时,来更好的控制数据中心项目风险。

    Hereby , the risks of data center can be controlled as well as the needs of business be met .

  17. 订单评估是制造企业需求管理的一项核心工作,是制定生产计划的前提。

    Order evaluation is the core of customer demand management in manufacturer enterprise , and it is also the premise of production plan making .

  18. 企业需求、企业能力与企业社会责任的匹配探讨&一种新的企业履行社会责任的理论分析框架

    On the Matching Relationships Among Demands of Corporation , Competence and Social Responsibilities & A new theoretical analyzing structure of how a corporation carrying out its social responsibilities

  19. 在这种背景下,开发一个能满足企业需求的人力资源管理系统用于实现企业人事资源的自动化处理变得越来越重要,这也正是本文的目的和意义。

    In this context , the development of a human resource management system to meet the business needs of automated processing is becoming increasingly important for corporate personnel resources .

  20. 将公开域功能的业务功能定义为粗粒度服务:业务功能由企业需求驱动,而并非内部的实现细节。

    Defining business functions that expose functionality of a domain as a coarse grained service : Business functions are driven by needs of the enterprise , rather than internal implementation details .

  21. 要建立满足企业需求的快速、高效的流程,对流程进行建模、仿真、分析优化是一种比较科学且经济的方法。

    Process modeling , simulation , analysis and optimizing are a kind of scientific and economic way for an enterprise to build quick and efficient processes that meet the enterprise 's needs .

  22. 除了社会转型的影响和市场经济的负面作用外,教育与企业需求的脱节、就业方式的多样化,应该是更为直接的原因。

    In addition to the negative influences from social transformation and market economy , the being disjointed between education and enterprise-needs , together with the diversification of employment , should be more direct causes .

  23. 所以,大学生就业难的长期、深层次原因是大学生就业能力与企业需求之间存在着差距。

    Thus , the long-term and deep-seated reasons for the graduates ' " difficulty in finding jobs " lie in the gap between the practical abilities of college students and the enterprises ' needs .

  24. 面对不同企业需求,项目形式发展多样,对项目管理的要求也在不断地提高,许多企业发现,找到适合自己公司的项目管理方法,在实际工作中的作用是越来越重要。

    Facing different business needs and the diversity of projects , project management is required to be improved constantly . Many companies found that it is very important to have a suited method in actual work .

  25. 随着商务活动范围的逐渐扩大及企业需求的提高,当前的电子商务环境变得愈来愈开放,企业可以在更广阔的市场空间中寻求更多的合作伙伴。

    As the range expand gradually of business activities and the needs improve of the enterprises , the current e-commerce environment has become more and more open , the enterprise can have a broader market space for more partners .

  26. 在满足本省卷烟企业需求的基础上,稳步扩大省外卷烟原辅材料的市场占有,使省外原辅材料的收入占到多元化总收入的10%。

    To meet the demand for cigarettes on the basis of steady expansion of foreign cigarette raw and auxiliary materials market share , raw and auxiliary materials outside the province of income diversification of total revenue accounted for 10 percent .

  27. 据其称,这些芯片采用的新技术可将该公司目前生产的芯片性能提高3倍,同时保持其特有的低能耗,并能更好地适应企业需求,因为它能处理更大的内存。

    According to arm , the new technology can deliver triple the performance of its current chips while retaining its signature energy efficiency , and is better suited to meet enterprise needs because it can handle larger amounts of memory .

  28. 监理企业需求量和供给量是分析监理市场的基础,根据公路里程、工期等指标来推导需求和供给量的计算公式,可依据公路建设发展的历史数据,对历年公路建设监理市场状况进行比较。

    According to the road mileage and construction term indicators etc. , the calculating formula is derived . Based on the history data of China highway construction development , the demand and supply quantity of supervision market can be compared .

  29. 信息设备、通讯网络随着企业需求的变化,也在不断的更新和扩展中。企业信息系统建设必须适应发展过程,必须具有开放式体系结构,方便的信息资源共享,模块化的动态组合。

    And under the never-ending change of the business pattern process , the new information system has to be based on an open and extensible architecture and a dynamic combination of business modules so that the information could be shared between the branches of the enterprise efficiently .

  30. 通过对客运企业需求管理的几个分支的研究,即客运站设计与管理、客运班线管理、高峰期客运企业需求管理,在此基础上给出了客运企业需求管理的对策和建议。

    Through the research for several branches of passenger transportation enterprise demand management , namely the passenger depot design and management , the passenger transportation line management , the passenger transportation enterprise demand management at rush hour , it gives the countermeasures and suggestions for passenger transportation enterprise demand management .