
féi zào fěn
  • soap powder;powder detergent
  1. 肥皂粉别用得太多,这儿的水很软。

    Don 't use much soap powder the water here is very soft .

  2. 他们用肥皂粉洗衣服。

    They washed the clothes with soap powder .

  3. 据说肥皂粉污染了我们的饮用水。

    It is claimed that soap powders pollute the water we drink .

  4. 肥皂粉、洗涤剂和擦亮剂

    soap powders , detergents , and polishes .

  5. 买一包肥皂粉你就得到一只塑胶花的赠品。

    With each packet of soap powder you get a gift of a plastic flower .

  6. 是用肥皂粉洗衣服容易呢,还是用肥皂?

    Is it easier to wash with soap powder or with a bar of soap ?

  7. 一种碳酸的钠盐,用于制造肥皂粉、玻璃和纸张。

    A sodium salt of carbonic acid ; used in making soap powders and glass and paper .

  8. 在21世纪初期,随着第二次大起义在以色列和巴勒斯坦蔓延,一伙埃及人极力劝说阿拉伯国家的消费者一起联合起来共同抵制爱丽儿肥皂粉。

    In the early 2000s , as the second intifada raged in Israel and Palestine , a group of Egyptians urged Arab consumers to boycott Ariel soap powder .

  9. 肥皂和漂白粉混合是有毒的。

    Mixing soap and bleach together can be toxic .

  10. 如果是桃子汁可用草酸,再用肥皂或洗衣粉来洗。

    If it is a peach juice usable soap or oxalic acid , then wash detergent to .

  11. 不纯的硫酸钠,用于制纸浆,肥皂和洗衣粉,玻璃,陶瓷釉和染料。

    Impure sodium sulfate used in making paper pulp , soaps and detergents , glass , ceramic glazes , and dyes .

  12. 本文从这个角度阐述了衣物清洗剂从肥皂、洗衣粉到多功能环保型产品的发展过程。

    According to this , the development process of laundry detergent is related from soap and laundry powder to multifunctional and environmental products .

  13. 您可以炮制的组合,液体肥皂,烘焙粉,醋和水,创造更安全的清洁产品为您的家用。

    You can concoct combinations of liquid soap , baking powder , vinegar and water to create safer cleaning products for your home .

  14. 化学物质是现代社会不可缺少的生产资料和消费品,并作为医药、农药、化学肥料、塑料、纺织纤维、电子化学品、家庭装饰材料、肥皂和洗衣粉等广泛应用。

    Chemicals are indispensable means of production and consumer goods of the contemporary era . and has been vastly used in pharmaceutical , pesticide , fertilizer , plastic , textile fibers , electronic chemicals , house decorating materials , soup and bleach industries .

  15. 我也不能告诉你不舒服可能是因为对肥皂或对洗衣粉过敏。

    I also could not tell you that it was probably an allergic reaction to soap or laundry detergent .

  16. 对棕、绿色彩色棉织物进行酸、碱、水、肥皂液和洗衣粉浸洗,并采用不同晾晒方式和洗涤不同次数,将处理后的彩色棉织物采用Orintex计算机测色配色系统进行色系测试。

    The brown and green cotton knitted fabrics were washed different times using acid , alkali , water , soap bath and washing powder and then were dried in different modes .