
  1. 企业信用档案与企业档案

    Credit File and the Business File of Enterprise

  2. 非公有制企业信用档案的建立

    Establishment of Credit Archives in Non-Publicly-Owned Enterprises

  3. 企业信用档案是记录企业在社会活动中形成的信用情况,对企业的生死存亡有着非常重要的作用。

    Enterprise credit files are records in social activities of credit situation and play a vital role .

  4. 另一方面,企业信用档案在企业资产、开拓市场、创立品牌、融资上市等方面起到积极作用。

    On the other hand , enterprise credit files have positive influences on enterprise assets , market expanding , brand establishing , going public and so forth .

  5. 一方面,企业信用档案在企业发展中起到监督的作用,其客观存在性可以督促企业自律守信、规范经营。

    On the one hand , enterprises credit files occupy the supervise role in the enterprises development , their objective is to urge enterprises to keep its promise of self-discipline and standards of business .

  6. 该系统目前已经在我省建设机械产品登记备案管理、建机协会会员管理及企业信用档案管理上发挥了关键作用,大大提高了管理部门的工作效率。

    The system is already in the province construction machinery products registered for the record , Construction Machinery Association and the management of enterprise credit file management played a key role in greatly improved management efficiency .

  7. 企业信用档案信息是行政机关、事业单位、企业及中介组织在其从事各种社会活动、生产活动过程中,形成的企业的基本信息和企业信用信息。

    Enterprise Credit File Information ( ECFI ) indicates basic business information and credit information which administrative organs , institutions , enterprises and intermediary organizations have established during their engagement in various social activities and production process .

  8. 通过对企业信用档案的介绍,提出建设企业和企业法定代表人信用档案建设的必要性、目标和任务,并给出了系统建设的总体思路,最后就系统建设的法制保障进行了论述。

    This paper introduced the enterprise credit archives , proposed the necessity , objective and task of constructing credit archives of enterprise and its legal representative , presented the general thought of system construction , and discussed the law insurance of the system construction .

  9. 从微观和宏观两个层面系统研究了建立农民工工资的保障机制,建立农民工工资支付保证金制度,实行企业的信用档案制度,严格合同管理。

    Have studied peasant 's security mechanism of peasant workers salary from two aspect of microcosmic and macroscopic , to set up the Payment earnest money system , implement the credit file systems of enterprises , enforce the management on contract .

  10. 关于民营企业建立个人信用档案的思考

    Considerations about Establishing People-run Enterprise 's Personal Credit Record

  11. 文章阐述了民营企业建立个人信用档案的重要性及基本原则等。

    This paper expounds the importance and basic principles of establishing people-run enterprise 's personal credit record .

  12. 客户档案管理是企业信用管理和档案部门的基础性工作,在企业坏账风险控制和管理的各个环节有着广泛的用途。

    The management of customer files is the basic task of enterprise credit management and the file department , and it is widely used in all kinds of the control and management of enterprise bad debt risk .