
dài xiè shī tiáo
  • metabolism disorder;disturbance of metabolism
  1. 结论内皮素,TXB2和6ketoPGF1α代谢失调可加速AMI的发病。

    Conclusion Metabolism disorder of ET , TXB 2 and 6 keto PGF 1 α accelerate attack of AMI .

  2. 花粉败育的原因可能是酶代谢失调,导致SOD和CAT活性下降、活性氧积累、膜系统损伤。

    The reasons resulting in microspore abortion of alloplasm was the decrease of activities of SOD and CAT , and damage of membrane systems led by accumulated active oxygen .

  3. 采用1型糖尿病大鼠模型,研究胰岛素信号传导途径及葡萄糖代谢失调对tau蛋白过度磷酸化的形成机制进行探讨。

    The roles of dysregulation of insulin signaling and glucose metabolism in hyperphosphorylation of tau in type 1 diabetic rats were studied .

  4. 结论在青春期表现有月经稀发和继发闭经的PCOS患者在育龄期有更严重的分泌代谢失调、并伴有较低的妊娠率。

    Conclusion The reproductive patients with PCOS who had oligomenorrhea and secondary amenorrhoea in puberty have more severe endocrinal disorders , such as hyperandrogenism and insulin resistant with lower fertility .

  5. 恰当的描述应该是,机体内一种或几种脂类代谢失调致使血中一种或几种脂质成分出现明显异常,称为血脂失调或血脂异常症(Dyslipidemia)。

    Appropriate description should be that one or more of the body resulting in lipid metabolism disorders in blood lipid composition of one or several significant exceptions , known as lipid disorders , or blood lipid abnormalities ( Dyslipidemia ) .

  6. 大豆孢囊线虫(Heteroderaglycines,SoybeanCystnematode,SCN)是一种土壤传播的植物专性内寄生线虫,其二龄幼虫从根尖侵入大豆根部,造成根组织的代谢失调和组织损伤,从而引起病害。

    Soybean cyst nematode ( SCN ), Heterodera glycines , is an obligate endoparasitic nematode in plant roots . The second stage juveniles invade the roots of soybean , induce the metabolism imbalance and injure the root tissues , which lead to plant diseases and yield losses .

  7. 结论:①脾切除可诱发胆固醇代谢失调。

    Conclusion : ① Splenectomy causes disorder of CHOL metabolism .

  8. 脂类代谢失调是脂肪肝的主要发病机理。

    The disorder of lipid metabolism is major pathogenesis of the disease .

  9. 水稻生长很差,代谢失调,表现在叶片中过高的过氧化物酶活性和较低的根的氧化力。

    , higher peroxidase activity in the leaves and lower oxidizing power of the rice roots .

  10. 并对高胰岛素血症的血脂代谢失调和血铬缺乏进行了讨论。

    The relationship between blood lipid metabolism disturbance of hyperinsulinemia and chromium deficiency has been discussed .

  11. 说明脂质代谢失调与胆结石无直接联系。

    It is demonstrated that the imbalance of lipid metabolism had no direct relationship with gallstones .

  12. 近来研究发现,阿尔茨海默病与微量元素的代谢失调有密切关系。

    Recent researches showed that Alzheimer disease has close relationship with metabolic disorder of trace elements .

  13. 水分胁迫下短枝型苹果幼树活性氧代谢失调对光合作用的影响

    The effects of disorder of active oxygen metabolism under water stress on photosynthetic rate of Spur-Apple Yong trees

  14. 湿证的病理基础是机体全身或局部水液代谢失调。

    The pathological basis of damp syndrome is the imbalance of water metabolism of whole body or local part .

  15. 肥胖症的发生机制是能量代谢失调的结果,其确切发病机制未完全清楚,目前认为主要与遗传因素和环境因素有关。

    Its exactly mechanisms are not very clear . It thinks that it is associated with inherited and environmental factors .

  16. 间质细胞增殖和凋亡失衡及细胞间质代谢失调也是造成肾小管间质纤维化的两个不可缺少的原因。

    The imbalance of interstitial cell proliferation and apoptosis and the metabolic disorder of intercellular substance , are two essential factors for renal tubulointerstitial fibrosis .

  17. 因此,活性氧代谢失调引发的生物膜结构破坏是猪肚菇子实体衰老的重要原因之一。

    Therefore , the metabolic disorder induced by the accumulation of active oxygen species was one of important factors for the senescence of Panus giganteus .

  18. 不育系花药中游离脯氨酸和游离天冬氨酸以及其它氨基酸的代谢失调是花粉败育的原因之一。

    The metabolic disorder of proline , aspartic acid and other free amino acids in " CMS158 " line is a cause of pollen abortion .

  19. 叶片代谢失调表现为参与多种代谢反应的苹果酸脱氢酶活性下降,生活的基本物质&水溶性蛋白质含量下降。

    Metabolic disorder of Hevea leaves was characterized by a decrease in the activity of NAD & malate dehydrogenase and in the content of soluble protein .

  20. 出现脑动脉硬化以后,脑部的血流量会相应地减少,从而引起脑代谢失调,继而出现失眠症状。

    Brain arterial stiffness , appear after blood flow to the brain will be reduced , and cause brain metabolism disorders , and then there insomnia .

  21. 一种症状为周期性疼痛肌肉痉挛和颤抖的不正常状态,由钙代谢失调引起,与甲状旁腺功能低下有关。

    An abnormal condition characterized by periodic painful muscular spasms and tremors , caused by faulty calcium metabolism and associated with diminished function of the parathyroid glands .

  22. 在类风湿关节炎状态下,破骨细胞增多及活化是骨代谢失调的主要病理表现之一,也是正畸牙移动中牙槽骨改建失衡的原因。

    The increasing number of osteoclasts and the active bone resorption are important pathological feature of bone metabolic disorders in both RA and orthodontic tooth movement . 3 .

  23. 痛风:遗传性代谢失调,因体内尿酸盐含量过多,在关节沉积为针状结晶而反复引发严重的急性炎症;在正常情况下,尿酸盐应随尿液排出。

    Gout : Hereditary metabolic disorder in which excess uric-acid salts , normally excreted in urine , are deposited as needle-sharp crystals in joints , causing attacks of severe inflammation .

  24. 本研究结果显示:不结球白菜种子在人工加速老化进程中贮藏物质逐渐消耗及呼吸代谢失调是种子老化的重要原因之一。

    It suggested that the consumption of storage material and the disorder of respiratory metabolism during accelerated aging process was one of the major causes leading to seed aging in non-heading Chinese cabbage . 3 .

  25. 50~59岁年龄组糖代谢失调病人明显增多。结论:外科医师要善于在术前发现营养失调的病人;

    The percentage of abnormal metabolism of saccharide was increased in age group of 50 ~ 59.The surgeons should find the patients who were in maladjusted nutrition , and nutrition service should direct the patients through regular diet investigation .

  26. 家兔力竭运动时,酸碱代谢失调,酸性代谢产物增加和碱性物质的减少是共同引起运动能力下降的重要原因。

    The disorder of acid-base metabolism , the increase of metabolic acid substance and the decrease of base substance in the blood of rabbits during exhausting exercise , is the important cause resulting in the decrease of physical working power .

  27. 运动导致缺铁引起铁代谢失调可能与运动导致铁吸收下降、摄入不足、铁丢失增加、不良的饮食习惯、溶血以及机体应激有关。

    The disorder of iron metabolism because of iron deficiency induced by exercise relates to the decrease of iron absorption , deficiency of iron intake , increase of iron lose , irrational dietetic habit , hemolysis and stress of the body .

  28. 其发病机制复杂,病程早期胰岛内出现细胞浸润,进而导致胰岛炎,在大量胰岛β细胞遭到破坏后,患者出现胰岛素缺乏及糖代谢失调。

    During the early date of diabetes , the islets appear cellular infiltration . Then it causes islet inflammation . After most of islet beta cells were destroyed , the patient will lack of insulin and be abnormal in glucose metabolism .

  29. 以往认为,肝脏切除广泛术后诱发肝功能衰竭的主要原因是因为手术切除了过多的肝实质,剩余肝细胞数量不足,肝脏代谢功能失调所致。

    In the past that the extensive occurrence of liver failure after hepatectomy the main reason is because too much liver resection , the remaining less than the number of liver cells , liver metabolism disorder .

  30. 结论慢性盆腔炎患者血液流变学指标的改变,可引起机体代谢和功能失调。

    Conclusion : The patients with chronic pelvic infetion having hemorheological changes may cause metabolism and function disorder .