
  • 网络mortgage;security transfers;legal mortgage
  1. 建造中船舶让与担保法律问题研究

    A Legal Study on the Mortgage of Vessel under Construction

  2. 让与担保可暂不规定;

    Mortgage of assignment shall not be provided for temporarily ;

  3. 这就是构建让与担保制度的社会意义所在。

    That is exactly the social meaning of transferring guarantee .

  4. 第一部分是让与担保的历史考察。

    The first part is the historical review of the transferring security .

  5. 让与担保的物权法空间

    The Struggling Prospects of " Transferring Guarantee " in the Property Law

  6. 第一章介绍了让与担保的历史渊源。

    The first chapter describes the history of transferring guarantee .

  7. 第二部分是让与担保的基本理论。

    The second part is the general theories of the transferring security .

  8. 论建立让与担保制度

    On Building the System of Alienation Guarantee

  9. 让与担保与按揭法律制度比较研究动产抵押的安全性及其对策研究

    Comparison between the Alienation Guarantee and Mortgage Chattel Mortgage Security and Studies on Its Countermeasures

  10. 让与担保的立法研究

    The Legislative Study of the Transferring Guarantee

  11. 而我国对让与担保的理论研究还很不充分。

    In china the researches and studies on transferring guarantee are way out of sufficiency .

  12. 与让与担保制度类似,该制度也体现了所有权的一种新的功能&担保功能。考察所有权保留制度需明确其性质问题。

    The ownership reservation system reflects the function of guaranty , a new function of ownership .

  13. 第二部分论证了我国构建让与担保制度的可行性。

    The main idea of the second part is about the feasibility of transferring guarantee creation .

  14. 因此,我国极有必要引入让与担保制度。

    Therefore , it is necessary for our country to introduce the system of alienation guarantee .

  15. 动产让与担保研究

    Studies on Chattel Transfer Guarantee

  16. 同时,动产让与担保权的确立和实现也需要相关制度予以保障。

    Meanwhile , the establishment and realization of guarantee for chattel transfer needs related system to guarantee .

  17. 让与担保制度是一种须移转标的物上权利归属的非典型的物的担保制度。

    The system of alienation guarantee is a untypical guarantee system of transfer of rights of subject matter .

  18. 由其法律内涵决定,动产让与担保权的实现有一定的特殊性。

    Owing to the legal connotation , the realization of right of guarantee for chattel transfer has certain special .

  19. 动产抵押和让与担保的并存,可以为当事人多提供一种选择。

    Comparingwith the chattel mortgage , the pledge of chattel can provide one more choice if the law concerned .

  20. 增设让与担保法律制度,统一房地产按揭制度于让与担保制度中。

    The creation of security transfers system and unifying real estate mortgage are in the system of security transfers .

  21. 后者主要包括抵押权、质权、让与担保和留置权等。

    The latter mainly include right to mortgage , right of pledge , guarantee of alienation , and lien .

  22. 让与担保已在德国、日本、美国等国家得到了广泛的应用。

    The transferring guarantee has already been applied extensively in the following countries , such as Germany , Japan , U.S.A , etc.

  23. 虽然《物权法》三审稿中删除让与担保,但笔者认为让与担保不应删除。

    Although third draft of The Property Law deleted " the transferring guarantee ", the author think it should not be deleted .

  24. 动产让与担保制度由于其标的物的特殊性及法律内涵的特殊性,常与动产抵押及所有权保留制度混淆。

    Owing to the particularity of object , guarantee for chattel transfer often be confused with chattel mortgage and ownership reservation system .

  25. 本文首先从让与担保的概念、特征、起源、性质等一般理论问题入手。

    First of all let and secured from the concept , characteristics , origin , nature of the general theory of aspects .

  26. 让与担保的优点是很明显的,一方面融资融券担保品的功能得到了最大程度的发挥。

    The benefits and security is obvious , on the one hand , the function of margin collateral has been the greatest do .

  27. 随着物权法出台的日益临近,应否将让与担保制度规定在物权法中,学说上存在诸多争议。

    With Thing Right law to enact , there are many disputes about whether transferring system could be included in Thing Right law .

  28. 三是以让与担保理论构建我国倒按揭贷款制度,这部分是论文的核心。

    Third , we try to build the reverse mortgage system under alienation guarantee theory , which is the core of the thesis .

  29. 然而,全国性立法中从未使用过按揭一词,也没有对按揭制度作出明确的统一界定,尤其是与抵押、质押和让与担保界限不明。

    However , the word mortgage is still not used on the national law , andno uniform definition distinguished from guarantee lien and conveyance .

  30. 社会实务对让于担保的强烈需求迫使大陆法系法学界开始对让与担保进行研究。

    As the demand for transferring guarantee stronger and stronger , the scholars of civil law system have begun to research about transferring guarantee .