
  • 网络credit system;Enterprise Credit System
  1. 三是完善企业信用体系的建设。

    Second , improve the construction of enterprise credit system .

  2. 马克思的信用理论与我国企业信用体系建设

    Marx 's credit theory and the construction of our country enterprise credit system

  3. 中国企业信用体系建设研究

    Primary Exploration and Research For China 's Enterprises Credit System Constructions

  4. 然而我国现阶段依然没有建立起完整的企业信用体系,我国企业信用缺失现象十分严重。

    The lack of credit is serious in our enterprises .

  5. 五举措强化企业信用体系建设

    Five Measures Enhance the Construction of Corporate Credit System

  6. 构建我国企业信用体系之我见

    The Analysis for Constructing Corporation Credit System in China

  7. 从一个简单博弈探讨中小企业信用体系建设

    Study on Constructing Credit System of SMEs Based on a Simple Game Model

  8. 浅谈施工企业信用体系系统

    On construction enterprise credit system

  9. 我国中小企业信用体系与融资问题研究

    A Study of the Credit of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of Our Country and Their Financing Problems

  10. 建设企业信用体系解决中小企业贷款融资难问题

    To establish credit system of . enterprises to solve the problem of medium and small enterprises difficult lending through financing

  11. 社会信用体系的建设是一个包括政府信用体系、企业信用体系和个人信用体系共同建设的系统工程。

    Social credit system is a system-engineering project including government credit system , business credit system and individual credit system .

  12. 信用体系建设越来越受到人们的重视,尤其是企业信用体系的建设是整个社会信用体系建设的重中之重。

    Credit system gets more attention of people , especially the enterprises ' credit system , it is the key of the whole social credit system .

  13. 本文就社会主义市场经济条件下,企业信用体系的构建提出了自己的看法和建议。

    Under the condition of the market economy , I put forward my own view and suggestions on how to construct corporation credit system in china .

  14. 就我国当前的实际情况来说,中小企业信用体系建设十分落后,很多地方甚至处于空白状态。

    However , the credit system for small and medium-sized enterprises in China is in poor condition and even in some places this field remains blank .

  15. 我国企业信用体系建设经验表明,企业征信信息共享机制的缺失已经成为我国企业信用体系建设的瓶颈。

    Our country 's experience in credit system construction indicates that credit information sharing problems have become the bottleneck of China 's further constructing corporate credit system .

  16. 这些分析一方面是从根源上去找到症结,另一方面也为提出建立企业信用体系的措施找到对应的突破口。然后进入到解决问题部分,这是本篇的重点部分。

    This part not only search for the key reason from the source , but also find related gap for the following measures of founding enterprise credit system .

  17. 在我国建立现代市场经济体系的进程中,中小企业信用体系建设是一项不可或缺的重要而艰巨的工作。

    In the process of constructing modern system of market economy , the construction of credit system for small & medium enterprises is an important , essential but arduous task .

  18. 文章分析了目前我国企业信用体系建设的不足及其危害,并通过与国际上现行管理经验的比较分析,提出了如何建立我国企业信用评级系统模式。

    This article analyses the shortcomings in the establishment of the enterprise credit in our country , and puts forward the pattern we should set up to rate our enterprise credit system .

  19. 其次是政府在社会信用体系建设中他我责任的落实,具体介绍企业信用体系建设中政府责任的落实和个人信用体系建设中政府责任的落实。

    Followed by the government of his responsibility to implement the construction of social credit system . Specifically on the Government in the enterprise credit system in personal responsibility and government responsibility in the credit system .

  20. 但目前深圳创业投资业发展的外部和内部环境都存在一些问题,需要政府加大支持力度、建立企业信用体系、加强行业自律、促进行业的健康发展。

    This article analyses current risk investment industry in Shenzhen , discusses the problems in this industry , both internal and external , then gives suggestions accordingly angled at government support , enterprise credit system and industry discipline .

  21. 建立完善企业信用体系,对提高市场资源配置效率、拉动经济增长、维护市场经济秩序、防范经济风险等方面,都具有非常重要的作用。

    Establish a sound credit system , the allocation of resources to improve market efficiency and spur economic growth , maintaining the market economic order , prevent financial risks and so on , have a very important role .

  22. 企业信用体系是整个社会信用体系的核心,是我国建设社会主义市场经济体制的基础制度保障,企业信用体系的模式选择问题一直是理论界关注的热点。

    The enterprise credit system is the core of entire social credit system , is the socialist market economy system the foundation system safeguard of our country . the enterprise credit system pattern choice question is always the hot spot of theory attention .

  23. 企业信用体系建设的关键问题是政府如何在信用体系中发挥作用,也就是说,如何有效运用政府职能完善企业信用体系建设。

    The key question of the construction of enterprise credit system is how the government to play a role in the credit system . That is to say , how to utilize government functions effectively to improve the construction of enterprise credit system .

  24. 安全价值从企业信用体系的建立、严格设质前的审查、合理设计质押合同、明确对次债务人的通知、完善登记公示制度以及设质后的监管六方面来实现。

    Safety value in enterprise credit system is established , a strict quality before the review , reasonable design of the pledge contract , to clear the secondary obligor notice , perfect registration system of public and quality supervision of a after six realization .

  25. 社会信用体系作为公共管理领域的一个重要课题,包涵了政府信用体系、企业信用体系和个人信用体系,而加强社会信用建设的关键就是建立健全个人信用体系。

    As an important subject , in the field of public administration , social credit system consists of government credit system , enterprise credit system and personal credit system . And the key to reinforce the social credit system is to establish personal credit system .

  26. 长三角区域内,资源、市场、信息等分割和封锁的情况依然存在,各行政区域地方保护的负面影响仍然存在,反映在企业信用体系和市场准入上各行其政,没有统一的标准。

    In Yangtze River Delta region , resources , marketing , information and blockade of partition as well as the administrative regions of the negative impact of local protectionism still exist . That reflects in the enterprise credit system and market access without the uniform standard .

  27. 通过利用比较分析、实地调研、定量与定性分析相结合的方法,运用企业信用体系方面的原理,构建了一个信用、预警、溯源、发布四位一体的食品企业质量信用监管体系。

    By use of comparative analysis , field investigation , combining quantitative and qualitative methods , using the principle of enterprise credit , this paper built a food enterprise quality and credit supervision system , which has credit , early warning , traceability and released four functions .

  28. 基于AHP的施工企业信用标准体系研究

    Research on the Credit Standard System of Construction Enterprises based on the Method of AHP

  29. B2B电子商务模式促进我国企业信用管理体系的建立

    The Establishment of Credit Management in Chinese Companies Through B2B Mode

  30. 从B2B电子商务的角度来分析,B2B模式有促进我国企业信用管理体系建立的可行性。

    From the perspective of B2B e-commerce , the paper analyzes the practicability of perfecting the mechanism of credit management for Chinese enterprises .