
dài lǐ fèi
  • agency fee;procuration fee;procuration money
  1. 代理人接受执行财物后,5个工作日内通知申请人。扣除代理费后,并将余款汇至申请人指定的账户。

    The agent shall inform the applicant after accepting the property within five working days and remit the remaining sum to appointed account by applicant after deducting the agency fee .

  2. 事情是这样的,因为我下星期要离开香港,所以今天来支付贵公司的代理费。

    C : Well , I am here to pay you the agency fee because I am leaving Hong Kong next week .

  3. 据SAG宣称,他们成员的年平均收入只有52000美元(26000欧元)&这还是在扣除代理费、律师费和其他的管理费之前的一个数字。

    According to SAG , the average annual income for one of its members is a mere $ 52,000 (£ 26,000 ) - before the agents , lawyers and managers take their cut .

  4. 航行国际航线船舶代理费收项目和标准

    Charges and Standard of Agent for Ships Sailing in International Route

  5. 有学者将其称为律师代理费的转移支付制度。

    One scholar called the attorney fee of transferring payment system .

  6. 一手中介代理费购房者享受了什么服务?

    Primary intermediary agency fees property buyers " enjoy " what services ?

  7. 律师代理费的求偿方式因是否采取强制律师代理制而有所不同;

    How to claim lawyer 's fees rests with how to take up lawyer agency system .

  8. 律师服务市场存在案件诉讼代理费何时支付以及支付多少的矛盾。

    In attorney service market , there exist the conflicts concerning the payment of lawsuit agent commission .

  9. 当成交我们公司将收取您成交金额的2.5%作为代理费。

    Our company will change a commission equivalent to2.5 % of the transaction price after the business .

  10. 我国国际航运行政管理体系结构研究航行国际航线船舶代理费收项目和标准

    System Structure of Chinese International Shipping Administration Charges and Standard of Agent for Ships Sailing in International Route

  11. 与英国司法体制不同的是,美国允许律师收取风险代理费。

    The American legal system , as distinct from the British one , allows lawyers to charge contingency fees .

  12. 如果客户同时申请多重外观设计,会在代理费上进行优惠。

    Where we file multiple applications for a client simultaneously , Allens provides a substantial discount to our usual service charge .

  13. 我国在司法实践中对民事诉讼律师代理费由败诉方负担的情况有三种。

    In Chinese judicial practice , there are three cases about the civil litigation fees which shall be borne by the losing party .

  14. 房东要租房时,他会损失一大笔钱,比如代理费,清洁费以及交易费。

    When a landlord has to rent out a vacant apartment , he loses a lot in broker fees , cleaning costs , and transaction costs .

  15. 而且办理案件代理费可以减半或者协商减得更多,节约大量代理费用。

    At the same time , agency fees can be reduced by half or more after consultation , as a result , it can be saved a lot .

  16. 四名货运公司前雇员,串谋向其雇主骗取代理费,较早时被裁定罪名成立,其后提出上诉,但被上诉法庭驳回。

    The court of Appeal dismissed the appeals by four former employees of a freight forwarding company against their convictions of conspiracy to defraud agency fees from their employer .

  17. 本公司将有权保留及收取由货运代理人按惯例保留或收取的所有代理费、佣金、补贴及其他报酬。

    The Company shall be entitled to retain and be paid all brokerages , commissions , allowances and other remunerations customarily retained by , or paid to , freight forwarders .

  18. 第十五条广告业务代理费标准,由国家工商行政管理机关会同国家物价管理机关制定。

    Article 15 . Rates of fees to be charged for acting as agents in advertising business shall be fixed by state administrative departments for industry and commerce and those in charge of price control .

  19. 我国法律统一规定民事诉讼律师代理费由败诉方承担在技术上可以操作,并且有成熟的国际经验借鉴,是完全可行的。

    The law of our country unified regulations in civil litigation attorney fee also shall be borne by the losing party which operates it technically . It also has a mature international experience for reference , and complete feasible .

  20. 机票市场伴随着经济的发展而得到快速的发展,作为机票市场中的代理商面临着重大的变革,随着机票电子客票化和机票代理费的变化,机票代理企业面临着必须变革才能有发展的境界。

    Airplane ticket market develops very fast along with rapid economic development and the agent in the market are facing enormous reform . With the change of e-ticket and agent fee , the airline ticket enterprises must reform to gain development .

  21. 保险公司违规支付代理手续费探析

    A Discussion on breaching the regulations to pay agency service charge in insurance company

  22. 在办理个人住房抵押贷款保险中,保险公司违规支付高额代理手续费已成为保险业的普遍现象。

    In mortgage loan insurance , breaching the regulations to pay agency service charge has already been the widespread phenomenon of the insurance industry .

  23. 一家空运企业就代理人为定期航班的运输出售的客票或填开的货运单支付给代理人的代理手续费。

    The rate of commission paid by an airline to an agent in respect of tickets sold or air waybills completed by that agent for carriage on scheduled services .

  24. 在零售业务阶段,通过大力发展代发工资,代理收付费业务,吸引和稳定了大批客户,带动了储蓄业务的增长,促进了相关业务的快速发展。

    During the phase of retailing service , ICBC attracted and stabilized large groups of clients through some agent for services . Promoting the rapid development of other relevant services .

  25. 保险代理人是指根据保险人的委托,向保险人收取代理手续费并在保险人授权的范围内办理保险业务的单位或者个人。

    Insurance agent is to point to the Commission according to the underwriter , the unit that stops to replace manage poundage and deal with insurance Wu inside the limits of underwriter accredit to the underwriter or individual .

  26. 文章基于对个人住房抵押贷款的审计实践,揭示了保险公司违规支付代理手续费的常见手法,并对其成因进行了深层次的分析,以此提出政策建议。

    Based on the audit practice of individual mortgage loan , the paper points out the familiar skill of breaching the regulations to pay agency service charge , and analyzes the causes , then puts forward a policy suggestion with this .

  27. 提供代理缴纳手机费、市话费、网费、学费等费用的服务,全面满足客户的各类缴费需求。

    It provides payment agent services for mobile phone fee , local telephone fee , Internet fee , tuition etc. , and all-roundly meets various payment needs of the clients .

  28. 代理业务手续费标准和付费方式;

    Service charge standards and payment for agency business ;

  29. 缴费站提供代理缴纳手机费、市话费、网费、学费等费用的服务,全面满足客户的各类缴费需求。

    Toll station It provides payment agent services for mobile phone fee , local telephone fee , Internet fee , tuition etc. , and all-roundly meets various payment needs of the clients .

  30. 按照规定的费率和约定的付费方式向代理行支付代理业务手续费;

    Pay agency charges to the agency bank as per the rate and in the way agreed between them ;