
rànɡ dù
  • Transfer;alienate;enfeoffment;transfer the possession of
让渡 [ràng dù]
  • [amortize] 把财产所有权转让给

  • 让渡财产

  1. 每个个人都必须根据社会契约毫无保留地将其所有的自然权利让渡给整个团体。

    Each individual must by a social contract alienate all his natural rights without reservation to the whole community .

  2. 知识集合论把有关图书馆事业发展和图书馆学应用分支学科让渡出去,使图书馆和图书馆学失去了生存能力和存在价值。

    It makes libraries and library science lose liability and value to alienate the library development and applied subdisciplines from library science .

  3. 资源不得让渡。

    Resources are not subject to alienation .

  4. 论WTO成员方经济主权的让渡与国际责任

    Research on Alienating Economic Sovereignty and International Obligations of WTO Members

  5. B2C电子商务企业如何提升顾客让渡价值的思考与分析

    The Reflection on Improving Customer Delivered Value for B2C E-commerce Enterprises

  6. 造成国际投资仲裁裁决损害东道国主权的主要原因在于缔约国签订了高度自由的BIT,让渡了过多的主权。

    International investment arbitration awards causing damage on the sovereignty of the host country is mainly because that the host country has transferred too much sovereignty in signing BIT .

  7. videotape:录像磁带documentary:纪录片anticipated:预先的release:释放,发行,让渡现在性和谎言都在录像带上,在v的纪录片上,这成了今年最令人期待的新闻。

    Gossip girl : Now that sex and lies have been caught on videotape , V. 'S documentary just became the most anticipated new release of the year . -

  8. WIRTGENCHINA对非由其生产的主要部件的保修承诺仅限于将其享有的对该部件供应商的请求权进行让渡。

    WIRTGEN CHINA 's warranty for major components that have not been produced by WIRTGEN CHINA is limited to the assignment of its claims against the supplier of such components .

  9. 接着本文根据问卷调研获得的数据,运用SPSS统计软件对国内两大运营商中国移动和中国联通的顾客让渡价值情况进行了量化的分析比较;

    According to the data collected through questionnaire , the essay makes a quantitative comparison between domestic mobile operators-China Mobile and China Unicom - CDV with SPSS statistics software .

  10. 客户逆向价值即客户带给企业的价值。客户价值管理(CVM)研究对象是客户正向价值的管理,客户价值管理的核心是创造客户让渡价值。

    The research abject of CVM is the management of Customer Direct Value , the core of CVM is to create Customer Deliver Value .

  11. 经理股票期权(ESO)作为从企业所有者的剩余收益中拿出来让渡给经理人的部分剩余利润的索取权,它是有成本的。

    Executive Stock Option ( ESO ) incentive has cost because it is a demand on the part of executives for surplus value from the owner of the enterprises .

  12. 欧洲“核心”国家,如法国和德国【包括国际货币基金组织(IMF)】,正对周边国家发号施令,这种做法无异于暂时让渡主权。

    The " core " European nations , namely France and Germany ( along with the IMF ) , are now essentially calling the shots in the peripheral nations , which is tantamount to a temporary transfer of sovereignty .

  13. 异化一词出自拉丁文alienation,有让渡、转让、疏远、差异、分离、精神错乱等义。

    The word alienation , which has origin in Latin , has the same connotation with demisability , transference , estrangement , separation , mental disorder , etc. Afterwards , different philosophers have defined the alienation in diversified ways .

  14. 根据顾客价值因素构建B2C电子商务环境下顾客让渡价值的概念化模型,电子商务企业应采取相应措施来提高总顾客价值,降低总顾客成本,从而提高顾客让渡价值。

    In B2C e-commerce , the model of customer delivered value aims at increasing the total customer value whereas reducing the total customer cost . In this way can be increased customer delivered value .

  15. 这得看限定继承的具体内容和Cora堂婶的财产让渡协议

    It will depend on the exact terms of the entail and of the deed of gift when cousin Cora 's money was transferred to the estate .

  16. 并将其应用于分析当前由H5N1类型病毒传染引起的禽鸟死亡现象可知:第一,具有双向前级让渡(级中投入)交换优势的自然市场短暂性的失去了平衡;

    Be used to analyze the present bird 's death caused by infection with viruses of type H5N1 , it shows firstly that the natural markets to exchange advance deliveries ( intermediate inputs ) with two-way advantages transitorily are out of balance ;

  17. DSB的强制管辖权与国家主权原则表面上似乎是相矛盾的,但实质上两者是一种并行不悖的关系,是在全球化背景下,国家对主权的自我限制或让渡。

    The compulsory jurisdiction of the DSB is seemingly contradictory to the Doctrine of State Sovereignty , but substantially the two are compatible . It shows the state self-restricts or transfers its sovereignty on the background of globalization .

  18. 在伯克希尔哈撒韦(BerkshireHathaway),我们采用更高的标准,将投资定义为“现在将购买力让渡给他人,合理期待未来支付明义收益税率后,仍能获得更高的购买力”。

    At Berkshire Hathaway ( BRKa ) we take a more demanding approach , defining investing as the transfer to others of purchasing power now with the reasoned expectation of receiving more purchasing power after taxes have been paid on nominal gains in the future .

  19. 在分析的过程中,一方面结合案例,另一方面借助市场营销的一些理论,如:STP、客户让渡价值、供应链和价值链,做到了理论联系实际。

    In the course of this analysis , one hand we have researched this case , on the other hand we have had the help of some marketing theories , for example : STP , customer delivered value , supply chain and value chain .

  20. 顾客让渡价值理论及其战略意义

    Theoretical Analysis and its Strategic Meaning on the Customer Transfer Value

  21. 版权的争取、让渡与公众信息权利保障

    Approval and Assignment of Copyright and Protection of Public Information Right

  22. 顾客让渡价值分析:逆向营销视角

    Analysis on Customer Alienation Value : Marketing Perspective in Opposite Direction

  23. 即便没有让渡所有权,还是有许多困难。

    And even if expropriation is avoided , there are difficulties .

  24. 分析师称,国资委一直抵制让渡自己对国企的控制权。

    Analysts say Sasac has resisted relinquishing its authority over SOEs .

  25. 供电企业顾客让渡价值理论探讨

    On the Theory of Customer Concession Value in the Electric Power Enterprises

  26. 让渡证书财产转移时所依据的契约。

    The deed by which the property is so transferred .

  27. 主权让渡的法律涵义三辨

    Three Points of the Legal Meanings of Transfer of Sovereignty

  28. 让渡,弃权:把权利、头衔或要求让于另一个人。

    Relinquishment to another of a right , title , or claim .

  29. 基于价值让渡系统的中国轿车营销模式选择的评价

    Evaluation of Choosing Chinese Automobile Marketing Mode on the Basis of Delivered-Value-System

  30. 从公司价值、顾客让渡价值到公司战略的理性思考

    Rational Thinking From Corporate Value and Customer Delivered Value to Corporate Strategy