
  • 网络Hematopathy;blood disease
  1. 导致皮下出血的血液疾病中的一种。

    Any of several blood diseases causing subcutaneous bleeding .

  2. 云南省两种遗传性血液疾病的基因突变研究

    The Study on Gene Mutations of Two Inherited Blood Diseases in Yunnan Province

  3. cDNA末端快速扩增技术及其在血液疾病上的应用

    Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends and Its Application in Hematological Disease

  4. 慢性再生障碍性贫血(CAA)是临床难治的血液疾病,其致病原因复杂,发病机制多样。

    Chronic aplastic anemia ( CAA ), with complex causings of disease and multiple pathogenic mechanism , is a refractory blood disease .

  5. 结论对于标准危险的恶性血液疾病患者,CY+fTBI±VP-16是有效的移植预处理方案。

    Conclusion HSCT with CY + fTBI ± VP-16 preconditioning would be an effective regimen for standard-risk patients with hematological malignancies .

  6. 不过这个血液疾病会很快消失。

    But the blood sickness is gonna wear off soon .

  7. 血小板大小及异质性对几种血液疾病影响的研究

    A Study of Platelet Size and Heterogeneity and Its Effect on Hematologic Diseases

  8. 不同血液疾病骨髓中环状核粒细胞的观察

    Observation on ring neutrophils in bone marrow of patients with various hematological diseases

  9. 专攻血液疾病和血液器官的医生。

    A doctor who specializes in diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs .

  10. 医学中有关血液疾病与生成血液器官的分支。

    The branch of medicine that deals with diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs .

  11. 去甲氧柔红霉素增强预处理的造血干细胞移植治疗高危因素的恶性血液疾病

    Idarubicin to intensify conditioning regimens of stem cell transplantation for hematological malignancies with high risks

  12. 但人类患有其它血液疾病&最重要的就是中风。

    But people do suffer from other blood problems – a leading one being stroke .

  13. 白细胞分类计数是医学临床检验的一个重要项目,也是判断各种血液疾病和其他相关疾病的重要依据。

    The count and recognition of white blood cells plays an important role in modern clinical practice .

  14. 血液疾病骨髓磁共振成像信号分型初探(附32例报告)

    Preliminary study on MRI signal classification in bone marrow of hematologic diseases ( 32 cases report )

  15. 黄军及其同事试图修改导致血液疾病β-地中海贫血的一个基因。

    Dr. Huang and his colleagues tried to modify a gene that causes a blood disorder called beta-thalassemia .

  16. 标准分次放疗预处理的造血干细胞移植治疗恶性血液疾病

    Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation with Fractionated Total Body Irradiation Based Preparation Regimen in Patients with Malignant Hematologic Diseases

  17. 这些发现可能有助地改善骨髓移植的成功率及建立更好的治疗危及生命的血液疾病的方法。

    The findings may help improve the success of bone marrow transplants and develop better treatments for life-threatening blood diseases .

  18. Ⅳ型,弥漫性信号变化。结论:血液疾病骨髓信号的分布与形态具有一定的规律,反映了相应的病理基础。

    Conclusion : Distribution and appearance of bone marrow signal in hematologic diseases had some regularities , which represent their corresponding pathological basis .

  19. 皮肤有四种:中性、油性、干燥和敏感。导致皮下出血的血液疾病中的一种。

    There are four kinds of skin : normal , oily , day and sensitive . any of several blood diseases causing subcutaneous bleeding .

  20. 血友病是一种罕见的血液疾病,遗传这种病的人极少或没有凝血因子,这些正是一种控制出血的蛋白质。

    Hemophilia is a rare blood disorder , and people born with this condition have little or no clotting factor , a protein that controls bleeding .

  21. 镰状细胞性贫血是一种基因血液疾病,血红细胞性状异常呈新月形或镰刀状。

    Sickle cell anemia is a genetic blood disorder in which the red blood cells form abnormally , taking the shape of a crescent or sickle .

  22. 中国的一个科研小组最近透露,他们从一个人类胚胎上切除β-地中海贫血症(一种遗传性血液疾病)基因的操作取得了部分成功。

    a team in China recently revealed they had partially succeeded in excising the gene for beta thalassaemia , an inherited blood disorder , from a human embryo .

  23. 温哥华岛屿医疗当局表示,在接受了一台经过被污染了的外科手术仪器治疗之后,高达500名病人可能暴露在血液疾病的危险中。

    Those are examples of blood illnesses the Vancouver Island Health Authority says up to 500 patients may have been after being treated with a piece of surgical equipment .

  24. 将其总结分型,便于正确认识血液疾病骨髓信号的变化,提高诊断水平。

    Summarizing the MRI signal pattern of bone marrow in hematologic diseases were helpful to correct recognizing MRI signal changes of bone marrow and increase diagnostic level of hematologic disease .

  25. 对照组为武汉市另一三甲医院内体检中心随机调查的个体,自身免疫疾病、血液疾病、曾经患过恶性肿瘤均排除在外。

    The control group from random survey individuals in Medical center of another three-level hospital in Wuhan , autoimmune disease , blood disease , have been suffering from malignant tumors were excluded .

  26. 英国志愿医生玛丽.布利尔说,这家诊所主要治疗呼吸道疾病,例如肺炎、严重腹泻及呕吐,同时也治疗血液疾病。

    Workload British volunteer doctor Mary Boullier says the clinic 's workload focuses on treating respiratory infections , such as pneumonia , and severe diarrhea and vomiting as well as blood disorders .

  27. 这种技术可以用于小鼠和人类;中国的一个科研小组最近透露,他们从一个人类胚胎上切除β-地中海贫血症(一种遗传性血液疾病)基因的操作取得了部分成功。

    The technology works on mice and men ; a team in China recently revealed they had partially succeeded in excising the gene for beta thalassaemia , an inherited blood disorder , from a human embryo .

  28. 外周血干细胞移植已广泛用于临床肿瘤辅助治疗、血液疾病治疗和以造血干细胞为靶细胞的基因治疗等。

    Peripheral blood stem cell transplantation ( PBSCT ) is widely applied for clinic assistant treament for tumors , blood diseases and gene therapy in which blood stem cells are used as target cells and so on .

  29. 研究红细胞及其血红蛋白的结构和功能有助于深入了解红细胞的携氧功能甚至血液疾病的病理,为诊断和治疗提供理论依据。

    Peeping into the structure of erythrocyte and hemoglobin would make human understand the oxygen carrying capacity of erythrocyte and the pathology of red blood cells disease , which provided the theoretical basis for diagnosis and treatment .

  30. 采用先进的计算机图像处理与分析技术完成白细胞分类计数是辅助诊断血液疾病的重要方法。

    Classification and counting of leukocyte types , by dint of the advanced computer technology for image processing and analysis , is of great importance due to its crucial role in study of assistant diagnosis of blood diseases .