
  • 网络plasma concentration;Cmax;AUC;TDM
  1. 血药浓度监测与毒物中毒的临床分析

    Analysis of Clinical Data About TDM and Poison Toxicosis

  2. 结论:该方法简便、准确,适合于临床血药浓度监测。

    CONCLUSION : The method was convenient , rapid , accurate and suitable for TDM .

  3. 目的比较丝裂霉素C磁性纳米球胶体溶液与丝裂霉素C在小鼠体内的血药浓度及相关药动学参数。

    OBJECTIVE To compare the differences of pharmacokinetics parameters of Mitomycin C injections and its magnetic nanoparticles .

  4. 发生促心律失常作用的血药浓度为2.29μg/ml。

    The plasma concentration of proarrhythmic effects was 2.29 μ g / ml.

  5. 维生素K3对安定血药浓度及药理作用的影响

    Effect of Vitamin K 3 on Blood drug Concentration and Pharmacologic Action of Diazepam

  6. 维持有效血药浓度时间TCP4.06±0.14(h);

    Time of effective blood drug concentration ( TCP ) was 4.06 ± 0.14 ( h );

  7. 采用HPLC测定血清中的血药浓度。

    Drug concentrations in serum were assayed by HPLC .

  8. 采用HPLC法测定给药后不同时间的泮托拉唑血药浓度。

    Pantoprazole concentrations in plasma were determined by HPLC in the different times .

  9. HPLC法测定压平乐血药浓度及药代动力学研究

    Determination of Serum Concentration of Atenolol by HPLC and Study of the Pharmacokinetics

  10. HPLC法测定乳酸氟罗沙星分散片的血药浓度及药动学研究

    Determination of lactic acid fleroxacin disket 's concentration in blood by HPLC and pharmacokinetics analysis

  11. 方法:采用HPLC法测定大鼠血浆中双黄连粉针中绿原酸的血药浓度。

    METHODS : Using HPLC , pharmacokinetics of chloro-genic acid in shuanghuanglian powder injection was determined .

  12. 本文采用HPLC柱切换技术建立了阿霉素(Adriamicin)血药浓度的测定方法。

    A HPLC method for determination of adriamycin in plasma was established using column switching technique .

  13. 目的:建立阿莫西林-克拉维酸血药浓度的HPLC法。

    AIM : To establish a HPLC method for the determination of amoxycillin-clavulanic acid in human plasma .

  14. ~(99m)Tc标记法测定注射用脂质体包裹神经生长因子血药浓度及其药代动力学初步分析

    Pharmacokinetics research of ~ ( 99m ) Tc-NGF packed with liposome

  15. 麦考酚酸及其代谢物血药浓度的HPLC法简介

    Brief introduction of HPLC method for determination of the plasma concentrations of mycophenolic acid and its glucuronide metabolite

  16. 犬应用注射缓释剂后1~6个月血药浓度为0.051~0.2μg/ml;

    And that of dogs given praziquantel sustained release injections was 0.050-0.2 μ g / ml from 1 to 6 months .

  17. 胺碘酮血药浓度与QT间期离散度的相关性研究

    The Relationship Study between the Serum Concentration of Amiodarone and QT Dispersion

  18. RP-HPLC测定盐酸二甲双胍的血药浓度

    Determination of Metformin Hydrochloride Concentration in Body Fluids By RP-HPLC

  19. 目的建立全血中环孢素A(CsA)的HPLC测定方法,并用于临床血药浓度监测。

    OBJECTIVE To establish a HPLC method for the determination of cyclosporine A in whole blood .

  20. 胺碘酮也可降低IDA及SR,但与血药浓度无关。结论普罗帕酮和胺碘酮均可降低安置起搏器病人的心脏感知功能。

    Conclusion Propafenone and amiodarone reduce cardiac sensing function of patients with pacemaker .

  21. 目的:比较高效液相色谱法(HPLC)和微生物法测定氧氟沙星血药浓度。

    AIM : To compare high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) and bioassay for determination of ofloxacin in human plasma .

  22. 采用HPLC方法测定治疗后4周及8周时利培酮及其代谢产物9&羟利培酮的血药浓度。

    The drug concentration of risperidone and 9-OH-risperidone were detected by using HPLC at week 4 , 8 after the treatment .

  23. 方法10名健康受试者单次静脉滴注300600mg后用HPLC测定体内帕珠沙星的血药浓度。

    METHODS 300 or 600 mg pazufloxacin mesilate was intravenously infused to 10 volunteers . The serum concentration was determined by HPLC .

  24. 结论用Bayesian反馈法估算个体药代动力学参数及预测血药浓度,可满足临床优化个体化给药方案的需要。

    CONCLUSION Bayesian approach is suitable for estimating individual pharmacokinetic parameters , forecasting plasma concentration and optimizing individual dosage regimens .

  25. 健康人血清中川芎复方来源的FA血药浓度最高和最低定量值之间表现出3~8倍的差异。

    There were 3 ~ 8 times difference between maximum and minimum quantitative value of serum FA concentration .

  26. 目的建立HPLC测定舒他西林颗粒剂中氨苄西林血药浓度的方法,并研究其在健康人体内的药物动力学。

    OBJECTIVE To establish an HPLC-FLU method to measure the plasma concentration of ampicillin in sultamicillin granules and study the pharmacokinetics in healthy volunteers .

  27. 维持其血药浓度200μg/L;

    The dose of CsA was adjusted to maintain blood through levels of 200 ng / ml.

  28. 目的:探讨肝移植(OLT)受者环孢素A(CsA)合理的血药浓度监测指标。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the blood level monitoring of CsA for liver transplantation patients .

  29. 肠腔灌注5Fu后肠系膜静脉和周围静脉血药浓度测定肠腔化疗机制探讨

    The determination of blood drug concetration in mesenteric and peripheral veins after intraluminal infusion of fluorouracil - an exploration of mechanism on intraluminal chemotherapy

  30. 确诊后应调整FK506的用药剂量,使其血药浓度维持在治疗窗内,并积极保护移植肝功能。

    FK506 dosage should be adjusted after confirming diagnosis and protection of liver function is needed .