
  • 网络enterprise credit management;business credit management
  1. 企业信用管理实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Business Credit Management

  2. 本文从理论和实践角度分析研究了基于价值创造的企业信用管理。

    This paper starts from the points of both theory and practice to analyze value-creation-based business credit management system .

  3. 本文以N市中小企业信用管理问题为研究对象,探讨如何建立科学的信用管理制度,增强中小企业抵抗风险防范风险的能力,建立起中小企业信用管理体系的对策措施。

    This paper takes N City medium-sized and small enterprises credit management as the research object , discuss and countermeasures .

  4. B2B电子商务模式促进我国企业信用管理体系的建立

    The Establishment of Credit Management in Chinese Companies Through B2B Mode

  5. B2C电子商务中的企业信用管理研究

    Research on Credit Management of Enterprise in B2C Electronic Commerce

  6. 本文以X公司的实际发展现状为背景,结合企业信用管理理论的原理与方法,对X公司信用管理体系建立的分析及规划设计进行了探索性的研究。

    Under the development background of X Company , combined with principles and methods of credit management , the author carries out a research on construction of X Company credit management system .

  7. 从B2B电子商务的角度来分析,B2B模式有促进我国企业信用管理体系建立的可行性。

    From the perspective of B2B e-commerce , the paper analyzes the practicability of perfecting the mechanism of credit management for Chinese enterprises .

  8. 第三部分,是全文的核心部分,介绍了如何建立B2C电子商务中的企业信用管理体系,分别从企业信用管理的组织结构、信用政策、信用管理系统三个方面进行具体的研究和说明。

    Part 3 , The hardcore sect of the dissertation introduces how to establish the system of enterprise 's credit management in B2C EC by studying and illuminating three aspects , organization framework of enterprise 's credit management , credit policy , information management system .

  9. 完善企业信用管理的途径与方法

    The Paths and Methods for Perfecting the Enterprise 's Credit Management

  10. 广西企业信用管理不确定性因素分析

    Analysis on the Uncertain Factors of Enterprise Credit Management in Guangxi

  11. 我国国有企业信用管理体系构建研究

    Research on the Construction of Credit Management System of State-owned Enterprises

  12. 两岸企业信用管理的现状及未来

    Status and Future of Enterprise Credit Management of Mainland and Taiwan

  13. 构建中小企业信用管理体系的理性思考

    Thoughts on Constructing the Credit Management System of SMEs in China

  14. 我国企业信用管理制度的建设思考

    On Improving the System of Enterprise 's Credit Management in our Country

  15. 加强企业信用管理着力构建诚信社会

    Strengthening the Enterprise Reputation Management Strength to Construct the Good Faith Society

  16. 中小企业信用管理全过程控制方法

    Introduction to SMEs ' Full - Process Control Method of Credit Management

  17. 企业信用管理的动力系统分析

    The Analysis About The Motive System Of Enterprise Credit Management

  18. 我国企业信用管理体系探析

    Discussion Analysis on the System of Our Country 's Enterprise Credit Management

  19. 加强中小企业信用管理的思考

    A Thinking on Enhancing Credit Management of Middle - and Small-sized Enterprises

  20. 航运企业信用管理问题研究

    Research on the Problem of Credit Management of Shipping Enterprises

  21. 当代企业信用管理环境建设的路径探索

    Probe into Environmental Construction of Credit Management of Contemporary Enterprises

  22. 企业信用管理制度可靠性及有效性探讨

    The Discussion about the Reliability and Applicability of the Enterprise Credit Management System

  23. 第二部分分析我国书业企业信用管理的风险与控制。

    Part 2 analyses the risks and controls of credit management in book industry .

  24. 本文正是就企业信用管理展开相关研究和探讨,以期可以为提高国内企业的信用管理水平提供有益的指导。

    The thesis focuses on corporate credit management to provide enterprises with helpful advice .

  25. 其目的在于提高企业信用管理水平、增强企业竞争力。

    Countermeasures are presented aiming to improve enterprise credit management level and enhance enterprise competitiveness .

  26. 对我国中小企业信用管理体系建设问题的思考

    A Study on the Credit Management System Construction of Small and Medium Enterprises in China

  27. 企业信用管理的社会整合

    Social integration of enterprise credit management

  28. 同时企业信用管理水平的提高又会极大地促进在全社会建立一个良好的信用环境。

    Meanwhile , the improvement of corporate credit management will contribute to the establishment of a good credit environment in China .

  29. 随着各国企业信用管理理论与实践的发展,信用信息的支持问题日益突出。

    With the academic and practical development of enterprise credit management in every country , problems of support of enterprise credit information appear .

  30. 提出企业信用管理要将长期不懈的诚信文化建设和企业内部的信用组织体系的建立健全紧密结合起来。

    This article also suggests that enterprise credit management should be built by integrating long-term credit culture construction with internal credit system building .