
  • 网络Obesity rate
  1. 他对TitleNine实施前后就读高中的女性的肥胖率和体育活动水平进行了对比。

    He compared obesity rates and physical activity levels of women who had been in high school before and after Title Nine .

  2. 肥胖率升高的一个主要原因是缺乏锻炼。

    A lack of exercise is a huge factor in obesity rates .

  3. 但这些转变并不足以反映在美国创纪录的肥胖率里——目前总体肥胖率达到了36。5%。

    But those shifts have yet to be reflected in record obesity levels , which stand at 36.5 % overall in the US .

  4. 报告指出,18岁及以上居民超重率和肥胖率分别为34.3%和16.4%。

    According to the report , 34.3 percent of adult Chinese are overweight and 16.4 percent are obese .

  5. 预期寿命缩短的原因尚不清楚,但肥胖率的上升和公共支出的削减都被指为潜在因素。

    The reasons for the falls is unclear but rising obesity3 rates and cuts to public spending have both been blamed .

  6. 男、女生超重肥胖率及高血压患病率均差异无统计学意义(P均0.05)。

    Prevalence rate of overweight-obesity and hypertension between schoolboy and schoolgirl was no significant difference ( P0.05 ) .

  7. Frank当前的研究调查了一个社区的步行方便程度对肥胖率的影响。

    Frank 's current study examined whether a community 's walkability affected obesity rates .

  8. 结果H市某中学学生肥胖率为5.7%,男女肥胖率差别有显著性(P<0.01)。

    Results The rate of obesity students in H City was 5.7 % , with a boy predominance ( P < 0.01 ) .

  9. 超重肥胖率[(BMI)≥25]达33.7%,高血压患病率34.7%。

    The obesity rate [ ( BMD ≥ 25 ) ] is 33 . 7 % and the morbidity of hypertension is 34.7 % .

  10. 用卡方检验(X2)比较性别年龄组间血压偏高检出率、血糖偏高检出率、血脂异常检出率及肥胖率有无差别。

    Prevalence of hypertension , abnormal serum lipids and impaired FSG in sex-age groups were analyzed with Chi-square test .

  11. 3·除城市女性外,其他各组人群的体重指数(BMI)水平、腰围、超重+肥胖率(BMI≥24)、肥胖率(BMI≥28)和腹型肥胖率均呈上升趋势。

    Body mass index ( BMI ), waist circumference , prevalence rate of overweight , obesity and central obesity increased in all groups except for urban females .

  12. 在不同血浆VA水平组间,贫血患病率差异不明显,而超重肥胖率则差异显著。

    Among different groups of plasma VA level , the difference of anemia prevalence was not remarkable , but the difference of hypergravity rate was notable .

  13. 其中,男生109人,肥胖率为21.9%,女78人,肥胖率为15.4%,男生肥胖率高于女生肥胖率,两者差异具有统计学意义(P0.01)。

    Among them , 109 boys , obesity was 21.9 % , female 78 , obesity was 15.4 % , male obesity rates was higher than girls , the difference was statistically significant ( P0.01 ) . 3 .

  14. 结果中南大学大学生营养不良率为19.9%,肥胖率为26.3%,膳食蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物和维生素A、B2、C、钙等摄入与标准相当。其中肥胖率比重较大。

    [ Results ] The result shows that innutrition rate and adiposity rate of CSU students are 19.9 % and 26.3 % , and prandial protein , fat , carbohydrate and vitamin A , B2 , C and calcium absorbed are within standard .

  15. 研究者们使用统计模型,比较了上世纪70年代英国的BMI分布数据与2010年的分布预测。前者的人口肥胖率为3.5%,而后者为40%。

    Using statistical models , the authors compared the distribution of BMI in the United Kingdom in the 1970s when 3.5 percent of the population was obese with a prediction for the country 's BMI distribution in 2010 , reflecting 40 percent obesity .

  16. 近年来,人群肥胖率显著增加,并呈现日益年轻化的趋势。

    In recent years , the obesity rate has significantly increased .

  17. 肥胖率为53%(女生)。

    The obesity rate was 5 3 % in girls .

  18. 学生体质健康不达标率逐年递增,学生的肥胖率逐年增长。

    The general ratio of not reaching standard increases year by year .

  19. 结果:镇江市青少年学生肥胖率为4.6%。

    Results : The rate of obesity was 4.6 % .

  20. 斐济的肥胖率最低,为30%。

    Fiji had the lowest obesity rate at thirty percent .

  21. 肥胖率平均为2.9%。

    The average prevalence rate of obesity was 2.9 % .

  22. 目的了解医务人员身体脂肪含量及肥胖率。

    Objective To investigate body fat content and obesity rate of medical staffs .

  23. 由于人们食用的油腻食物越来越多,新加坡的肥胖率有所上升。

    Singapore has seen a rise in obesity as people increasingly eat fatty foods .

  24. 世界卫生组织(WHO)表示,太平洋岛国的肥胖率逐渐增加。

    The World Health Organization says obesity rates are rising in Pacific island countries .

  25. 男生肥胖率明显高于女生,平均为女生的2.12倍。

    The obesity rates of boys were 2.12 times of girls ' on average .

  26. 该战略的另一个重点就是控制不断增长的儿童肥胖率。

    Another key focus for the strategy is to reverse rising obesity among children .

  27. 好消息是:近年来肥胖率没有增加。

    The good news : obesity rates have not increased much in recent years .

  28. 而且在那些比较年幼的孩子们中间肥胖率实际上已经开始下降了

    And among our youngest children , the rates have actually started to decline .

  29. 超重率为1.6%,肥胖率为1.1%。

    The overweight rate of them is 1.6 % , obesity rate is 1.1 % .

  30. 所以肥胖率的上升不足为奇,而这一问题则对健康造成了严重影响。罪魁祸首是谁?

    It 's no wonder the incidence of obesity has soared-with serious implications for health .